Maybe Memories

A Going away party.

This girl named Kaitlyn, she is intertwined with two other people that play a considerate roll in my life; Autumn and Lewis. Autumn is my cousin, only two years older than myself, which of course made no difference to us. She was my best friend for years, up until Lisa at least. Autumn had a little obsession with playing Barbie dolls, probably because of the tragic stuff that happened in the pas--but that doesn’t matter, she’s sixteen, almost seventeen and still plays Barbie dolls.

But I’m getting off point. I met a lot of people that would later play important parts in my life later on down the road. It was the summer of two thousand and six, June fourth, and Autumn was throwing a moving away party. Of course, you know by now that that particular day in time is never the best for me and I was dreading going to this party. But still I went. I met a lot people that day, but let’s start it out with Lewis, who at the time was my cousin Nicole’s boyfriend.

Lewis also two years older than I am, but you all know that I defiantly do not act my age. Lewis I guess could be labeled “emo”, he wore the tight, black skinny jeans, he had the jet black hair that ate his face, and he wore eyeliner. He also was six foot one, a drummer--talented at that, loved the same music as I did--he loved Avenged Sevenfold, He was exceedingly funny, and he--even though he was dating my cousin--somehow found me attractive. I didn’t know that at the time, but it was important nonetheless.

But lets get off the Lewis subject for now, let me tell you about a girl that was again, a year and half older than me, named Kaitlyn. She was funny and despite that I want to say nasty things about her right now, beautiful. She was funny and stupid just like myself. She was loud and obnoxious, so basically she was just like me. She defended Hawthorne Heights with me, and ultimately made me laugh on that day. For the first time in two years I laughed on June fourth, it might have been because I was using my super power of pretending everything wasn’t real, but still.

We hit it off that day and the next day we were e-mailing each other and talking like we were best friend. And we were friends that day, fast friends. We just clicked, more than Autumn and I did, more than Autumn and her, who was her best friend at the time. And it was soon before I replaced Autumn and Kaitlyn became my number one, before I considered her family.

There was one other person that should be considered in this equation of people that come into play later down the road, and this particular character stays dormant for almost three years before you hear of him again. But he does play a part in the future so I might as well mention that I met him at this party, where I met everyone else that would change my future. His name was Will, and he was awesome in my fifth grade eyes. He was a freshman and he could play the guitar; he hated all my favorite bands and he was the object of Autumn’s affection at the time--which changed like seasons.

But now, I’m getting ahead of myself. Before we ever talk about Kaitlyn or Will again, we must revisit Lewis. Lewis, my very first boyfriend and love. Lewis the one who lead me down the path of self-destruction, whether he meant to or not.
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This one is really short, but the next one will be all about my crazy little drummer boy.

* Just a little warning, the next one might get a little graphic at some parts.