Another Tale From Another Broken Home

Part one: My name is Sally


"Hey Sally what the hell do you think your doing?! You came home late, your supposed to be in your room! I told you not to leave your room, unless it was when your mother or I told you to do something you useless piece of crap!!’

That’s just a memory, a memory of the asshole, Brad my mother’s new boyfriend. He abuses me and punches me because he hates me. I’m a reject; I have been all my life, to my family and my friends at school. Brad haunts me in my dreams and in my thoughts every damn day.

My name is Sally Pritchard I’m just your average non-self obsessed 15 year old teenager. I go St Pine Hole school in the valley, it’s a real crap hole. My fellow students push me against lockers and do dirty tricks to me. They bully and tease me all because I’m different. So what if my hair is bright purple and I have blue eyes? So what if I self harm because my family sucks? It has sucked ever since my Mum refuses to tell me who my real Dad is. My Dad left when I was two, because my Mum’s an alcoholic so I got left with her. Then my Mum got worse and now she’s picked up Brad the asshole who is supposed to become my stepfather. Like I care

Last night was the last night of summer holidays. I decided to go out and try to enjoy the last night of freedom before school starts the next morning. I tried to think positively, but in the end I thought ‘this year is going to suck as usual’. Tomorrow I have to go back to the hell hole were all the assholes pick on me. But this time it will be different. My hair is going to be a fiery red and I refuse to take any shit from anyone.