Don't Mess with Us, We Kick A- I Mean, Prod Buttock

You made us late!

Ruthie's POV

"It was all Jess' fault," I said automatically, opening my mouth and pointing at Jess. Since my next door neighbour was a goddamn student manager thingy [don't ask me, I don't know what they are] I was always careful with my excuses and stuff.
If she told my parents, they might take away my supply of cookies. I cannot LIVE without cookies.
Mrs Goolam [that's my neighbour!] simply raised an eyebrow.
"It was her fault!" I wailed.
Jess glared at me. Hmm, how can I describe Jess? She's shy and quiet, sure, but she also has a short temper. She's confused a lot, even though she is quite clever. She is crazy if you know her. She wears glasses, and overall is just awesome.
Not as awesome as Emz. I always feel a pang in my chest when I think of Emz.
I shook my head. Can't think of her now, no way.
Mrs Goolam signed us in, and we headed upstairs to our first period, since we had TOTALLY MISSED REGISTRATION. It was all Jess' fault, honestly. We had our first period together. We're both in yr 9.
"I love you really," I told her, sitting down next to her.
She sniffed, but said, "Of course."
"LEZZIEESS!" came the oh-so-unoriginal-and-unexpected yell.
"Ah, shut up you bunch of demented bananas. You're all gay anyway," I said, putting two fingers up at them, in what could be called an unladylike gesture.
While Jess said, "Oh, surreee we're lezzies."
I tried not to go red. Honestly, I AM straight.
It was a very boring lesson. Jess fell asleep, so I poked her with a ruler. It was the most interesting thing that happened until second period.
When I was with Emz.
Urgh, it would be so much easier if Emz was a man! Why oh why couldn't she be a goddamn man?
"Hi Emz," I said, sliding into the seat behind her. Our dumb teacher had put us in a seating plan, but luckily I was sat behind Emz. I don't know, God must have been smiling down on me or something.
Oh yeah, I believe in God. Got a problem? No? Good. I'm a Christian if anybody is interested.
I spent a lot of the lesson staring at Emz's back, to tell the truth. And I doodled her name in my book.
This is not good.
Other than that though, that lesson was as dull as the first. Jess falling asleep was still the most interesting thing that happened. Until break.
Oh yeah, it got quite interesting at break.
♠ ♠ ♠

This chapter is for Rwoofie. She's a dog yay :)

Anywayz, I'd really like it if you read this crap and commented.