
Whisper- Seventeen

I was on the car ride home. My stomach was twisted into tight knots. I didn't know if I was ready for this. Jack gripped onto my hand tightly. In the past month we had been together he had never met my parents. We had always figured it was for the best. I had always feared the worst. Now, we would face the worst in the eye.

We had reached my house in about ten minutes. Jack and I were sitting in the car. I couldn't seem to find my strength. Both my father and mother were inside those walls. Protected from their sons "dirty" secret. The more I pondered their reaction, the more I panicked.

"I don’t think I can do this," I said frantically. I felt like a caged animal.

"You don't have to if you don't want to," He reasoned trying to calm me down.

"But I feel like I have to. I feel dishonest. It's unfair to you and I want everyone to know," I said lamely. The words didn't quite fit my feelings. No this feeling was rather indescribable. All I knew was what I had to do.

"It's not unfair to me," Jack said almost confused.

"I just want my family to know I'm in love," With that I was out of the car. Jack followed me out with a pined look on his face. I was in the house before he could even try to stop me.

My mom was in the kitchen and my dad was no where in sight. Soft light filtered thought the open window. Jack followed closely behind me. Out of all the times he's been here he's never said more then hello to my parents. I don't think he was exactly ready for this. That didn't matter much, this was my perfect moment. I sat down at the kitchen counter.

"Hey Aiden, Jack," She greeted. Jack nodded nervously.

"Mom, I've got something to tell you," I said. I was surprised at the weakness of my voice.

"What?" She asked eyeing my curiously. I heaved a heavy sigh. There was no turning back now.

"Mom, I'm gay, and I'm in love with Jack," I admitted, the words coming out in a rush. Jack flinched at his name.

"Your lying," My mother said. Her eyes were as wide as plates.

"No, I'm not," I said shaking my head.

"Well, this is shocking," She said mildly. I hung my head.

"You know we have to tell your father. I don't exactly know how he'll take it," She said, a worried look hit her eyes.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Your dad's not as accepting as me. I mean really, he's a republican for fucks sake," She replied. Her shaky hands lit up a cigarette. Smokes spiraled in the air, slowly filling the room. We sat in silence.

"Where is he?" I asked at last.

"Out right now. He should be back very soon," She replied taking a deep drag. I watch her savor the sweet taste of nicotine.

"Should I tell him? Or will you?" I persisted.

"It's your life meaning your responsibility," She answered sternly. My stomach dropped. I had hoped she might tell him for me. What a stupid thought. Jack grabbed onto my hand to help comfort me. All we had to do was wait.

And so we did. Minutes passed by in twitchy silence. After about ten minutes I began to calm down. But all fear returned when the front door slammed open, then shut. Jack jumped as my dad lumbered into the kitchen. I had to admit my dad was rather intimidating. Tall and fit with dark shining eyes. He sat down at the table.

"Hon, Aiden has something to tell you," Mother said carefully. He looked up, mildly interested.

"What kind of trouble is he in now?" He joked.

My heart was going crazy. This was the moment of truth I guess. I hoped he wouldn’t react too badly.

"No, he's not in any trouble," She said quickly, glancing my way.

Jack was gripping on to me tighter. If I wasn’t so scared it would've hurt. All was silent. My mom lit up another cigarette. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"Dad, I'm gay,"