I Won't See You Tonight


Life in Huntington Beach California can get pretty complicated sometimes... And it's about to get worse... You see:

Brianna Haner (also known as Bree), Brian's twin sister is in love with Zacky, not that he has any idea. Brianna also has a bit of an arrangement with her best friend, Matt Sanders: No-strings-attached sex.

Brian Haner Jr., is openly gay, and also in love with Zacky (unknown to his sister, and vice-versa).One night at a party Zacky, who's bisexual, and Brian work out an arrangement of their own.

Zacky Baker thinks of Brian strictly as his best friend and now, fuck buddy. The two of them are both in need of sex and that's that. But Zacky thinks of Brianna.... every waking moment.

One night at yet another party the close knit group of friends attend (which include Johnny, Jimmy and Jimmy's girlfriend Layne, of couse), Matt finally convinces Bree to finally tell Zacky how she feels and the two begin dating shortly after...

How will Brian take the news? And what happens when Matt realizes, there may be a bit of a complication with the 'no-strings-attached' bit of his and Bree's deal?

Read and find out, my loves.

**Readers discretion is advised**
  1. 1
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  16. 16
    Warning: This chapter involves a lot of strong themes that may not be suitable for all audiences. Rape is involved, continue with discretion.
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    The last chapter. <3