Living for the Music

Chapter Fifty-Four

I slid into my seat, taking a quick minute to glance around the table. Everyone looked like they were about my age, but I didn’t know any of them. They were probably connected to Nathan in some way, but I was out of the loop.

I watched with everyone else as the wedding party made their way up to the table. Seth and Cassie were the second to last ones out, and I couldn’t help watching them together. They both looked so happy. And of course Nathan and Gabby still looked like they were floating on air.

Finally, everyone was seated, including the parents. They didn’t get spots at the main table – the head table or whatever – but I could see another one labeled ‘Table of Honor’ a few feet away. I hoped the parents got along. Otherwise, it could be a long night.

The waiters began serving the food, and I spent a lot of time listening in on the rest of the group’s conversation. Most of them seemed to know each other – they kept referring to things that I sure wasn’t privy to. I picked at my food and tried to make myself as small as possible. If they were going to pretend I didn’t exist, I could play along with them.

Periodically throughout the meal, someone would tap their glass and the whole room would pick up on it, and no one would stop until the new bride and groom kissed again. And again. I got a little sick of watching it, but no one else seemed to mind. I guess I was the odd one out, as usual.

I perked up a little at the speeches, but they quickly lost my attention. The mother of the bride seemed to be holding back tears, which was touching but not very interesting. Cassie said some kind words as well, but I didn’t know enough about Gabby for them to interest me. And Seth… well, I admit I paid attention to Seth.

Some of it didn’t seem important. He told a couple stories about the two of them when they were younger. I remembered some of the events, but I couldn’t help noticing how the three of us going ice-skating had suddenly turned into just the two of them. I wasn’t sure whether Seth had forgotten I was there, or if he was just choosing not to mention me. And honestly, I wasn’t sure which one I’d prefer.

“Nathan’s my brother, but he’s also been my best friend for the past seventeen years. He’s the only person I can trust to always have my back. He is head over heels in love with Gabby, and I couldn’t be happier for him. I’m pleased to welcome Gabby into the family, and wish her the best of luck in attempting to tame him.”

There was a roar of laughter as Seth sat down, and I knew that was what he’d been going for. But his words stung. I guess I hadn’t been the best friend I thought I was. I guess he never really trusted me. My eyes met his for a split second, but I looked away before he could read anything. Not that it had stopped him in the past, but I was suddenly back to being pissed at him. Trust Seth to give me mood swings.

“And now, the traditional father-daughter dance,” the DJ announced. A crowd formed around the dance floor, everyone wanting to watch the first dance of the evening. I couldn’t watch. I knew that the chances of me ever being able to dance like that with my dad were slim to none. I didn’t need another reminder of the fact. I helped myself to a piece of the wedding cake and sat by myself at the table, trying not to look to out of place.

Finally, the song was done. I took a deep breath as the cheers filled the room. Now the mother-son dance, then I could start planning to cut out. Nathan couldn’t honestly expect me to stay for the whole time, right?

I grabbed another piece of cake just so I had something to do with my hands. I listened to the music, standing silently in the shadow of one of the huge pillars. It seemed like everyone under thirty was on the dance floor. For a moment, I debated joining them, but immediately dismissed the thought. I looked odd enough without dancing by myself.

As the music began to slow, I turned away from the floor. I did not need to watch another slow dance, see another thing I was missing out on. I was depressed enough already.

Someone caught my wrist as I pushed through the crowd. “Sophie,” Nathan said softly.

I turned to look at him. “Will you be my sister for the night?” he asked formally.

I glanced past him and saw Gabby dancing with her brother. “Nathan, I… I can’t. I shouldn’t.”

“Please,” he murmured.

I sighed. It was his wedding. Who was I to say no? “You don’t have to.” I made my final protest even as I moved towards him.

“I know,” he replied, pulling me towards the swaying couples. “But I want to.”

I turned towards him and let him place my hands on his own shoulders. He sat his hands on my waist, pulling me closer.

“I should tell you,” I muttered. “I’m not very good at this.”

“Well, lucky for you it’s not that hard,” he said in my ear. “Just move when I do. Sway a little.”

I laughed helplessly. If it was that easy, Aaron might actually dance with me occasionally instead of proclaiming me hopeless.

“So are you having fun?” Nathan asked.

“Yeah,” I lied.

“I heard you were talking to Jared earlier,” he commented.

“Yeah.” I felt a grin slide across my face.

“And?” Nathan pressed. “He’s nice, huh?”

“Yeah,” I repeated, but my voice was quiet.

“What?” Nathan asked. “Something wrong?”

“I have a boyfriend,” I sighed.

Nathan laughed. “So? Flirting never hurt anybody.”

“It doesn’t matter. I told him to back off.”

“Oh, Jared won’t care.” I could still hear the humor in his voice. “He’ll keep bothering you until you can’t help liking him. Trust me, it happens.”

I nodded as the music stopped. I could see how Jared would be able to do that. It was in his personality. Nathan gave me a quick hug before pulling away. “Go have fun.”

I smiled at him, watching as he turned and immediately located his new bride. They molded together as the music picked up. I was too far into the crowd to pull myself out, so I let myself move with the music.

Another hand grabbed my wrist. I was beginning to get used to that. I turned, easily twisting my wrist out of Jared’s hand. “Where have you been?” he called over the music. “I’ve been looking for you.”

“I don’t dance,” I yelled back.

“So you’ve just been sitting around?”

“Yeah. Eating cake.” I winced at how bad that sounded. I didn’t need to advertise the fact that I was a total loner.

“Well, we gotta fix that,” he proclaimed. “Come over here.”

I managed to slide around a group of girls so I was standing in front of him. “Come on. Let’s dance.”
♠ ♠ ♠
A little more description... sorry I blurred over that part. I didn't think people would mind.

But I brought Nathan back. And they did their corny dance thing. And now she's dancing. So... yeah.

P.S. 50 comments! Thanks, you guys (: