Don't Mess with Us, We Kick A- I Mean, Prod Buttock

Ellef Doesn't Want Free Porn!

Fred's POV.

“What’s happening?” hissed Zara, her ear pressed to the door.
“I can’t really see,” said Jess, who was peering through the keyhole.
“Goddammit,” said Kath, “I want to know what is going on. Why can’t we just open the fucking door?”
“Because that isn’t the proper way,” said Hrl.
“Opposed to peering through keyholes and listening at doors?” I asked, dubiously.
“Yes,” said Hrl.
I shrugged. “Okay.”
The door suddenly swung open, towards us. It hurt.
“Ow,” complained Nova, rubbing her nose.
“Why where you spying on us?” thundered Ruthie.
“Er…free porn?” ventured Cherri.
Ruthie’s eyes narrowed in anger. But Emz threw her arms around Kath and Jess. “Thank youuu!”
Kath started sneaking her hands down Emz’s jeans, but Emz moved away.
“Uh, for what?” asked Jess, bewildered.
Emz just smiled.
“Anyway, what were we doing?” asked Nova.
“Do you suffer from short term memory loss?” asked Abbi, innocently. Because she is a sweet, innocent child. Honest.
“And deafness,” I added.
“We were going to rape the things downstairs,” Kath reminded them.
“Oh yeah,” said Nova, “Why can’t we just go? Not that I’m against the idea of terrorizing and rape but…honestly, I don’t wanna do it to them
Kath shrugged. “Tough.”
“Let’s go,” said Hrl, beginning the trudge upstairs.
As Emz tried to walk, Ruthie grabbed her arm and held her back.

Ruthies POV

My heart. Pounding. So hard, so fast, so loud! Why couldn’t she hear it?
“Emz?” I whispered, staring at one of my true loves.
“What?” Emz asked, folding her arms.
Okay, I admit, that wasn’t the way it was supposed to go, not the way I imagined it, not the way I dreamed it…although, actually, in my dreams she had also been naked…and with David Tennant for a threesome…but I could live with that, as long as she did everything else she was meant to!
“Emz, do you like me?” I asked, softly, quietly.
There was a creak behind us.
“Shut up, Cherri, you’re being too loud!” said the unmistakable voice of Zara.
“Me? ME?” said Cherri, attempting to whisper.
“You’ve trod on my toe Abbi,” complained Fred.
“Jess, get your hands off my boobs!” Nova hissed.
“Kath is feeling my ass!” Jess said.
“That’s not Kath, that’s Zara,” Abbi corrected her.
“Really?” said Jess, surprised.
“Go away!” I yelled, turning to them. Except I couldn’t see them, as the stairs curved. “I know you are there!”
There was a sigh as Ellef and Bongo and the others stepped into view.
“Okay, you caught us, we were only wanting to see if you all got out!” Cuppa said.
“Not wanting free porn at all!” Ellef added.
“GO AWAY!” I shrieked, so loudly.
I heard Kath said, “If we sellotape her mouth shut, she can’t make as much noise.”
“And you lot too!” I said, peering round the stairs to see them all piled up…some in…compromising positions, Kath practically raping someone.
They left.
I was alone this time, properly alone…with Emz.