Another Tale From Another Broken Home

Part Two: The shithole awakens

I woke up on Monday morning because the light was shining through my window; I had forgotten to close my curtains last night, as usual. I got up had a shower and put on my favorite pair of black Skinnies, black chucks, my favorite ‘rancid’ tee. I applied more eyeliner then usual and went downstairs to have breakfast. My Mum was out to work. Ha, what a difference! She’s normally past out on the couch. Brad was there in the kitchen he was like "What are you doing bitch?"
"Having my breakfast asshole!"
"What did you just call me? Huh?"
"I called you an asshole, so fuck you."

I then picked up an apple and grabbed my Ipod and school bag on the way out and ran to my bus stop, hearing the fading shouts of brad. Man am I going get it when I get home I thought as I started to feel tears run down my face.

My bus came an hour late. Oh joy Mrs Cocks is going to get up me for being late on my first day back. Yay another detention on the first day. As I got on the bus I tried to ignore the stares of rejection that my peers gave me and sat in the middle of the bus by myself. I put on my Ipod and my favorite song was playing

‘I want to be the minority
I don’t need your authority
Down with the moral majority
'cause I want to be the minority’

Ahh that makes me feel so much better. I don’t want to be like all those preps at school. I like being me I like being the minority, cause it means I'm not a fag and I'm not self obsessed like the little bloody teenies and the stupid popular dicks at school.
Finally my bus arrives at the shit hole, 50 minutes late. As I walk of the bus some ass trips me.
Why does he have to pick on me? I thought I’m not the one who’s a wannabe gangster shit head who likes shitty music. This is going to be a looong shitty year. But hay what’s new.

I finally got to my first class, which happened to be an extended homeroom, so Mrs Cocks was all like "Your late Miss Pritchard, you know tardiness is not one of your good qualities, I’d like to see you improve that this year."
Yeh right like that’s ever going happen.
"Yes Mrs Cocks, sorry but my bus was late."
"Well, Miss Pritchard next time your late you will be on a lunch detention."
"Yes Miss" I said while rolling my eyes.

Well that was a drag! We got handed our time tables and got told the changes that the school has done. Oh joy, we aren’t aloud any mobile phones or ipods at school, if they are seen we are going to get a Wednesday afternoon detention. Yeh whatever, what’s one more going to hurt. Also we now have 8 subjects instead of 6 now. Oh great. I have History, English, Algebra, Cpe, Music, Health, Science and Art.

So of I went to history, and turns out I have the worst teacher Miss Dandelion. She’s such a bitch and I feel asleep in class. Hah do you blame me? This is how it went:
"Miss Pritchard wake up! Why did you fall asleep in class?"
"I fell asleep because your long speeches bore me. Do you really blame me?"
"Miss Pritchard I do not like your attitude, if you show me attitude one more time you will go to the principles office. Now the lessons over go to your next one."
"Yes Miss."
So I went to English. O joy how fun, I just sat there looking out the window, we are learning about ‘catcher in the rye’, we have to read it. I already own it and know every line off my heart, so I'm actually going to do this semesters English shit because it’s going to be easy. Hopefully then my English teacher wont pick on me and I actually might get a good mark which should make Brad happy. Hopefully.

Next I have Algebra with the old fart Mr Kinter. He’s deaf and dumb and never pays attention to what we are doing. So I just pulled out my Giga Beat, put it up loud and listened to some MCR instead of doing my work. O well that’s not my problem I suck at it anyway.

Then I had to go to Baldy McBaldy’s oval area for our first lesson of Cpe. O joy, we have to get uniforms. Brad’s going to be real happy with that and we are going to do like gym and swimming and other shit like that. It sucks penis.

Finally lunch comes. I got to the cafeteria and purchase my lunch, but find no one wants me to sit with them and I have no were to sit so I decide to go to the girls bathroom and lock myself in a stall. I Eat in there and only come out when the bell rings.

The bell eventually rang as soon. As I got out this popular jock name Eric was all like ‘"Oo Sally you forgot to put sun tan lotion on your hair it got sun burnt bright red!"
He slammed me across the lockers and called me a reject.
"Fuck off Eric."
"What did you say punk?"
"I said fuck off."
Then he slapped me and walked away. I picked up my books and went to my next class music.

Music is my favourite subject apart from art, because in there I feel at home. I can sing, play guitar, drums, piano or harmonica all I want. My music teacher is actually nice to me. He’s not an asshole and he doesn’t call me a punk, a reject or an Emo. He just calls me sally and likes and respects me for being who I am. This semester we are learning about punk/punk rock legends. Yay this might include Green Day, My Chemical Romance, The Lookouts, Rancid and some other of my favourite bands. But for this lesson he let us play our instruments. I picked up a lonely guitar and started absent minded playing time of your life, then cancer then some other songs that I didn’t know I new how to play on guitar.

Then I had to go to health. Our teacher is the most retarded one ever. He decided to teach us this semester about how babies are made and all that shit. Oh how interesting…

Next brake came and Eric came up to me again and punched me in the stomach and called me an ‘ungrateful little bitch’. I got winded pretty badly and went and lay in an empty corridor. Before the bell rang I went outside and sat under the stadium at the football oval and listen to music to pass the time. So I skipped science that day, but didn’t forget art.

In Art we are supposed to be learning about how to put our feelings into art. I can already do that anyway so it’s going to be another good subject, if subjects can actually be good in which I doubt very much.