Another Tale From Another Broken Home

PartThree: Life in and Out

The last bell rang and I took my time. I decided to take the late bus to have to not face Brad, because mum will be home by then and he wouldn’t dare touch me then. I’d just say that I missed my bus because I had to go to the library to get something for my homework. Hhaah yeh bullshit.

So for an hour or two before my bus came I went across the road to the park. I sat there feeling rejected and unloved. That’s not a new feeling but a shitty feeling anyway. 5 minutes before my bus came I walked back to the bus stop, pot my earphones in my ears and started listening to panic! at the disco. Yet again when I hopped on the bus I got rejected looks and hopped in the back. It finally came for me to get off, I got off, and I unlocked my front door and walked in, mum told me there was dinner in the fridge for me and brad gave me a look saying: ‘You will get it later, your lucky your mums hear.’ I gave him ‘a fuck you!’ look and went up into my room and locked the door. I had a shower and decided to play the ‘Ghost of you’ and ‘Tears don’t Fall’ really loudly, it suited my mood. I let tears come out that I had been cooping up all day. It felt good. Then I silently cried myself to sleep.

The next few weeks went on like this teachers shouting at me ‘Sally don’t be rude. Sally stop swearing. Sally get your feet of the desk. Sally go to the principles office. Sally do some work. Sally this. Sally that and they always got the same old ‘fuck you’ or something like that. I didn’t care. I have already have had about 10 detentions and 3 visits to the principals office, where he suggested that I go see the school counsellor. Huh yeh like im going to tell her anything. I skipped science and algebra and maybe a couple of other classes hear and there. This went on for quiet awhile, but then everything changed. I seemed to have a change in my life, like it was really going to turn out to be something good. One day in homeroom my life changed, that was one of the best times of my life… it all started in morning homeroom Mrs Cocks said there would be a new student………………………………………