Sequel: In the End

It Started Off With Just A Trip To Oakland, California


My eyes snapped open, and I sat up. I could see in front of me... I spun around and looked at my clock... I pressed the light, it flashed 5:43... It worked! I was already feeling better, as I put my head back on the pillow... But I couldn't help think... What if I was dreaming about all that.. But what if I wasn't dreaming about Billie Joe's death.
I got up, and ran into his bedroom. I stood there for a minute, and didn't hear him snore. Thats when I started to freak out.
"Billie Joe!" I yelled, pushing him, and doing whatever I could to see if he was alive, to see if he would wake up.
"Wha? What the hell you doin to me?! Why are you... Stop!" he said, as I was wacking him, trying to get him to wake up.
It was a dream... Thank fucking god!
"You're alive!" I yelled, sitting down on his bed, hugging him.
"What? When was I dead?"
"I had a dream, I woke up, and I didn't hear you snoring-"
"I snore?"
"Billie! Listen to me!"
"Right, sorry"
"So, in the nightmare, I woke up, and I couldn't see anything, and my clock didn't work, and I bumped into a wall, and went into your room, and I couldn't see you, so I turned on your light, and still couldn't really see you... But from what I did see, you were dead!" I said, trying not to cry... And doing a horrible job.
He propped himself up on his pillow, and reached for the light, over his bed, and turned it on. I was sitting, cross-legged on his bed, with my head in my hands, crying. That dream had scared the death outta me, seeing Billie Joe in his bed... Dead.
He pulled me closer to him, so I was laying down next to him, while he had one arm around me.
I can't even begin to say how happy I was that it was a dream. Even though I knew it was a dream, I still couldn't help but cry.
He held me close to him, and turned off the light. I slowly stopped crying... Billie Joe barely said anything, but he made me feel better, by just being there with me.
"Billie Joe?"
"For what?"
"Just... Thanks... For... Everything"
I turned my head a little bit, to see him smile, with his eyes closed, falling asleep. I turned my head back around, and began to fall asleep. I felt him put his nose in my hair, and slowly fall asleep. I smiled, and closed my eyes... I knew if I had a bad dream, he was right next to me. I smiled, and sighed before falling asleep. I felt safe in his arms... Really safe.
It had all been a dream... Just a stupid dream that I had. For a moment in my life... When I had woken up... I was scared to breath... But like I kept telling myself... None of that mattered, because I was now okay, and Billie Joe was laying next to me... Alive.
Right before I did fall asleep, I heard Billie Joe snore quietly... I had never been so happy to hear him snore. I had never been so happy to hear ANYONE snore.
"Night Billie Joe" I managed to say, and then I drifted back to sleep