Sequel: Ella's New Sound
Status: In process of name changing. If you would like to continue reading, go ahead and do so. Names: Ray=Marcus Gerard=Alex Mikey=Mitch and Frank=Freddy

Mary without Sound

Chapter 10: We Can Make Some Sweet Music Together

It’s been four years since me and Ray has been together, and the guys still don’t know. I’m 21, and Ray’s 23 along with the rest of the other guys. We’re all out at this new bar down town celebrating the fact we can all drink at the same time.
“Happy 4 years.” Ray whispered in my ears. We all sat at a big round table in the back of the bar, Gee and Frank were all over each other.
I smiled and put my hand on his leg. Gee and Frank were too preoccupied with themselves to notice and Mikey was ordering drinks with Caitlyn.
“Happy 4 year to you too,” I whispered back.
Mikey and Caitlyn came back with some cold beers and water for Gerard and Frank. We really don’t want them to get anymore smashed. We drank and laughed and enjoyed the afternoon till we, well, Mikey and I, decided it was time to take Gee and Frank home. We all moved out about 2 years ago after my first year of college. I’m glad it’s now summer break. Ah, the freedom. We now live in a pent house at the top of an apartment building down the street from the bar.
We carried the two lovebirds out of the bar and into the truck. The same truck I’ve had for 5 years. It never lets me down.
I drive us all down the road and pull around the corner to our little, cozy apartment. I was glad the building had an elevator because I don’t think I would be able to carry Frank up the 20 flights of stairs.
“Can they be any heavier?” Caitlyn asked, tossing back her long, brown hair to get it out of the way from carrying Gerard.
“Don’t worry; I’ll tell him to lay off the chips.” I joke.
We reached our floor and unlocked the door. I looked over at Mikey and Caitlyn who carried Gee. I envied them because they don’t have to hide their relationship. My relationship with Ray and Caitlyn’s relationship with Mikey started on the same day. So our 4 years land on the same day, and oh how I wish I could just tell the world about it.
Ray helped me carry Frank up the small steps to the upper balcony floor above the kitchen. It’s a pretty cool penthouse and I inherited by my dad when he died. I was surprised he put me in his will. Mikey just put Gerard on the couch and I could hear him and Caitlyn flirting and giggling and making plans for tonight. I put Frank on his bed who shared a room with Ray. Mikey and Gerard share the room down stairs. Caitlyn and I share a room to the left of Frank and Ray. We voted for her to move in with us when I turned 18. So she did.
Ray and I walked out of his room and I walk down to mine. I felt Ray’s eyes on my ass as I walked. I turned when I reached my open door and smiled at him like a little 7 year old wanting ice cream (I know, I’m weird, but that’s me) and gestured for him to come closer.
“I have to give you your present.” I told him, resting my hands on his soft but muscular chest, then walked into the room.
“Wait for me!” he cried, following me into my half dark purple, half light blue bedroom. The purple side was mine that was all rocker stuff. My guitar, and drum set mostly. At times, I let Mikey play them. We thought it was pointless to buy another drum set since we already have one.
I closed the door behind him and pushed him on my bed. I straddled his lap and started kissing him. On an average, we only kiss about 3 times a day while Mikey and Caitlyn kiss 500 billion times. Not far. Ray put his hands on my hips; slowly rising up my shirt then let them drop to my ass.
The door burst open and Frank walked into the room, half drunk and need help taking his pants off to get ready for bed. Though he was drunk, he knew exactly what was going on. He just stood there at the door, frozen, not moving a muscle. Not even a blink.
“I, uh… I’m sorry; I just… needed help with… I uh…” He was completely speechless. I didn’t know what to do. I guess getting off Ray so he could help Frank and to talk to the poor guy about what’s going on. Who knows, maybe he’ll forget about it in the morning.
I got off Ray so he could assist Frank.
5 minutes later, Ray was back.
“I told him everything. I had to. He said he wouldn’t tell anyone.” He said, lying next to me on my bed. I loved my bed because it was a really soft bed, the ones with the memory cells in it. And my bedspread was little guitars and drum sets. They were made from Hanes, which made it softer.
“Are you sure about that?” I asked, rubbing his chest with my fingers. The conversation ended there because my hand slowly moved to his pants and I unbuttoned them. Normally on our other anniversaries, we went to a hotel, telling the others that we were hanging out with other friends. But I guess now that Frank about us, the situation is different. I don’t know why, but it is.
I rolled on top of him and he slowly took my black shirt that said “Broken Bones, MxPx” on it with a skull. He sat up and started kissing me everywhere. I looked down and took off his pants. He looked at me and fiddled with my pants and slid them off. I just sat there, thinking. I’ve never had willing sex before. Was it this simple?
“Do you want to do this?” he asked, holding me. He knew everything about me. Not as much as Gee, but he knew a lot. We never hand sex before and I don’t know what I want to do anymore. Should I? I finally made my mind.
I nodded my head yes. He rolled on top of me, kissing my neck. It totally happened better than I thought it would. It was exciting and breath taking. I think I officially love Ray.
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You totally need to use your imagination in this chapter.

PS: I'm sick so it's probably not as good as i can make it =(