Sequel: Ella's New Sound
Status: In process of name changing. If you would like to continue reading, go ahead and do so. Names: Ray=Marcus Gerard=Alex Mikey=Mitch and Frank=Freddy

Mary without Sound

Chapter 17: Splash...Cramp

School went by like the wind. I managed to pass my finals with B’s. I finished the school year with a 2.98 GPA. Yay! Freddy started talking to me again a month after school started in September and Marcus has been tending to my every need. The baby is a month over due right now. It was due June 3rd and it is June 28th. My belly grew an extra inch or two during this month so I’m extra fat. Marcus says I’m beautiful, but all men have to say that to their pregnant women. At this particular moment, I’m sitting on the couch, reading Maximum Ride by James Patterson when something didn’t feel right in my crotch. Alex was home with me, making sure I was being taken care of while the others went to work.
“Uh, Al, I don’t feel right.” I said, putting my book down.
He ran over to me and just stared.
“Uh, are you going to help me figure out what’s up? I can’t see what’s going on over this big belly.” I snap.
“Oh, I think your water broke.” I said.
I stared blankly at him. No wonder I feel so funny. Then it came; a giant cramp the size of the Grand Canyon hit me like a sack of potatoes.
“Holy shit!” I scream, bending forward to ease the cramp.
“Oh God, oh God,” Alex was saying, grabbing a bag with food in it. “We got to get you to a hospital.” He said, helping me up.
“Well, duh!” I felt so bad for being mean to the guys, but I couldn’t help it. My patients was shorter then an eraser topper. He helped me out the door and into the elevator. The cramping has stopped and I shouldn’t get another one for a while. I held my stomach, thinking that if I leave my hand here, the baby won’t slip out.
“Keys?” I threw Al my truck keys and he started to drive to the nearest hospital. I grabbed my cell phone and called Marcus.
“Marcus, the baby’s coming! I’m on my way to the hospital on Third Avenue. OK. See you soon. Loves.” I hung up and looked at Alex. He looked stressed and overwhelmed.
“Thank you.” I said as we pulled into the emergency parking lot.
“No problem.” He helped me out of the truck and into the hospital. They put me in a wheel chair and wheeled me into a private room that has been waiting for me since the second of this month. Al waited outside of the room while I got settled into the clothes they gave me. Did you know that you can’t wear underwear with these things?
Al handed me a package of crackers when Marcus and Mitch ran inside the room.
“Is everything okay?” Marcus asked frantically.
“Everything’s fine.” I said, popping a cracker into my mouth. “Where’s Freddy?”
Mitch and Marcus looked at each other, not knowing which one of the two was going to tell me.
“He got caught up in work.” Mitch said.
“Lire. Where is he really?”
“He, uh, didn’t want to be here.”
My heart sank. Freddy didn’t want to be here to see my baby be born. I started to cry. Marcus came over to me and hushed me, putting his arm around my shoulders and having me lean against him.
“It’ll be okay Mary. Freddy is just one person. Caitlyn and Mom are on their way.” He said trying to make me feel better.
I smiled. It did make me feel better. I love him so much.
Five minutes later, Mom and Caitlyn walked through the door. Yay. And then out of no where, Freddy walked in too.
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once again, whow! didnt see that one coming. actually, I did. Im the writer so I know whats happens next unlike you suckers. mwahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!