Don't Mess with Us, We Kick A- I Mean, Prod Buttock

Where the hell are you?

I glanced at my watch, waiting for my mates to show up. Abbi was stood next to be, hopping from one foot to the other, complaining she needed to piss.
Yeah? So? What was I supposed to do about it? S'not my fault we were early.
"FRED!" screeched Abbi, "I NEED TO PISS SO BAD!" She calls me Fred. Although, its not my name, its just a nickname. And I am a girl. Abbi says she ain't as sure, but you gotta trust me on this one. My hair is blonde, my eyes blue, blah blah blah.
"Go then!" I said, "Do you really need my permission?"
"Yeah man," said Abbi, "An' I need ya to come with me, otherwise I might get raped in the loos."
I rolled my eyes. "Sure, sure. Only by me."
"Whoooooooooooooooo," said Abbi, being pathetically enthusiastic. I swear someone gave her drugs this morning. Actually, she was usually like this. She's really loud, and very talkative. And...well, yanno, the type of person who laughs in the middle of a funeral, coz she remembered something funny.
Silly child.
She's confident, with greeny blue eyes and brown hair with a side fringe.
She's a year younger than me, but our group is all various ages anyway. It doesn't matter to us, even if some idiots moaned about it. She's a TINY bit taller than me, which sucks.
"ZARA!" I screamed, as the awesome lass herself skipped - yeah, skipped- down the road, arm in arm with Emz.
"EMZ!" screamed Abbi.
We hugged them, ignoring the screams of "LEZZIES!" of small minded people. Well, I ignored them. Emz shrieked, "AND PROUD!" back. Yeah, she's a lesbian, so what? What you gonna do about it? No, I joke, she is straight...leastways, that's what she says.
Emz wears glasses, has green eyes, and pale skin [vampireee!] and is loud. Most of the time. There are a few times when she's quiet, like if we drug her, but mostly she's loud. She's also clever, but then again, most of us are really. It's one of the things that don't make us too popular. She's quite sensitive too, so a certain member of our group *cough* Ruthie *cough* makes a point of protectiing her, but to be honest, I think she just fancies her. Hehe. Nahh. I'm joking again - I think. Emz, again, is a year below me.
Zara is the youngest of us, being in yr 8. I find it mildly amusing she's the tallest, at 5ft8. She is hilarious, but kinda quiet, and shy when she firsts meets someone. And then you really get to know her. She wears glasses too, actually. Her hair is blonde and her eyes blue, but I don't really see what that has to do with anything.
As the first bell went, we didn't have time to wait for the others, and we all hopped off in our different directions.
I went with Emz, coz the devil made it so she was in the classroom opposite, and we toddled up the stairs.
It was a helluva long time to wait until break.
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Its a different style to what I normally write, but....yeah.