Living for the Music

Chapter Fifty-Nine

I fell back into my routine over the next three days. I spent a ton of time in bed, listening to my iPod. I started multiple songs, most of which ended in the trash. The novelty of break was wearing off, but I was nowhere near ready to go back to school. So I stayed in my room, ignoring the passing of time.

Sometime Monday, I heard voices next door. I knew the Damons must be home, and I half-expected Seth to call me. But I wasn’t surprised when he didn’t. I took the CD I’d bought for him and shoved it in my drawer. I didn’t want to listen to it now, but maybe I’d come up with a use for it someday.

I was suddenly aware of how hungry I was. My room was the warmest place in the house, and I really wished I had a refrigerator in it so I would never have to leave. But I didn’t. Instead, I wrapped a blanket around myself and made my way down the cold stairs to the kitchen.

I was just putting the remnants of my sandwich making supplies away when I heard the door open. I turned in time to see my dad walk into the hall. It was a bit of a surprise to see him dressed in his work clothes – normally he was long gone by the time I got in.

“What are you doing home?” he snapped. “You’d better not be ditching.”

I rolled my eyes. “For some reason, I do still go to school.”

“Don’t get smart with me,” he chastised. “School is important.”

“You mean it’ll get me out of this town?” I suggested. “Yeah, I totally agree.”

“What did I just say?” he asked, a note of frustration in his voice. I shrugged moodily. “Why aren’t you in school?” he finally repeated.

“It’s winter break, Dad,” I muttered.

He blinked at me. “What?”

“Yeah. All last week, too.” I shook my head. “Way to be on top of things.”

I brushed past him out of the kitchen, back up to my room. I locked the door behind me before sitting down at my desk. I took a bite of my sandwich as I turned on my computer. Facebook popped up and I clicked a button to view my new messages. A few generic notes wishing me ‘Merry Christmas,’ a message from Aaron, one from… Seth?

I opened his first, slightly curious, and scanned it quickly. Hey Sophie. We’re back in town – well, you might not’ve noticed we were gone. I haven’t been ignoring you, promise! Anyways, I’m supposed to invite you over for New Years with the fam. Like old times. Unless Aaron’ll be back, in which case you’re excused. Probably. Unless Mom has her way. Anyways, let me know. Seth.

I stared at the note for a moment, trying to process things. So he wasn’t going to mention the wedding? At all? I closed the window without replying. I’d puzzle it out later. I yawned, glancing at the clock. It was a lot later than I expected. I turned on my iPod and crawled into bed, letting the music lull me to sleep.
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So my homework's.... mostly done.

And I wrote some more during class today (anyone else think history is insanely boring?) and wanted to post.

So whaddyano (is that a word?).
I'm back on.