Don't Mess with Us, We Kick A- I Mean, Prod Buttock

Zara gets naked.


Story: I'm stupid....?

*story cries*

That's it, I'm not writing any more of this dumb tail. You're not. I'm not putting down what you say, Fred. I can do it all by ma sen.

Fred: IT'S SPELT TALE, YOU TWERP. See, you need me.

Story: LIES.

Fred rolls her eyes and says, whatever. I'll give you cookies! And Abbi's phone number, coz I know you lluuurrveee Abbi...

Story: yay!!!


"Um, where is everyone?" asked Abbi.
"Everyone as in three people?" queried Nova.
Ruthie was getting in a right state. "Emz? WHERE THE HELL IS EMZ?"
"Calm down," Zara told her, calmly letting Kath lick the chocolate off her.
I pulled a face. "Ew, how can you eat that? It's white chocolate, for fuck's sake!"
"But Zara's made it taste sweet," replied Kath, her tongue exploring where straight girls' tongues don't normally go.
"Hey!" said Zara, "There's no chocolate up there!"
"But it's sweeter than chocolate," said Kath, at the same time Nova pulled a face and went, "Why aren't you wearing any underwear, Zara?"
"Hey, Kath don't wear bras, I don't wear knickers," grinned Zara.
Abbi stared at me.
"Whut?" I asked, trying to avoid looking at a now mostly naked Zara.
"Nothing," said Abbi, blushing.
"LET'S GET NAKED!" screeched Nova, beginning to strip. Nova was a very good stripper. At least, that's what the porn mag we bought her from told us.
"I already am," said Zara, while Ruthie looked sad.
I expect she was missing Emz. I mean, the opportunity to see Emz naked...I'm surprised Ruthie didn't cry she looked so depressed and upset.
"WHOOP!" yelled Abbi, flinging her top into the air.
"Shit!" said Kath, "Damn, why do security guards always come at the wrong moment? First in the toilets, then now-"
Zara scrambled to put her top back on and we pegged it out of the shopping centre.
I passed an iNova advertisement along the way [Nova had spread from her porn mag exploits, she now had an iNova line. I was manager, before Bongo had raped the rights to it off Nova and now it belonged completely to him]
"I want one!" I wailed, loudly.
"I'll get you one for your birthday," Abbi told me.
I grinned. "And I'll give you a pole-dancing show! Oooh, or a lap dance!"
We were both happy.
Out of the shopping centre, we waved through the glass at the panting security guards, who were staring at Zara.
She was still mostly naked. She only had a top on.
"Abbi, Abbi, Abbi!" I sang, loudly.
"FREDDY!" screamed Abbi. She jumped on a bench and danced. Eminem had just come on the radio.
While I stared, gaping, at Abbi, I could hear Ruthie talking in desperate tones to Zara.
"Don't you know ANYTHING about where they might be?" she asked.
"I remember one thing..." said Zara, slowly.
"Cherri phoned me and said they were getting kidnapped by those pervy men," said Zara.
Everyone stared, dead silent.
Everyone except Abbi, who was still dancing, and giggling at a dog who'd just peed in a buggy and the mother hadn't noticed.
"Heeheehee," she giggled. I poked her.
"What?" she said.
♠ ♠ ♠
For Abbi darlin.