Living for the Music

Chapter Eleven

I turned around and stared at the classroom door for a second. I hated math. I hated mornings. Combing the two did nothing to put me in a good mood. In fact, it tended to wreck the good mood I was sometimes in. But I couldn’t skip math without failing, and if I failed I’d just have to take it this summer. I might as well get it over with.

I slid into my seat just before the final bell. At the teacher’s look, I stuck my Frappachino into my purse to save for later. All through the lesson, I tried to pay attention, I really did. But I had barely mastered graphing lines with one variable. How the heck was I supposed to do it with two?

I faked my way through the class, frantically taking notes in hope that something would miraculously make sense. When the teacher was finally done talking, I obediently opened my book to the required pages.

The next 25 minutes seemed endless as I stumbled through the math. I knew I must be doing it wrong, but there was no one I could ask to help me. Finally, the bell rang, releasing me from the torture.

English was a little better. As long as I was writing, the teacher didn’t care what I was writing. The teachers didn’t know me – I was the quiet girl in the back, the one nobody talked to. They left me alone as long as I pretended to pay attention.

By the time forth hour came, I was ready for the break. Music composition was my favorite class. It was the only class that never failed to put me in a good mood. This was the only class I actively participated in.

Once the bell rang, Ms. Dunford swept in. “Everyone should be working on their songs. Except for… you.”

She called a new boy up to the front of the class, but I was too busy to pay attention to him. I opened my backpack and pulled out my precious notebook, opening it up and examining what I had already written.

Verse One
Another day, another place
I’m just another face
Flashing through your vision
Then forgotten and erased

Verse Two
Another hope another wish
As fleeting as a kiss
Nothing coming true
So why even take the risk?

Broken shards of self-esteem
Falling down to shred my dreams
I can’t run, I can’t scream
Caught up in this endless scheme

I sighed, staring at the unfinished chorus. It sounded too much like the verse. I needed to add something, or at least change the melody.

When the bell rang, I jumped in shock. I had been so caught up in my writing I hadn’t noticed the time going by. I quickly zipped my backpack and picked up my notebook, heading upstairs to the cafeteria.

I stood in line for the latest experiment the lunch ladies had come up with. It was never especially good, but it was always… interesting. Finally, I got my food and made my way towards our table.

Aaron stood up when I got near, a small smile on his face. “Hey babe,” he called.

“Hey,” I replied as he leaned in to kiss me on the cheek.

“Got a surprise for you,” he announced.

“You didn’t finish your Frappachino?” I guessed.

“Well, I did get a cookie you can have,” he laughed, “but that’s not it.”

“What-” My words died in my throat as I glanced around in time to see the boy sitting next to Aaron stand up. “Holy crap."

I stared at the new arrival. I must be imaging things. There was no way he could be here... he couldn't possibly be. But it had to be...

♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, you probably saw that coming. Originally he wasn't going to come back that quickly... but the drama is so much better if he does.

I dunno, maybe I'll change it later... but probably not.

Also, the song is mine. So don't bother googling it. At least that's what I do when I see lyrics... Anyways.