Living for the Music

Chapter Fifty

I tried to keep Seth at a distance for the rest of the week. I needed my own time to think things through. I was beginning to realize I may have overreacted slightly. It might have been an honest mistake. Of course, no one forced him to read the piece, but he’d been trying to do something nice.

By the time sixth hour rolled around on Friday, I was too tired to worry about keeping Seth away. Aaron had texted me during forth hour to say goodbye. He was spending Christmas in Florida with his extended family. I was jealous, but I knew the time away would probably be good for both of us.

Seth looked surprised when I sat down next to him. “Hey,” he said cautiously.

“Hey,” I replied, staring down at my pile of books.

“Where’s Aaron?” he asked.

“Somewhere above us,” I replied vaguely. I had to stop from laughing at his puzzled expression. “He’s on his way to Florida. He’s spending Christmas there.”

“And New Year’s?”

“Yeah. He’s getting back the forth or something. The Sunday before we start back.”

Seth nodded. “So you’re alone for Christmas.”

I shrugged. “That’s nothing new.”

He opened his mouth to suggest something, but Mr. Togen walked in before he could. I was beginning to hate his timing. It always seemed to interrupt something. “Okay, guys, today you should be doing Day Two on your lab report. Anyone need me to spell it out for them?”

No one answered. “Good. Hop to it, then.”

Seth glanced at me. “So, you ready to do some actual work?”

“I work,” I snapped, feeling insulted. “It’s you guys who never give me anything to do. I’ve done everything you’ve asked me to.”

“Chill, Sophie,” he laughed. “I was just kidding. Come on, let’s go fight for our stuff.”

It was kind of nice working with him, just the two of us. It was like a flashback of junior high. I wasn’t that surprised when we were some of the first people done. I sealed my petri dish with masking tape and handed it to Seth. He carried the three over to the cabinet where they would sit for the next two weeks. Let’s just say that Seth and Aaron could handle the second inspection.

“So…” Seth began cautiously. “Do you need a ride home? With Aaron gone?”

I didn’t answer, suddenly becoming very interested in my notebook.

Say yes, my mind coaxed.

Why? It’ll just be awkward.

It’s better than taking the bus.

I don’t have to talk to anyone on the bus.

You owe him this much, my conscience said firmly. He deserves the chance to talk.

I took a deep breath. “Yeah,” I finally answered. “A ride would be great.”

Seth looked a little startled. He’d obviously been prepared for a let-down. “Really? Cool. I’ll meet you at your locker.”

I nodded as I packed up my books. Sixth hour always seemed to fly by. I battled the halls, full of hyped-up kids who didn’t need to come to school for the next two weeks. The amount of energy that was finally being released could power two atomic bombs. It was a miracle we hadn’t exploded before now.

I pushed through a lip-locked couple to reach my locker. The boy flipped me off, but his girlfriend distracted him before he could say anything. I rolled my eyes as I spun the dial to open my locker. I carefully balanced my backpack on my knee, pulling a few binders out with my good hand. I swore softly as the bag began to fall.

A hand reached out and caught it before it hit the ground. I looked over to see Seth holding it easily with one hand. “Thanks,” I muttered.

“Here, let me grab that,” he suggested, reaching past me to stick the binders into my bag. “Anything else?”

I shook my head. “Just these,” I said, motioning to the two notebooks that I still cradled in my arms. He plucked those out of my hand and added them to the pile.

“Your bag, madam,” he said formally, playfully bowing. I smiled at him, carefully reaching for it with my good arm.

“Never mind,” he countered, pulling my bag back. “I’ll carry it.”

“You sure?” I asked. He nodded and I shrugged. “Okay then.”

“When does that thing come off?” he asked, motioning to my sling.

“Tomorrow, hopefully.”

“Just in time for the wedding,” he agreed.


“What? You’re coming, right?” He glanced over at me. “Come on, Sophie. You have to. Nathan really wants you there.”

I sighed. “Really?”

“Yes,” Seth said firmly. “You have to come.”

“Okay, I guess.”

“Good,” he sighed in relief. “That makes me feel so much better. Now come on, let’s go home.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I meant to get this out yesterday but.... it didn't happen.

Mostly because I was at a swim meet again, and then I went to see Rent. Which had the two original guys (Anthony Rapp and Aaron Pascal) and was absolutely amazing.

So here it is.