Another Tale From Another Broken Home

Part Four: New Kid

So on the Monday morning when I went back to school, I got there early for some reason. Probably because I wanted to pay out the prep who was going to be new to our school. But I ended up being late for class anyway.. stupid Eric punched me again so I had to spend ours in the girls bathroom just to fucking make it look like I hadn’t been hurt or anything like that. Then I got in trouble by Miss [farty pants] McLaren because I was wearing to much foundation and eyeliner. Omfg the teachers at my school are so lame really… anyway I arrived at homeroom like 15 minutes late and got the usual lunchtime detention and lecture from Mrs Cocks. Like she really cares, and I couldn’t find a seat, and this time it felt different, like I wasn’t alone so I looked up and around the class room for some were to sit and sleep this boring time out.

That’s when I saw him, that black hair, brown eyes, heavy eyeliner, chucks, Skinnies and a Ramones t-shirt on. He look familiar but I just couldn’t put my finger on it were I had seen him before. He must be the new kid, some prep.. He’s the complete opposite, maybe just maybe. I thought that this time it will be a different year, if he doesn’t turn out to be a complete and utter asshole. I might as well sit next to him because it is the only place to sit.. Hmm he is good looking.. I should stop staring now. I sat down next to him and put my head on my desk and shut my eyes. I trying to ignore Mrs Cocks lecture on how we are supposed to good little preppy students every day of our fucking life, then Kayla the blondest most bitchiest most anno- ingest prep put her hand up and said
“Miss is Sally supposed to be sleeping in class, I thought you told her not to in class.”
in which Mrs Cocks decided to interrupt my sleeping and said
“Sally you are to go to detention after school today I warned you about sleeping in my classes last week.’
The mystery good looking guy sitting next to me and piped up and said
“At least she isn’t a slut though Miss like that chick that tattle on her. She’s just a dirty twatty slut.”
“Excuse me Mr ahhh well im not going to say your last name, but you too will be joining Miss Pritchard in detention this lunch break. You might be new here but you certainly must know that we do not like that foul language and dissing of other students in this fine education institution.”
What he said next was funny but he got himself in more trouble by saying it
“You say this is a fine institution ha yeh bull shit its utter crap, some one had to say it so fuck you and your prissy ways this is a hell hole.”
“Mr ahh, never mind, but that is quiet enough about you I must say.”
Omg I thought, some one who thinks and does things exactly the same way as me. I almost wanted to yell at him to get out of my brain, but yet that “fuck you attitude” was intriguing. Were have I seen him before? It seems all to familiar. I cant quiet place it and why does Miss Cocky Wocky not want to say his name. What’s wrong with it? It cant be German. He doesn’t seem German. This is all to weird, but I hope I can get on his good side so we can kick this school year in the ass.

So after that mysteriously weird homeroom I had double music first up yay this could be fun. Turns out mysterious good looking guy is in the same music class as me. When we got there our music teacher MR WAY said that we could have half the lessons to practice an old rock and roll song with a partner and then in the second half we had to perform it to the class. So I thought I would do ‘Teenage Wasteland’ by The Who by myself. As usual no one would want to be my partner. When I was writing the notes down and tuning the guitar to make the right notes I felt I tap on my shoulder.

I whipped around and was thinking what now but when I turned around I saw the mysterious guy standing behind me he said this
‘Hi my name is Joey, I have no one else to do this partner thing with and the song your playing is awesome, so I was wondering wether I could be your partner?’
Wow I thought someone actually wants to be my partner for something, this would have to be a first, and he knows what song it is wow that’s another first. He thinks the same as me and he as a great music taste.
Yeh sure you sound like you know the song so yeh I guess. My name is Sally by the way.’
‘Cool thanks.’

So we spent that lesson writing the notes down, he would be playing drums to put a beat to it and I would be playing electric guitar. He is really good on the drums, it’s like he is a mini Tre Cool, he seems so pro, like he has been playing all of his life.
‘WOW, you are really good on the drums you know that.’
‘Haha really? Thanks, everyone at my old school thought I sucked. Either that or they were jealous. Nah I’ve been playing since I was like 5 so that’s 9 years or something. My Uncle, Mum and my Dad taught me. Your really good on the guitar too you know.’
I blushed. Joey the mysterious guy had just told me I was good on guitar. No one has ever told me that before. Omg, this could turn out to be something good. I had a feeling I had just made my first real friend.
‘Hey thanks, my Mum doesn’t like me playing guitar, but my Dad gave me one when he left when I was two. He left a note saying at my 10th birthday this would be given to me and that hopefully we would meet someday.’
Wait did I really just tell him that? I don’t normally open up to people like that and he’s just a stranger. There’s something weird about him.

Soon the time came to perform our pieces to the class, I was hoping this wasn’t assessment but knowing Mr Way it would be. This preppy girl was up first she and her partner were doing a dance to one of Britney Spears songs. Honestly doesn’t she know that she went out of fashion as soon as she uttered her first words on television? We were next, Joey on drums, me on guitar. I must say we did pretty well. In fact we rocked!! I don’t think anyone else did there pieces better then us, and Mr Way seemed very glad with us too. As we were packing up our stuff before the bell went, I felt another tap on my shoulder, it was Joey, again.
‘Hey as you know im kinda new here and I don’t know anyone apart from you here, and the rest of the people are fucking stupid preps, like doesn’t that chick who did that Britney spears song know she sucks, remind me to tell her some day, anyway would I be able too sit with you at lunch?’
Wow that was kinda surprising because I realized I was just staring at him. I mean you would too if some guy was just like asking to sit with you because he hated everyone else when normally no one wanted to even talk to you. But I noticed he was getting anxious for an answer so I replied
‘Yeh sure. I have no other plans anyway, I’ll meet you at the cafeteria door, then we might go outside to some were pretty like you know so we don’t have to see the ugly preps face.’
He laughed at that ‘Haha yeh I’d rather not see there ugly faces, that sounds cool, so I’ll seeya then.’

Then we went our own ways to our lockers. I was shaking for some reason, from excitement of having some one to talk to, some one who shared the same interests, or because I was shocked some one wanted to be around me or anxious cause I was afraid if he spent to much time around me he may not like me and go off with the jocks.