Sequel: In the End

It Started Off With Just A Trip To Oakland, California

Nothing More Than This

"Billie Joe!" I yelled, getting up, stumbling, and then running after him.
He just ignored me, and kept walking.
"Billie!" I yelled, by now tears going into my eyes.
I had been so stupid, so fucking stupid. Why did I do that? Jason and I were just friends, Billie Joe and I were friends, too... But closer. Why did I have to get drunk and screw everything up? 10 fucking minutes! Why did I need to stay another 10 minutes?! Like REALLY!? What idiot goes to stay another 10 minutes when he wants to take you back home...
I caught up to him, and put my hand on his shoulder to stop him from walking away from me any more. After how he made me feel so much better last night, and hell, since the day I met him, I got piss ass drunk, and kissed one of his band mates.
"What?" He snapped, spinning around to face me.
"Billie, I swear, I-"
"I don't give a fuck about your explanation, I REALLY don't," He spat
"Please Billi-"
"I'm leaving, right now. You can either get in the car, and come home, or walk...'cause right now I don't give a shit if you really do walk."
"I'll.. Um... I'll walk..." I said.
"Fine, I'll see you at home maybe," he said, and he walked away.
I walked to where Tre and Mike where both passed out, and I walked out. Billie Joe's car wasn't there. God, he had left quickly. I started back to the house, and in a little while I was there... But Billie Joe wasn't.
I opened the door, and walked in, and sat down on the couch, turning on the TV. I needed water... Now.
I finished my glass, and sat back down on the couch. Billie Joe wasn't home... And that was really starting to scare me. I just hoped he wasn't doing anything... To get me mad...
It had been hours, and I was more sober. I decided to go to sleep. I didn't want to know what Billie Joe was doing. Just as I was about to finally go to sleep, I saw the door open, and Billie Joe literally fall into the house. He'd been out drinking even more, god that wasn't good.
He got up from his fall, and tried to walk over to the couch, but his legs kept giving way, and he would fall. I wanted to jump up and help him, but that wouldn't help anything.
He kept falling, and I couldn't help but wonder how much he really had drunk. He fell one more time before I got up to help him walk over to the couch. The door was a far way from the couch he was going to, and it was even farther away if you were as drunk as he was.
"I don't want your help," He slurred, as I but his arm around my neck to help him to the couch.
"I know, and I don't care. You're gonna end up killing yourself your falling so much." I said, trying to get him to take another step.
He was silent, as he kept almost falling, but I held him up.
"Why did you kiss him?" he slurred, but I still knew what he had been asking.
"I never meant anything by it... I was drunk-" I stopped abruptly as Billie Joe's legs went out from underneath him due to the amount of alcohol his body consumed. "God Billie Joe! How many more fucking drinks did you have?! I thought you were coming back here?!"
He just looked at me, and then down. "I just went to the bar to get something to drink, I didn't mean to have more than that."
"More than what, Billie?"
"More than that" He slurred.
"More than what?"
"More than that!" He slurred, getting annoyed.
"Whatever," I grunted, and I finally got him to the couch.
I could smell all the alcohol on him, and it was strong smell. I didn't know how much he had, and I didn't really want to know.
"I hope your little fun night at the bar-"
"What fun?" he slurred.
"I don't know what you did down there Billie Joe, but-"
"I drank, like most people at bars do."
For a drunk, he knew what the hell to say.
"No fucking dugh Billie Joe. But you went there for a reason."
"No fucking dugh Mandy," He mocked.
"Whatever, Billie Joe. What I'm saying is that I'm 18... Your 33," I stopped, he had looked up at me from the couch with a hurt expression on his face, he knew where this was going, "I shouldn't have to help you walk across your own damn living room because your drunk from being at a bar."
He just looked at me, a really hurt expression on his face, which only made it harder for me to stand there and talk to him. I don't think he really had expected me to say that to him.
"And with how drunk you are, I don't know what you did in the bar-"
"What the hell is that suppose to mean?!" he snapped.
"I don't KNOW, Billie Joe! But am I supposed to think you went to the bar, got drunk, and left?!"
"Yes!" He said raising his voice and standing up, "What the hell do you think I would do?!"
"You left more than pissed off at me-"
"And I had every right to be!"
"WHY?! It was JUST a LITTLE kiss! Why do you care so much about it?!"
"Why don't you?! If I came home with one of your friends and just kissed them-"
"Why would you even say that?"
"Because that's what just happened!"
I knew he was right, but I didn't want to admit it.
"Whatever, Billie Joe." I said, and I went to walk back to the other couch, when he grabbed my hand.
"What are you-"
But I was cut off by his mouth claiming mine as he kissed me. He took me by surprise, that was a definite. He was so drunk he couldn't walk without falling, but he still kissed like he had the night when my mom had come... Last night in other words...
"Billie... Joe..." I said breathless as he took a breath, "Your... Drunk..."
"I know," he slurred, before going back in for another kiss.
"Billie... Joe... I... Can't... When you're like this" I said, I was enjoying his kiss, I'll admit that, but he was drunk, and I felt like that kiss was me taking advantage of him, even though he was the one that kissed me.
"Why?" he asked, stealing another kiss.
"Cuz your drunk... Drunk is never good when your alone in a house-"
He just looked at me, and then sighed. "I promise... Nothing more than this is gonna happen," he slurred, before going in for another kiss, knocking me back on the couch.
I really had no idea what was going on except for the fact I was making out with Billie Joe on his sofa while he was piss ass drunk. Hadn't I just been arguing with him?
"Billie... Really... You're drunk."
"We went over that,"
"I know..."
"I know you know," he slurred, and before I could answer he went back for another kiss


