Sequel: Ella's New Sound
Status: In process of name changing. If you would like to continue reading, go ahead and do so. Names: Ray=Marcus Gerard=Alex Mikey=Mitch and Frank=Freddy

Mary without Sound

Chapter 3: The Sound of Darkness

“What’s up this time Mary?” Al sat on my dark purple bed.
“Well, I…uh…I have a crush. And I uh…don’t know what I’m going to do…” I trailed off looking at my picture of the family when I was 10. I wasn’t looking at the whole family; I was looking at Marcus when he was first growing out his hair. I think Alex fallowed my gaze ‘cause he looked at me in shock and started shaking his head no as I nodded my head yes.
“Mary, are you saying what I think you’re saying?”
“Depends on what you’re saying…” I look at him folding my hands together. “That’s why I told you this Al, I need your help. I don’t know what to do.” He looked down; his long black hair fell over his face so I couldn’t see it. He took a big sigh and looked back up at me.
“Look M.J. I don’t know what to do. But I’ll think of something okay. And you’re right, that’s why I’m here, to help you.” He said walking towards me and pulled me into a hug.
“Thank you Alex, you have no idea how much you mean to me.” I told him hugging him back. Alex was such a sweetie to me, very nice and not joking around all the time like he does with the guys. And he’s not the only one who knows how to keep secrets. I actually know a lot about Al. He passed high school with A-‘s and im the only one that knows, what his grades were besides Mitch, but he knows how to keep his mouth shut. I also know what Alex does on his free time; read. He loves books; actually, I got him the complete works of Edgar Allan Poe for Christmas a year ago. The guys thought of it as a joke but when everyone left to go play with their new things, Al thanked me because he couldn’t get enough money to buy it himself.
“So, let’s think about what we should do. You just found these feeling right now, today, on your birthday?” he sat down on my bed and folded his hands in his lap. I shrugged my shoulders.
“Sortta, I mean, it kindda grew on me a little. You know? You just don’t like someone instantly like that.” I looked at him, sliding down my wall and put my knees to my chest. “Al, I don’t know what to do. I live with Marcus, he’s like my brother. Hell, he is my brother! I need to do something!” I put my head on my knees.
“I don’t know what to do; this one needs more time and thought before anything. Let’s just spend the day celebrating your birthday and we’ll see how things go, okay?”
I look at him and smiled.
We sat in my room for a few hours talking about the kinds of things I was hoping for my birthday. Alex pulled me into a hug and told me that my feelings were normal and that they were something that I had to work on.
“Don't act on your feelings until you know for sure it's what you want." Alex said.
I nodded.
"I have a special treat for you,” he stood up and walked out of my room, I stood and fallowed.
“What is it? Al? Hey!” I chased him down the hall and into the living room into darkness. “Al?” I reached for the light switch and turned it on.
“Surprise!” all my girl friends and the guys and Mr. And Mrs. Leon all shouted, jumping out of hiding places. I smiled in shock and ran to hug Marcus; I knew this was his idea. I left Marcus and hugged Alex.
“Thank you guys, thanks.” I walked over to Mrs. Leon and hugged her.
“You’re welcome Hun.” She soothed my hair.
“But how did you do this? I mean, was everyone waiting in the backyard or something? Me and Alex weren’t in my room longer than ten minutes.” I said, looking around.
“That, my dear, is a secret.” Al said, smiling.
I walked away and started to gossip with my girlfriends. The cake was cut, presents were open and when my real friends, the guys, stayed after to help clean we talked about going to see My Girl at the theater.
“I’ll buy the tickets.” Mitch said, giving me a short quick smirk. I smiled back and got back to the dishes.
We got to the theater and piled out of Al's moms SUV. Mitch paid for the five tickets as he said and we all got our own candy. The person who gave us our candy was my friend’s mom so she super sized my popcorn and left the boys hanging.
The movie was on its’ preview as we walked in the see the theater. I’ve seen this movie three times and absolutely love it.
We sat down in an empty row and Freddy started at the popcorn.
“Hey, hey, hey, leave some for the movie Freddy!” I said taking the bucket from him. He sat back in the chair huffing in defeat. I sat in between Mitch and Marcus, and Marcus sat next to Freddy who sat next to Al.
The theater went dark and the movie previews started.
About 50 minutes later Mitch got up to go to the bathroom. He didn’t return until the movie was over and we met him by the door.
“Where were-“ Al was cut off when the lights went out. There were a few screams from the girls across the room by the arcade games. I looked around in the darkness trying to feel my way toward Al, my savior.
I felt some one feel my hair and turned me around. I looked into darkness and saw nothing but what I did feel was something. The person, who grabbed me, kissed me. I didn’t really know what to do so I just stood there shocked. He pulled away and 2 seconds later the lights turned on. No one was in front of me so I couldn’t suspect any one.
Who the heck was that? I thought looking around trying to find the guys. All four of them were behind me looking around, adjusting their eyes from the switch form dark to light.