Sequel: Ella's New Sound
Status: In process of name changing. If you would like to continue reading, go ahead and do so. Names: Ray=Marcus Gerard=Alex Mikey=Mitch and Frank=Freddy

Mary without Sound

Chapter 1: My Found Voice

Everything changed when I started staying with the Leon’s. I met new friends who were at the most 2 years older than me. There was the one guy who was the same age, I think his name’s Mitch. Mitch Jones, Alex Jones’s little brother. I’m glad I came here, to this house, or I would have never of had a real family. The kind of family that takes care of you? Yeah, I have that family now. And I’m so happy.

It’s Freddy's Birthday today. He’s turning 7. Freddy's the other guy that was in that room that horrible night that turned out great. So all together, we have me, Mary Jane Harrison, Freddy Benson, Mitch and Alex Jones, and Marcus Leon.

We were all at Alex and Mitch's house for the party and we were cutting the cake.

“…Happy birthday to yoooou!” I sang as I grabbed a plate. Every one cheered and clapped as we all ate the cake. It was classic yellow with milk chocolate frosting and instead of ice cream we had jello, my favorite.

“Hey M.J., how ya hold’en up?” Alex asked. With him being the oldest of the 5, he has a whole new language to teach us.

“I’m doing fine, Al, thanks. How’s your uh…jello cake?” I asked, leaning over his plate at his creation of mixed food.

“It’s ok.” He laughed as he put his arm around my shoulders. “Al, can I tell you something I never told anyone?” I look at him, being very serious, which is not normal for a 5 year old. It was something that I’ve been thinking a lot about. Something that’s been bugging me for a long time.

“Uh, m’kay, what’s up?” he sits down so I can whisper my secret in his ear over the noise.

I cupped my hands over his ear so it’s easier for him to hear, “I can't sleep at night without thinking my brother's out there.” I whispered. He pulled away and looked at me confused. If only he knew what he did to me, if only he knew what happened every night when dad left. I look at him, frowning. “Im being serious Alex. Don’t tell anyone my secret, I mean it. You may be tougher than me but you don’t know what I’m capable of.” I warned. He nodded his head as I walked over to Freddy to jump on his back and scare him. I’ve only known these guys for about 2 months and I’m acting like they’re all my very own protecting brothers, except Mitch, he’s just a wimp.

At the end of the party, when all the other people left with goody bags and pointy hats, we all watched TV. I sat in between Marcus and Mitch and the others sat on the end. We watched music videos instead of cartoons. For some reason, they like music a lot.

“I got an idea!” Mitch piped up. We all looked at him, and I think Alex was glaring at him for disturbing the music. He hates it when people interrupt him and his T.V. shows. “Let’s start a band!”

“Great idea and how about Freddy becomes president.” Alex shot back. Mitch sat back in the couch disappointed that his idea wasn’t a success.

“Don’t worry, Mitch, I love your idea, just keep working at it and you might make it. Not at the age of 5 ½. I hope, but you’ll make it.” I patted his knee, making him feel so much better. And that was the day Mikey got his first crush, which was on me.
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Thank you my readers for requesting the following chapters. ^_^