Don't Mess with Us, We Kick A- I Mean, Prod Buttock

Goodbye? Nah, lets stay a bit longer.

“Shall we go now then?” asked Emz, after they’d finished the scrabble game. Emz had won, under mysterious circumstances. At first, Cherri was way in the lead but then…nobody quite knew what happened.
“Yeah, sure, if you want,” said Zara.
“Emz?” said Ruthie, quivering.
“Stop talking to me!”
Ruthie squeezed her eyes shut, trying not to cry.
“Don’t be so mean, Emz,” Hrl said, feeling sorry for Ruthie.
“Let’s go,” said Kath.
The chicken followed them.
“It’s a stalker,” said Jess.
“It’s Ellef,” I muttered.
There was a murmur of agreement.
“Let’s call it Ellef then,” said Zara fondly.
“NO! Let’s call it Eminem,” said Abbi.
“But that would mean Eminem is a chicken,” I pointed out.
“He IS a chicken,” said Kath.
Abbi wiped a tear from her face. “I wanna go home.”
“Where’s the fun in that?” demanded Kath, “I say we terrorize them all.”
“Awesome,” said Zara.
“Yeah!” said Jess, grinning.
Nova shrugged. “To be honest, I don’t want to see Ellef again-”
“It’ll be fun!” said Cherri encouragingly. They began to walk back upstairs.
“Emz,” Ruthie said tentatively, “Can I have a word?”
“N-” began Emz, but softened at the expression on Ruthie’s face. “Well, okay then.”
The last thing I saw was Ruthie’s smile before the door closed.

Emz’s POV.

I didn’t really want to be alone with Ruthie. Not anymore. I swear she really liked me…
“Emz, I was so worried about you!”
Worried about me? Oh come on, I was with Ellef? How can ANYONE be worried? I mean, seriously.
“Um, why?” I asked, puzzled.
“In case Ellef…in case…he raped you,” Ruthie said.
Ah yes. I was always suspicious about the apparent rape that happened. It would seem to me Ruthie could fight Ellef off. Apparently not.
“I’d be fine,” I said dismissively, “Can we go with the others now?”
“No, wait!” Ruthie said, as I moved towards the door. Why had Ruthie shut it anyway?
“What?” I said, turning to look at her.
And that’s when she kissed me.
Quite fiercely.
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