Sequel: Ella's New Sound
Status: In process of name changing. If you would like to continue reading, go ahead and do so. Names: Ray=Marcus Gerard=Alex Mikey=Mitch and Frank=Freddy

Mary without Sound

Chapter 2: The Sweet, Sweet Sound of a Birthday

It’s hard to believe that it’s been 12 years since I’ve started living with the Leon’s. They raised me as their own daughter. Of course Marcus' dad was never around because of work but still, I love his mom. She’s just amazing. Since I ran from home, I never saw my brother again. Mrs. Leon sent Marcus and me to a private school with Alex, Mitch and Freddy. That way I’d be safe from my brother and dad. That’s how much she doesn’t like to see little 5-year-old girls get hurt.
Now it’s my turn to shine. Mikey turned 17 three weeks ago and had a huge party, now it’s my turn. Today is my 17th. I’m so excited. This morning, I ran into Marcus’s room.
“HEY! RAY BEAR! WAKE UP!” I jumped on Marcus’s bed, making him fly 3 inches in the air.
“Why am I up so early?” he groans looking at me with his eyes half open.
“Don’t you know what day it is? Why, it’s your young foster sisters’ birthday.” I said getting a little close, putting my hands on my chest in disbelief.
“So, it’s finally the youngest’ turn to turn 17, while we are all already 17 and 18 and ready for our lives in the big world. Well, all but Freddy. Ha, ha.” But I knew that starting in the big world was out of the question for the guys, they were all talking and wanted to actually start a band. Alex said it was his idea, but Mitch and I remember that it was his idea first when we were 5.
They got it all covered. Though, they can’t find a drummer, so Marcus sent me to get drumming lessons so I could be in the band too. So I think I’m covering the drums, Marcus has lead guitar, Freddy has back up guitar and vocals, Mitch can play bass, and Al is arguing that he can’t sing, but we’re forcing him to anyways.
“Yeah, Marcus, how could you forget one second?” I pretend to faint and fall on his floor with a bang. He leans over and looks at me, his Afro all over the place like he just got shocked with 100 bolts of electricity. I laugh at this sight.
“What are you laughing at Miss I Like-Laying-On-The-Floor?”
“Wow what a big name, hopefully I don’t marry someone with that last name.” There was a small pause. “I was laughing at your hair, dummy.” We laugh and he helps me up.
Marcus has always had a small charm in his personality. And I love it so much. We walk to the door and out hoping he would follow but he just shut the door behind me and locked it.
“Hey!” I banged on the door.
“I’m not going back to bed, don’t worry; I’m just going to get dressed. You know I sleep in my boxers.” He lies; he sleeps in PJ’s like me. Only his are blue with the cookie monster on them. He only sleeps in his boxers when friends are over. I laugh at this thought and I walk down the hall into the kitchen.
“Hey Ma. Whatcha goin to make me for my birthday breakfast?” I sit at the table and look at the newspaper. New Jersey isn’t that exciting after living in it for 17 years. You kindda get use to all the killing in the neighborhood.
“Whatever you want sweetie.” She answers me as I get up to answer the knocking door. I knew exactly who it was, the rest of the guys wishing me a happy birthday. I answer the door to only Alex standing there with a set of drumsticks. He looks at me.
“Happy birthday MJ. Here, Mitch wanted me to give you these for your birthday. He’s too shy to come and give it to you himself, so next time you see him, make sure it’s not an awkward moment.” He warns. “You know he still has that crush on you..”
I shake my head yes and I sighed, remembering Freddy's birthday. I’ve always been close to Al, ever since that day. He was like my personal diary. ‘Cause I knew he wouldn’t tell a single soul about all that I’ve told him and that I’ve told him to keep his big trap shut.
“Kay, so I got Mitch’s present, now, what did you get me?” I lean in closer towards him all sweet like.
“That’s for later today after the movies.”
“We’re going to the movies!” I jump in excitement.
“Yes.” He said in disappointment when he told me what we’re doing for my birthday. Obviously it was a secret, so I promised to act slightly surprised when we were suppose to leave. But that won’t be till later when Freddy comes to pick us up.
“Come on in. I have to tell you something.” He followed me in the house. Normally I don’t have to invite him in but oh well. We go through the kitchen where Mom’s cleaning and walk down the hall to my room. I open the door and walk in, followed by Gerard. Then I shut the door and we are alone once again. Everyone knows I tell him everything, but something tells me that he’s not going to like what I’m going to tell him.