Another Note


This is Enko:


Chapter one ~ „Intersection“

„The school came out to be such a pain in the butt,“ Enko growled, tapping her fingers on the desk.
„Ne, Enko-chan, do you study a lot?“ a brown haired girl asked, „Cause you always seem to be unfocused and bored during the classes.“
„Such a common question to ask, fairily dumb too.“ Enko thought while smirking.

The black haired girl gave a loud snort. Then se jerked her head backwards and retorted.

„No, I’m just... lucky to be gifted.“ A bold look rested on her face.


Lunch break was over, when all the students rushed back in, some of them still munching with specks of their luch on shirts.

The raven haired girl was at her place already. She looked trough the window. The sun was getting tired, as the rainclouds lurked, waiting for an oportunity to take over.

Sensei walked in. She had a slow pace, and well known shoe-tapping, her footsteps could’ve been recognized in a mile radius.

Enko blinked, tilting her head to take a glance at the woman entering, before getting back to her watching of the sky struggle.

„The Cathechism,“ she mumbled for herself, „I just know what will happen this time. Classes became so predictable, it’s not even funny.“

Enko’s eyes shot open, when unpleasant shalk screach filled the classroom. Sensei apologized.

’Shinigami’, was written across the black board. Enko blinked with a trace of interest.

„Class,“ Sensei spoke, „Today’s subject are Shinigamis.“

A few curious looks formed among the crowd of teenagers, while the rest of them just sighed annoyed with another pointless argument preparing.

„I would like the two of you to step in front and tell me what you think on this subject. Any volunteers?“

Enko rose her hand, curiosity took the best of her.

„Alright then,“ the woman smiled softly, „Kasumi Enko-san, and Yagami Raito-san, please step forward.“
„I was right on the target,“ Enko stood up groggily, „Another debate’s coming, and it’s my turn to win.“


„Tell me, Enko, do you think Shinigamis exist?“ sensei asked.

The class looked mildly interested.

„Sure do.“ Enko shrugged.
„What about you, Raito?“
„No, I don’t belive such things can be found.“ Raito smirked, blooming with confidence.
„I agree. They cannot be found, if you know not where to look.“ Enko looked at him from the corner of her hazel eyes.

Raito didn’t look a slightly bit touched, though he was pretty good at acting.

„Even if you were the greates seeker, which I doubt you are capable of being, you couldn’t find something that doesn’t exist.“ He shot her a glare back.
„You need to be lost to find things that cannot be found, otherwise...“ Enko paused, her attention being drawn by an object falling outside, „... everyone else would know where they are.“

The boys face lit up with eagerness to win.


The bell rang announcing the end of another period. Enko was at her desk. She took her bag and stepped towards the window.

Yagami Raito-san, has picked up something that looked like a thin black book.


Stay tuned for ~ next chapter
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