Living for the Music

Chapter Fifty-Five

Three songs later, the music finally slowed. I pulled away from Jared, panting slightly. “Wow. That was fun.”

“You sound surprised,” he laughed.

I shrugged, smiling at him before I turned to head back to my little corner. I felt the familiar pressure on my wrist and stopped, looking at him expectantly. “What?”

“You owe me a dance,” he reminded.

“Wasn’t that enough for you?” I teased.

“No,” he murmured, surveying me closely. “Nowhere near enough.”

I couldn’t resist the urge to dance with him. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling my close. I wrapped my own arms around his neck and rested my head on his chest. It was just like Nathan said – not much movement, just a steady sway.

“You having fun?” Jared murmured in my ear.

“Is that a trick question?” I laughed.

“The correct answer is yes,” he agreed.

“I’m having a lot more fun than I was before,” I allowed.

“Good,” he whispered, and I turned to look at him.

I felt his lips brush mine, and I knew I should stop it, but I couldn’t. He was only the third boy I’d kissed, but by my limited experience, he was pretty good. I forced myself to pull away from him. “I can’t,” I whispered. “I’m sorry.”

He watched me closely before taking a deep breath. “That’s okay.” He put his hands back around my waist and I sighed in relief. He wasn’t going to ask for an explanation.

Before the song finished, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Jared seemed to stiffen slightly as I turned around. “Seth,” I cried, surprised.

“Can I cut in?” he asked, looking at Jared.

He removed his arms from my waist and smiled at me. “I’ll find you,” he promised. He squeezed my hand once before letting go.

I watched him melt into the crowd before turning to look at Seth. He was watching me with a solemn expression on his face. I offered a tentative smile as I put my hands on his shoulders.

“What would Aaron think of you dancing with him?” he asked quietly. I felt myself stiffen. “He probably wouldn’t like it, huh?”

“No,” I snapped, “he wouldn’t. But it’s none of your business.”

“It is if you’re going to get hurt because of it,” he retorted.

“Is this the only reason you wanted to dance with me? So you can give me a lecture?” I cried. “I don’t need that, Seth. I need a friend.”

“Sophie, I know Jared. He won’t give up,” Seth muttered, drawing me closer so I couldn’t break away. “I don’t want Aaron getting pissed at you because of him. I don’t want either of them to hurt you.”

“Jared would have to mean a lot more to me to be able to hurt me,” I shrugged.

“You looked pretty close when you were making out,” Seth assured me.

I didn’t let him see how much his words affected me. I hadn’t realized he had seen that. “Jealous?” I asked snidely.

Something flashed in his eyes. There was a moment of silence before he snorted, as if he’d just realized what I was saying. “Me? Jealous? Of what?” I was quiet. “Give me one good reason why I should be jealous of him,” he ordered.

“Because right now, I like him a helluva lot better than I like you,” I retorted.

I could see the hurt in his eyes, and a part of me was glad. Maybe I was finally getting my point across. He opened his mouth to reply, but stopped as someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned to see Cassie standing there. “Can I cut in?” she asked, smiling hesitantly.

“Be my guest,” I replied, glaring at Seth.

“Sophie, wait.” I could see the frustration in his eyes.

I shook my head as I pulled away. Cassie wrapped her arms around his neck, and I ignored the cold feeling in my gut as I turned away. This was for the better. If Seth was going to keep disappointing me, I might as well forget about him. I didn’t need anyone to make me feel worse about myself.
♠ ♠ ♠
*runs and hides*

Yes. Seth is being a jerk. I'm sorry. But... yeah, I guess there's no real excuse.

So I'm leaving for Florida tomorrow, and I may or may not have internet access there. I'm gonna try to get one more chapter out tonight, but I may not be able to update again until Monday. Sorry ):