Status: Slowly Active

Six Feet Under The Stars


Alex was right, there was no way we could find Michelle’s house on our own; I know because we tried. I guess it was the stubborn twelve year old child in me who once ran away because my dad had told me that I would never have the guts to do so. I hated being told that I was unable; I liked to think I could do everything even though I really knew I couldn’t.

So I had told Alex that we would be fine and that I had some sort of internal navigation system that had never failed me and we had set off in what was probably the completely wrong direction.

“You know sometimes I really hate you,” Colby muttered bitterly as he followed me down the street past a very familiar set of trees. “I mean we’re going around in circles, we must have passed these trees about a million times, and it’s almost eleven...”

He trailed off and I took out my phone before stepping blindly into the road, “I’m sorry but you could have gone with Alex, you didn’t need to come with me, I’m quite capable of looking after myself, in fact...” I stepped up onto the pavement of the opposite side of the road and turned around to face Colby, “I’m more capable than you.”


I rolled my eyes before continuing down the street in the only direction we had yet to go. I wasn’t even sure if we were in the correct part of town for all I knew we could have taken a wrong turn several blocks back and were miles away from any place familiar.

“Oh thank Christ, that’s the school,” Colby exclaimed in a hushed whisper several minutes later and I grinned knowing that I could get us back to Michelle’s no problem.

“See I told you I knew where we were going.”

Colby scoffed and muttered something under his breath as I picked up the pace and retraced my steps from earlier in the day. I knew that my brother would have rather we had just called Michelle and asked her to come and get us but I also knew that he was afraid of what was to become of us when we got back to the house.

If Michelle had phoned our father like we figured she had, there was no doubt that he had explained exactly what happened. Only of course it would have been his own twisted version.

I sighed as the house came into view; several of the lights were still on which indicated that our aunt was still up. “So do you reckon dad made us out to be the spawn of Satan?” Colby asked with a light hearted life but I was far from amused.

Who was Michelle more likely to believe; a fully grown man who had just lost his wife or two teenagers immature enough to run away when things got a little out of hand?

I figured we were already booked on the next flight home.

As Colby leant over my head and pushed open the front door I prepared myself for the onslaught. I was ready for anything she threw at me, words or otherwise. I wouldn’t have been surprised if she tried to throw a few punches; it was well known in our family that Michelle was violent and more than capable of putting up a fight for herself. And she hated being lied to.

“Hey guys, I was starting to wonder if you’d done another runner,” she called from the lounge her eyes never leaving the television set. I stood a little dumbfounded before slowly closing the front door behind me and kicking off my shoes.

I raised an eyebrow at her before shaking my head and walking in to sit beside her. It was definitely going to take me a while to get used to her do what you want, within reason attitude; my parents had always been rather strict. I took my seat curling my legs up underneath me before asking her what she was watching.

“Never mind about that, where have you two been?” she questioned and I shrugged.

“No where really, although at one point I was sure we were puppy chow,” I responded with a light laugh as she squinted her eyes in confusion.

“What were you kidnapped?”

I grinned turning to look at my brother, “as good as.”


I woke up the next day with Michelle’s face hovering rather close to mine. I turned to look at the clock on the bedside table and groaned when it read 9.34am. I had jetlag and really needed about another seven hours sleep just to feel awake enough to think coherently.

“Whaddayawant?” I mumbled as she pulled my duvet away from me and chucked it on the floor.

She grinned as she took a seat on the edge of my bed, “There is a rather good looking boy at the door asking for you.”

I scrunched up my nose confused before shaking my head and turning over to bury my face in the pillow, “Mmphhmphmhphhpmhph.”

I heard her laugh as she attempted to turn my over onto my back, “I’m sorry Bracken but I don’t understand pillow talk.”

I heaved a sigh before turning over, “I said I don’t know any good looking boys.”

“Well believe it or not, one of them knows you.”

I conceded and rolled over completely allowing my bare feet to touch the soft rug. I stretched up before walking over to the vanity and groaning at my appearance. My hair was a little matted and my pyjama’s were hanging off of my body at the oddest of angles; it was quite clear that I had only just woken up.

Shrugging to myself I proceeded to stroll down the stairs towards the front door, clearing my throat a little before opening it, “Alex?” He nodded with a smile as I turned to glance at Michelle who was watching me from the doorway into the kitchen, “I thought you said he was good looking.”

She laughed before disappearing as Alex made a protest and started talking about what a great catch he was. “I’ll have you know all the girls want this,” he stated as he ran his hands up and down his torso revealing the tiniest bit of flesh between his jeans and t-shirt.

I looked him up and down before shaking my head, “I can’t imagine why.”

With a little pout Alex frowned at me before making a sarcastic comment about my appearance. I took his minor insult on the chin and simply turned away slamming the door shut with mock anger. I padded my way up the stairs with a little spring in my step as I listened to Michelle apologise and let Alex in. I made it to my bedroom as Cole appeared from his in his boxers and a t-shirt.

“Your friend is downstairs,” I uttered simply as I closed my door and glared at my suitcase. I wished that I had unpacked earlier and made life easier for myself. With a small of noise of annoyance I began to rummage through my clothes pulling out what I thought would be a suitable outfit for the current weather and running over to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

I changed into the clean clothes once I was done before tiptoeing back to my room to find some socks and do something about my hair. It was still wet so decided to give it a quick blast with the hairdryer Michelle had left in there and leave it to dry completely by its self. I pulled on my socks as I tried to walk down the stairs only resulting in myself taking a tumble down the last few as I tripped over my own leg.

“Smooth,” Alex grinned as I stood up and glared before slipping on a pair of shoes and staring him out.

“Okay so what are we doing today?”

It seemed weird just being okay with hanging out with people that I barely knew but I knew that if I had any chance of fitting in here I kind of had no choice. Alex made a movement that I associated with having absolutely no idea what so ever and sighed.

“I just thought I could show you around.”
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So i kinda haven't decided which of the boys this story is going to focus on.
It's about all of them but i can't have a romance with all of them cause that would make Braken a slag amongst other things.
So basically you guys can decide.
Jack, Alex or even Zack (when i eventually bring him in), Rian is out because he's already besotted.