"Sunlight... God, goo away," I heard someone say.
I lifted my head, and looked around. My head was pounding from being drunk.
"God, my head," I groaned, holding my head.
I had forgotten about everything last night, for a moment, and then at once it all came rushing back to me. Where was Billie Joe? I'm guessing he was the one who was complaining about the sun...
I rolled over, and fell off the couch, and landed with a thud. It was a little higher drop than I had thought. I looked up, to see a annoyed Billie Joe (Because of the sunlight) looking down at me.
"Hi," I mumbled, sitting up, and rubbing my head.
"Hi," He replied, trying not to laugh at the look on my face.
I got up, and went into the kitchen to get something to drink, maybe something to eat.
Billie Joe followed me, and looked in the fridge, and just closing it. He walked out of the kitchen, and then came back taking aspirin's. He handed me two, thank god. My head was pounding, it felt like Tre had gotten in my mind and started to play his drums.
We were both into one thing... Doing nothing. Our heads hurt, and we were both still taking in everything that had happened last night, from kissing Jason, to making out.
I sat down on the sofa, and just leaned forward, staring at the floor, still confused... Confused about pretty much everything. Confused about things I shouldn't be confused about... Which made me even more confused why I was confused... God, I have to stop thinking so much.
We both still had the clothes that we had yesterday on. My eyeliner was all messed up from crying when I had gotten back, and Billie Joe had the worst head ache... I would have been surprised if he didn't after how much he had drank.
"So..." Said Billie Joe, looking up at me, and breaking the silence, "You kissed Jason."
'I kissed you a lot more than him' I thought to myself.
I nodded, not looking up at him. I didn't want to be questioned.
He didn't say much after that. With my luck, that's all he would remember...
"I'm... Sorry..." I whispered, going back to feeling really bad.
Billie Joe didn't say anything, making me wonder if he was still there.
Then I heard him sigh, and I noticed he had come over and sat next to me.
"We were both drunk, shots are never the best thing to have at times" he said, with a smile, "And then going to a bar after really doesn't help."
I laughed, and nodded. Billie Joe got up, and went to go upstairs.
"Where are you going?" I asked.
He looked at me like I was speaking in a different language.
"I don't know about you, but I'm starving, and the aspirin is gonna kick in soon, and we already know we don't want anything to eat in the house." he said, smiling
I laughed, and got up, to go change. I was still confused about last night, but when Billie Joe had practically offered to forget about what happened at Tre's house, I took the offer. Like I said, Jason and I were friends.. But Billie Joe and I were closer friends...