Sequel: Ella's New Sound
Status: In process of name changing. If you would like to continue reading, go ahead and do so. Names: Ray=Marcus Gerard=Alex Mikey=Mitch and Frank=Freddy

Mary without Sound

Chapter 15: A Mothers Word

I pulled into the drive way and parked the car. I hadn’t come here since last Easter. We would have been here for Fourth of July but we had plans with other friends. I got out of the truck and walked up to the door. I knocked twice and rang the door bell once. Mom answered the door immediately.
“Why, if it isn’t Mary Jane Harrison. My dear, how have you been?” She greeted me. Her hair was pulled up into a loose bun, gray and brown hair fell past her neck. She was most likely in the garden because she was pulling off her dirty gloves.
“I haven’t been so good Mom.” I said. She let me in and I took a seat at the counter like old times.
“Now, tell Momma what’s been bothering you.” She’s like those old psychic women in movies. She knows exactly what I need to feel better.
“Mom, I’m pregnant.” Telling people has become easier and easier the more I say it.
“Really now?”
I nod.
“With whom?”
“That’s the problem. I don’t exactly know.” I took the cup of tea she placed in front of me. Mm, herbal Chai.
“Well, now that is a problem.” She said calmly. She wasn’t even shocked that I was pregnant. I guess it’s a woman thing. “Well, who have you slept since before your miss period?”
Here it is. I’m going to have to tell her me and Marcus had sex. Then what will she think of me? The perverted daughter who had sexual thoughts of her brother since she even thought about sex! Oh no!
“Uh…well, there were two.”
She nodded for me to go on.
“And one was Freddy.”
She nodded again.
“And the other…was Marcus.” I said quickly.
Mom paused. She didn’t blink. She suddenly inhaled deeply and turned towards the sink.
“Hm.” She said.
“Look, I’m sorry about it. I didn’t know what over came me when I was young, and he felt the same way about me,” I started to explain.
“Shh, sh,” she said quickly, turning back around, holding up her hand. “It’s all right. I don’t think of you any different. You are still my daughter and Marcus is still my son.” She said.
I exhaled, quite relieved.
“So what are we going to do? Are you going to drop out of school?” She asked, sitting down with her tea.
“No, not this year any way. Either way, the baby won’t be due till the end of the last quarter. I think I’ll be good this year, than that way, I’ll get somewhat of a degree, right?”
Mom nodded.
“Do Freddy and Marcus know?” She asked. Her wrinkled eyes looking up at me exposed pure woman hood dying to come out.
“Yes. I told them today. Actually, Caitlyn told them before I did, but told them again. Marcus was sympathetic but Freddy was angry and hurt. I didn’t know what to do, so I came here.”
“And a good choice you did, you and I can do some mother work before its time. Caitlyn can join us if she’d like.”
I think Caitlyn would love it since she doesn’t have any other girlfriend besides me. I smiled at Mom and thanked her for the talk and the tea. She walked me to the door, kissed my cheek and told me to behave myself. I told her I would and then left. I think this is going to be a little bit easier now. I just hope Mikey won’t be upset when he finds out he’s the last person to know everything. I giggled at the thought and started my truck.
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