Living for the Music

Chapter Ninety-Five

No one paid much attention to me first, second, or third hours. The teachers weren’t happy I had been gone for three days – “As if you aren’t far enough behind,” one had said – but thanks to the note Mara had written, I was excused and there was nothing they could do about it.

I didn’t see Aaron in the halls, which was my saving grace. I did run into Nicole once, and she gave me a smile as she passed. Despite all my logical reasonings, I couldn’t help hoping that she would be on my side in all of this. It had been nice to have a girl friend, after only having Seth for so many years.

I was still exhausted when I sat down next to Seth. It seemed like the day had taken forever, and it was only half-way done. And I still had to face Aaron. “You doing okay?” Seth whispered.

“I’ve been better,” I sighed. “But I haven’t died yet, so that’s probably a good thing.”

He smiled at me as Ms. Dunford entered the classroom. “Everyone should be working on their projects,” she told the class, leaning against her desk. “Any questions?”

A girl raised her hand. “Can I have the recording studio since Seth’s back?”

“Actually, Jean, I didn’t bring my guitar today,” Seth interjected easily. “So we’ll have to work on it some other time.”

The girl looked slightly disappointed but nodded agreeably. Well, what could she really say? “Sophie?”

I looked up to see Ms. Dunford motioning me towards her desk. “Are you feeling better?” she asked when I got close enough to hear her.

I blanked for a moment before I remembered that was my cover story. “Yeah, lot’s better,” I agreed.

“Good, very good. So I just wanted to make sure that you remember that this weekend is your opportunity to record your song.”

I froze. “Um… no, I hadn’t remembered,” I admitted. “Really? Already?”

She nodded. “I did get the “official” details, and you will get two five-hour segments in the studio, one on Saturday and the other on Sunday. I could also get you excused from school on Monday if you wanted to stay and listen to the other demos.”

“Other demos?” I asked, totally confused.

“Yes. There were three of you that they selected to record. You all have various time slots over the course of the weekend and on Monday afternoon they are playing the demos at some kind of event. It’s not like you will be the focus, but it’s their promised “promoting” of the demo.”

“Wow,” I murmured, half to myself. “That’s awesome. Thank you so much, Ms. Dunford. If it wasn’t for you, I never would’ve done this.”

“It’s my pleasure,” she assured me. “I’m happy it turned out so well for you.”

“Ms. Dunford?”


“Could you maybe get Seth excused Monday, too? I’d really like it if he could come along with me. You know, to play the guitar and stuff.”

She laughed. “I thought you might say that. Yes, I will get that passed by the administration. I believe it’s definitely worth it to have him go with.”

“Thanks,” I repeated. “For everything.”

She smiled at me. “Have fun, Sophia. Don’t forget – that’s what the music is all about.”

“I could never do that,” I admitted. “I’m living for the music.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Uggh. Cheesy. But I wanted to work the title in somehow.

Anyways, I may not update tomorrow cause I'm gonna try to post the first chapter of my new story!
LOL it may not happen.
We'll see.