Living for the Music

Chapter Seven

Three Years Later

As soon as the bell rang, I joined the flock of kids pilling through the halls. I reached my locker, easily opening it. As I began to unload the contents of my backpack, I felt someone come up behind me. “Hey babe,” a deep male voice said, slipping an arm around my waist.

I shoved the last book in before turning to face Aaron. “Hey,” I murmured, leaning in to kiss him lightly.

He was smiling when he pulled away, blue eyes twinkling. His blond hair was short and spiky, making it look like he’d just rolled out of bed. He tugged lightly on my hand and I let him lead me towards the front door. People called out to him as we passed but Aaron didn’t slow down until we reached the parking lot.

“You still coming over tonight?” he asked, smiling down at me. I nodded, following him towards his car.

“Hey Aaron,” Tyler called. “Sophia.”

I didn’t comment as Aaron steered us towards him. I didn’t get along with Tyler - everyone knew that - but I wasn’t in the mood to start something.

Tyler was sitting on the hood of his black jeep. Claire and Rose were perched on either side of him, and a few other kids were hanging around in front of it. “Dude, you going to the party tonight?”

Aaron glanced at me before shrugging. “Probably not. Sophia and I are gonna… hang out.”

Tyler grinned, and I could tell exactly what he thought ‘hanging out’ meant. “You guys have fun with that.”

I caught sight of Rose looking at me enviously as Aaron wrapped a possessive hand around my waist. I smiled, thinking how perfect we looked. But I had learned long ago that perfect on the outside was barely ever perfect inside.
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Yes, I know it's short... Sorry. But the good news is, the extend-intro is done so now the drama can begin. And trust me, I have a lot planned :)