Living for the Music

Chapter Forty-Three

Neither of the boys were back by sixth hour. Luckily, we were just taking notes so I didn’t feel like I was hurting their grades. Still, I was getting curious. I couldn’t stop wondering what had happened. They were probably suspended. But for how long? Dang, Mara was going to be pissed.

I headed to my locker, then outside. I wasn’t sure how I was getting home. Maybe I’d actually take the bus for once. But to my surprise, Aaron was lounging in the front seat of his Prius. I knocked on the window and he leaned over to open the door. “Hey,” I said, sliding in. “Are you okay?”

He waved off my concern. “Never better.”

I raised an eyebrow at him, scanning his body for injuries. I could see a mark on his cheek, and thought his arms might be bruised tomorrow. But it wasn’t as bad as I was suspecting. “You suspended?”

“Of course,” he said lightly. "Today, Monday, and Tuesday.”

I nodded. That wasn’t too bad, either. “But I’ll still give you a ride home today, and Monday. Seth’ll be back Tuesday so he can take care of you.”

I knew that was all the apology I’d get – the gift of his trust. I knew it’d take longer for Seth to calm down, and wasn’t looking forward to the explanations I knew he’d ask for.

“So, I was thinking… you want to go to a movie? Just us?”

I grinned at him. “What about food?”

He paused for a moment. “Lee Ann Chins?”

I laughed and nodded. Aaron knew all about my secret craving for Chinese food. I’m sure Lee Ann Chins wasn’t the best I could find, but it sure tasted good. “Let’s go.”

The night was amazing. Aaron was a good boyfriend, but not the sickly sweet perfect guy I normally got stuck with after an episode. He let me pick the movie, and when we were in the car driving home he kept me entertained with random stories that popped into his head. I'd never heard any of them before, and it was really funny.

But I couldn't ignore the constant beeping of my phone. It was on vibrate, so I knew Aaron couldn't hear, but every time I checked I saw that Seth had called or texted me. He obviously wanted answers, and I was afraid he wouldn't give up until he got them.
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It's short, but I wanted to put something up cause I got 2 comments and another subscriber. Which makes me happy (:

I've got a pretty low-key weekend (finally) so I'll try to update again tomorrow. But I'm finally going to see Slumdog Millionaire, so I may forget.