Sequel: Ella's New Sound
Status: In process of name changing. If you would like to continue reading, go ahead and do so. Names: Ray=Marcus Gerard=Alex Mikey=Mitch and Frank=Freddy

Mary without Sound

Chapter 18: A Crying Baby

“Freddy, you made it!” I exclaimed. I didn’t know whether to be pissed or relieved that he was here.
He gave a weak smile at everyone, especially Marcus and Mitch.
“Sorry I’m late; I got held up at work.” He said, putting his coat on the coat hanger. Works for me!
“Sure, she goes for it when he says it.” Mikey whispered to Marcus but Marcus hushed him.
“As long as she’s happy.” He said.
Everyone is here. Oh God, another cramp!
That one lasted only a few seconds. Finally a nurse walked in.
“And how are we feeling today?” Everyone answered but me. How was I feeling? I didn’t know.
“I meant the patient.” She said laughing.
“Fine, I guess.” I said.
“Wonderful. So the baby is a month over due, so this should be an easy birth.” She said, smiling. “Now, how many contractions have you had since going into labor?”
“Wonderful, so right now you’re only a centimeter dilated and we need to be at ten, so I’ll be back in about fifteen minutes to see how more along you are.” She said, still smiling and left the room.
“Was it just me or was that nurse creepy as fuck?” Caitlyn asked, squeezing my shoulder a bit.
Everyone nodded.

The contractions kept coming more and more frequent. They were unbearable! When the nurse came back in, she told me I was 8 cm dilated. Wonderful.
“I can take you into the delivery room right now, if you’d like. Since you’re not ten right now, then that will give you time to get settled.” She said…smiling.
She wheeled me away in my wheel chair down the hall into a smaller room. It looked just like the last one, only more emergency room like.
“Okay, when the Doctor comes in, he will only want the Mother of the patient and the Father of the baby.” She explained. Smiling. She is so creepy!
“Okay.” We all said. She left and everyone made a deep sigh. I hope she’s not going to help deliver my baby.
We all sat in silence. Marcus and Mom sat on both sides of me, holding my hands. Freddy and Mitch were playing cards while Caitlyn and Al were talking amongst themselves about something.
The Doctor finally came in with the same nurse. Damn it! Mitch, Al, and Caitlyn got up and left.
“Hello Ms. Harrison, I’m Dr. Herbert.” He said politely. I nodded a hello. He looked at Marcus and then at Freddy. “And which of you two is the Father?”
Marcus and Freddy both stepped foward.
“We don’t know exactly who the father is. We’re hoping we can figure that out when the baby comes.” I said, clutching my said, feeling another cramp.
“Well then, lets see how your breathing is,” He said, putting one of those heart beat things against my chest. “Now try and lean forward.” I tried. “Now take a deep breath in…and out.”
I did as I was told.
“Excellent!” he said. “Your breathing is completely normal and your contractions are more frequent. You should be at 10 centimeters by now.” He checked the computer screen. “And you’re nine-”
Contraction attack! Oh God, this one was worse then all of them put together. I screamed, and Marcus jumped into Freddy's arms.
“And now you’re ready.” The doctor said happily. What is with all of the happiness in this time of pain?
The pain didn’t go away. The doctor propped my legs up so it would be easier to catch the baby.
“Now take deep breaths.” He said, putting a pair of gloves on.
My heart was beating so fast, that I was gasping for air instead of taking deep breaths of it. The pain was unbearable. I just wanted the pain to end.

More later than sooner, did she come. I was absolutely relieved, and I think Marcus was too when I finally let his wrist go. It was a girl. A baby girl was placed in the cart and wheeled off to be cleaned. What was I going to name her?
“Marcus, it’s a girl.” I say, weakly.
“I know baby, I know.” He said, whipping my hair out of my face.
“What are you going to name her?” Mom asked.
“How about Ella?”
♠ ♠ ♠
and there you go! Ella