Living for the Music

Chapter Forty-Two

I ran into the cafeteria, heading full speed towards our table. “Seth!” I called.

He immediately stood up, turning around to watch me. “You got news?”

“I did it!” I cried. “I made it!”

“Seriously?” he laughed. I nodded, finally reaching him. He pulled me into a hug, wrapping his arms around my waist. I rested me head against his chest, squeezing him tightly. He was the only person I wanted to tell.

“You’re amazing, Sophie,” he whispered in my ear. My face hurt from smiling so much. I couldn’t believe this was happening to me.

Suddenly, a strong hand on my shoulder yanked me away. I stumbled backwards, the backs of my legs hitting the table. Aaron was glaring at Seth as he shoved me behind him. “Don’t touch her,” he spat.

Seth stared at him in confusion. “What?”

“Don’t touch my girlfriend,” Aaron repeated in a calm, deadly voice.

“Come on, man. We’re friends.”

“You’re buying her coffee, giving her hugs, spending more time with her than I am. Go find someone else to spoil. I want you to leave Sophia alone.”

“It doesn’t matter what you want,” Seth replied. “I’m here to make Sophie happy, not you.”

I didn’t see it coming. Maybe I should of, but I didn’t realize what was happening until Aaron’s fist connected with Seth’s face. I winced, knowing first-hand how much that hurt. I saw Seth’s eyes darken before he wound up and punched Aaron right back.

And before I could do anything, they were attacking each other. I hate fights, and seeing me two best friends – alright, my only two friends – attacking each other was more than I could handle. I saw Aaron hit Seth in the stomach, and realized he had knocked the wind out of Seth as he fell to the ground. The more startling revelation was that Aaron didn’t seem to have any plan to stop. He was still hitting Seth, even as the other boy lay on the ground.

I pushed through the crowd that had formed and grabbed Aaron’s arm. “Stop,” I cried. His arm came out and hit my wrist. I flinched, letting go of him. I saw Seth watching me as he got his breath back, and couldn’t handle the suspicion in his eyes. “That’s enough,” I whispered in Aaron’s ear.

Something seemed to get through to him. By the time the teachers finally pushed their way through the crowd, Aaron was standing in front of me and Seth was pushing himself off the ground. I could tell he was still pissed, but he wasn’t going to do anything stupid.

“You two – office. Now.”

I shrunk back into the crowd as the boys were led away. This was not going to be pretty.
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Sorry it's not the best fight scene... but I wanted to write one. So I did (: