Sequel: Ella's New Sound
Status: In process of name changing. If you would like to continue reading, go ahead and do so. Names: Ray=Marcus Gerard=Alex Mikey=Mitch and Frank=Freddy

Mary without Sound

Chapter 13: The Pages Go Round and Round

I sat on my bed thinking about Marcus. If he doesn’t understand the fact that I’m a woman and I need to be free, then he can just shove it! But I really loved him.
I heard a knock on my door.

“Come in.” I said, whipping a tear from my face. Marcus walked in.
He sat on Caitlyn’s bed, hands folded in his lap.
“I’m sorry for the way I acted.” He said, keeping his head down. His hair kept getting in his face, so I couldn’t see it.
“I think this whole thing was too over whelming for the both of us. I think we need a break from everything.” I lifted his head so we were face to face. “Is that alright with you?” a tear fell down my cheek. And I noticed he was crying too. I whipped his tear away.
“It won’t be forever. I just need time. I need freedom. I need to find myself right now. After all that’s been going on…”I trailed off because in mid sentence, Marcus hugged me.
“I need time to think too.” He whispered in my ear.
It was around midnight and Caitlyn was sleeping silently. I got up ‘because I couldn’t sleep. I needed food.
I snuck down stairs, turned on a light and there was Freddy. He sitting at the counter in the dark drinking Kool-Aid. The poor kid. I shook my head and laughed a little. Freddy always kept my mind off Marcus, even when we were going out.
“Hey Freddy! What are you doing up so late?” I asked, opening the fridge. I pulled out a couple of ice cream bars and handed him one.
“I couldn’t sleep. What about you?” I sat next to him. I told him I couldn’t stop thinking about Marcus.
“You always have ways to make people feel like shit.” He flat out said. I was shocked. I didn’t know how to respond to that.
“What’s that suppose to mean?” I looked at him confused.
“You know I like you!” he slammed his cup on the counter. I was surprised it didn’t break. I just looked at him. He turned and faced me and looked me in the eyes. He leaned in a kissed me. Tears rolled down my cheeks when he pulled away. I was so taken aback. I didn’t know what to do. He kissed me again and this time I kissed him back.
“Mary, I thought it was obvious in the past few years but I really like you.” He whispered.
What do I do? I love Marcus, but we broke up. And I like Freddy, but things didn’t work out before. I guess trying to find someone else to keep my mind off of Marcus is the best.
About a month later and after a few days of silence from Marcus after he found out about Freddyand me, we were all hanging out in the park. Freddy was pushing me on the swings and Marcus was flirting with this other girl who was watching her little 10-year-old sister. I wasn’t feeling good, so I went to the bathroom.
When I got in the bathroom I immediately threw up. I yelled for help and Caitlyn came over.
“Oh my God, Mary! Are you okay?” she asked, stroking my back.
“No, get the guys, I need to get home.” I told her.
She gave me a drink of her water and I walked out of the room. We piled in the truck and I lay on Franks shoulder.
As we got home I realized I hadn’t had my period yet, that it was two weeks late. I whispered this in Caitlyn’s ear and she left to the store. She knew what I needed. And I had to have it.
Alex came in my room. And he looked concerned.
“So I need to know, what exactly happened between you and Marcus?” he sat at the end of my bed.
I had no idea how he found out. This was the only thing I didn’t tell him.
“How did you find out?” I sat up a little bit.
“Mary, you should know better than to hide something from me.” He gave me a funny look. “It was quite easy to tell something happened between you guys with the silent treatment he gave the couple of weeks.”
I looked down at my blanket.
“We had it good for four years. I’m sorry.” I looked at him, teary eyed. I couldn’t believe how much I’ve cried in the past month.
“Why Freddy then?” he whipped the tear away from my eyes.
“I don’t know. I won’t ever feel the same way about anyone then Marcus. I guess…I guess Freddy's my…re-bound. Freddy was the one there for me. I don’t want to hurt him, but I can’t help it. Marcus and Freddy were the only people I’ve been with. Al, I think I’m pregnant.”
He looked at me confused.
“What? With who?”
“I don’t know.”
“So you and Freddy...?”
I nodded my head. We had sex the night after he kissed me. So it’s impossible to tell whose it is if I am.
“Are you going to tell them?”
“Of course I am. I just don’t want to tell anyone right now. Period. Except for you of course. I need your help.” I leaned forward, putting my hands on his. He flipped his hair back and sighed.
“Okay, your secret’s safe with me.”
“Thanks Alex. You’re the best.”
He patted my hand and left the room where I fell asleep for about twenty minutes until Caitlyn woke me up.
“I got it.” She told me as I climbed out of bed.
“Thanks.” I took the Safeway bag and walked into the bathroom down the hall.
I followed the instructions on the pregnancy test and waited for a minute exact. My watch started beeping. I turned off the alarm and looked at the test. Positive. I was in fact pregnant. I threw the test away and left the bathroom where Caitlyn and Gee were standing. I looked up at their pleading eyes, trying to make me tell them the results. Either way, they’ll find out. I nodded yes.
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