Don't Mess with Us, We Kick A- I Mean, Prod Buttock

Oh no.

We were held ‘hostage’ by Ellef.
“Erm, no,” said Zara, when he announced this.
“I’ll take off this top!” said Ellef.
“Okay,” said Zara, almost meekly.
We didn’t want to face that horror again.
He made us walk up to the house - not the cardboard box, the real house - with him walking behind us.
“Is Ellef shooting at us again?” asked Nova.
“No,” said Zara, “That was just me. I farted.”
I stared at her. “That was…weird.”
“Why thank you,” said Zara, proudly.
“Zara’s farts are very well known,” said Kath, “Haven’t you heard them before?”
“I thought that was one of Hurly’s bombs,” I admitted.
“Nope!” said Hrl cheerfully, “Zara.”
Ellef poked Hrl in the back with the gun. “Shut up.”
“You do know you are still holding it the wrong way round?” said Ruthie.
“SHUT UP!” howled Ellef.
“You aren’t a wolf,” pointed out Nova, “You shouldn’t howl.”
“No,” I agreed, “I like wolves.”
Ellef moaned. Maybe…No, don’t think that thought.
We skipped and toddled and pranced inside the house, where some of Ellef’s ‘friends’ - I think we all know what that means - stopped raping each other and stared at us.
I expect they were admiring our sexiness and awesomeness.
“RAPE!” screamed Abbi.
Does she have a fetish with that word or what? She does with Eminem. M&M’s. Yummy.
Ellef has a fetish with Nova. It’s so easy to tell.
“I’m hungry,” I whined, thinking of M&M’s and sweets and chocolate orange…Oranges…mmm.
“Me too,” said Kath, glaring at Ellef, “Order us pizza.”
“I’m on a diet!” protested Hrl, “I only eat chips!”
Ellef poked Nova.
“Shut up,” said Ruthie, “We need to find Emz!”
“It’s okay Ruthie,” said Abbi, patting her.
“I’m not a dog!” protested Ruthie.
“Woof woof!” said Abbi, grinning like a mad woman, which she was.
Ellef’s ‘friends’ were still staring at us.
“Oo-er,” said Zara, “I’m getting worried…”
♠ ♠ ♠
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