You + Me + The Devil Makes 3

Chapter 2

Eva’s POV

“Fag!” A hock said pushing someone into a locker.

No one touched me because I had gone out with the head jock. I don’t know how I got him…I’m…I’m a nobody.

“Are you alright?” I asked the boy.
I helped him up.
I looked at him, red and black eyeliner.
The guy from the bus.

“Eva!”He gasped.


“Frank Remember!”

“How could I forget..”

I started walking off.

“Eva, Wait!” He said running after me and grabbing my hand.

A burning sensation flowed up my arm.
I quickly pulled back my arm.

“Um…can I spend lunch with you?”

Sure if you want to spend lunch smoking behind the P.E building.

“I suppose” I answered

“Yay! Okay meet here?”

“I guess”

“Okay see you later!” Frank said.

I walked to my locker and opened it, a note fell out
On the note it said:

Dear Eva

I'm Really Sorry,

I Miss You,

I Want You,

I Love You,

Love from Brad


“Hmmm…This would make a good fire” I thought aloud.

I screwed it up and shoved it in to my front pocket of my backpack.

I felt arms wrap around me.

“Hey babe” Said the familiar voice.

I turned around,

“Get off me” I shouted

“Did you get my note?” Brad asked

I shut my locker and walked away

“I know you want me!” He shouted down the corridor.

I propped my arm up and gave him the fingers.

I walked In the door of chemistry and someone had taken my usual seat.
I looked around the room for a vacant one.

I saw this little man waving at me.

“Oh oh oh EVA!”

“Oh great” I said rolling my eyes.

I sat beside him.
I watched him doing his work, he was really smart, he looked like he actually enjoyed chem.
Pssh…I was just sitting there with a dumb look on my face.

“Um do you need any help?” Frank asked
“haha i'm not very good a chemistry” I laughed

“Do you want me to Tudor you? Free of charge!” he said smiling

“That would be great!”

“Would you like to come to my place after school?” He said excitedly.

I nodded and smiled.