Living for the Music

Chapter Twelve

He looked… different. In a good way. His hair was longer, his jeans were tighter, and his t-shirt advertised a band I had never heard of. But his eyes were the same bright green I remembered. And he was smiling at me, the same crooked grin I remembered from first grade.

“Hey Sophie,” he replied. His voice was deeper, and as I looked at him I could tell he’d finally gotten that growth spurt he’d been hoping for.

I took a step backwards, glancing between Aaron and Seth. “When did you get back?”

“Yesterday,” he answered.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked quietly.

He sighed, sticking his hands deep into his pockets. “I sent you a message yesterday when we got in.”

I stared at him before shaking my head. It was his own business that he hadn’t wanted to tell me. “Where’re you staying?”

“Right next door,” he grinned.

My mind was whirling. How had I not noticed? Granted, it had been late when I got home, but I normally noticed stuff like that. “Wow,” I finally said, clutching my notebook to my chest.

Aaron grinned at me, wrapping an arm around my waist. “I know, huh? I was just telling Seth how we were talking about him the other day.”

I nodded, making my way to the other side of the table. Seth had taken my regular seat. The two boys sat back down and I was conscious of the fact that all the eyes at the table were currently focused on us. I half-heartedly picked at my food – anything to avoid looking at my former best friend. I couldn't believe he was here, eating lunch with us as if nothing had changed.

“Here,” Aaron said, gently grabbing my hand to stop my nervous movements. He reached into his bag and pulled out a huge chocolate chip cookie. I grinned at him, reaching out to take the treat.

He pulled it back teasingly. “Not so fast.”

“Aaron,” I moaned, making a sweep at it. “Come on.”

“It’s gonna cost you,” he threatened.

I leaned across the table towards him. “How much?”

He quickly stole a kiss before backing away. “Here you go,” he grinned, handing me the cookie.

“You could’ve just asked,” I laughed. Glancing over, I caught sight of Seth again, feeling suddenly awkward.

“So much for never going out with Aaron, huh?” he said lightly.

I flinched as I shot a hasty glanced at my boyfriend, wondering if this would set him off. But he’d released all his anger last night. He simply frowned in confusion. “Huh? When was that?”

“Like seventh grade,” I assured him. “Back when you were a jerk.”

“I was never a jerk!” he protested.

Nicole laughed with me. “Yeah, you definitely were,” she agreed. “I think we all hated you as much as we loved you.”

The bell rang, warning us that only five minutes remained. “Here, Sophie, let me see your schedule,” Seth asked. I dug around in my bag for the well-worn sheet of paper, finally pulling it out. He and Aaron both huddled over it, comparing it to Seth’s neat sheet.

“I’m in your forth and last hour,” Seth finally said, handing it back.

“Wait, what?” I asked. “You weren’t in music comp.”

“Yeah I was.”

“I didn’t see you,” I finally said.

“I saw you,” he admitted.

“And you didn’t say anything?” I asked incredulously, despair mixing in with my disgust.

“You seemed really into your writing,” he defended himself, motioning at my notebook.

Aaron laughed. “Oh yeah. You don’t interrupt Sophia when she’s on a roll.”

“I didn’t get that much done today,” I admitted. “I ended up erasing most of it.”

“Can I see it?” Seth asked.

“No,” I snapped, hugging the notebook to my chest.

“Don’t take it personally,” Aaron comforted him. “No one touches that notebook but her. It goes with her everywhere. She even sleeps with it.”

“Shut up,” I laughed, forcing myself to loosen my grip. “I do not.”

“It’s sacred,” he added solemnly.

I shook my head, standing up to dump my tray. By the time I got back to the table, everyone was gathering up their stuff in preparation of the bell. Aaron waited for me to pick up my backpack. I stuck my pencil in my notebook spiral and stuck it under my arm.

“See you later, Seth,” Aaron called as he grabbed my hand. I caught a glimpse of Seth watching us as Aaron and I walked towards the up staircase. There was a weird expression on his face, but for the first time since I’d met him I couldn’t read it. Guess three years makes a bit of a difference.
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He's ba-ack!