Another Tale From Another Broken Home

Part Five: Lunch With Joey

I went to the cafeteria purchased my lunch and waited there till Joey came along. I almost thought he wasn’t going to come, that he was picked up my some jocks and heard about how im a loser and didn’t want to be associated with me, but he finally came. ‘Hey sorry I’m late, I got lost on the way here and ended up in the girls bathroom.’ ‘Haha really that must be a really scary place, not really knowing wether they people in there are really girls ha-ha.’ ‘Yeh and there’s some pretty weird stuff going in there. So were we going to sit?’ ‘Hmm maybe under that big old oak tree near the football stadium. It’s nice and shady and no preps like it there because they can’t show of there fake boobies.’ ‘Yeh no one wants to see that shit anyway. Hmm sounds good. What did you buy for lunch?’ ‘The old milkshake and chips. This cafeteria food is shit so I don’t usually buy much.’ ‘Yeh I know. I just brought the chips; the milkshake looks like it has frog legs in it.’ We continued with this till we got the tree. We sat there all lunch and talked about stuff. We talked about our families. I even told him about my mum, brad and my dad who I didn’t know. Surprising huh? Seeing as I’ve only known him for not even half a day. He told me his dad played guitar and his mum played drums and that they own a business and he had to move because he got kicked out of his old school. He got teased to much and got into way to many fights. He also told me he has a little brother. I told him I didn’t have siblings, sometimes I wish I do, sometimes I think it’s better with out them, less to worry about. Before I new it the bell rang and I had history and art, surprisingly so did Joey. As we were walking back to your lockers this guy who is like one of those Emo type guys or whatever he likes to call himself, his name is John, came up to me and was all like ‘Omg hardcore Sally found a friend. Omg you’ve let me down your so hardcore sally ahhahahaha.’ I just rolled my eyes and started walking away, but Joey, he didn’t he stopped and said ‘Look asshole, at least she has a brain and a personality unlike you. You’re just a stupid Emo freak that wants to be a girl so fuck you!’ ‘Oo and who are you Mr fancy pants new kid, you better watch your mouth.’ ‘Yeh whatever assholes go fuck yourself.’ It was very weird how he stood up me, but hay im not complaining it was funny as all hell. You should’ve seen John’s face it was like some one came and ass raped him, no wait he would’ve enjoyed that hmmm I dunno but what Joey said was pure genius.

So we went off to history, passing notes to each other continually talking. We nearly got into trouble by miss dandelion. Its surprised me that since Joey’s been around I have got into any trouble. Well history ended so we walked to art, we had to try draw a portrait of a partner showing, sadness, happiness and anger. It was pretty cool. Joey and I teamed up so we drew each other while we were STILL talking too each other, but this time about the Ramones. He said he is named after Joey Ramone, how cool is that aye. While I was drawing him, I noticed his features are quiet handsome, and he looked so familiar but I couldn’t pick it, still couldn’t. I hope I’d remember soon so I could tell him. Suddenly I started to get nervous around him. It was like I had a crush on him, but how could I; I haven’t even known him for a day yet.

Our second lunch was the same, we did the same we went to the tree and talked about random stuff and I couldn’t help but stare at him. I started to get butterflies in my stomach. And he was always smiling at me, how I love his smile. Wait what am I thinking I haven’t know him that long damn sally stop thinking stupid things, he wouldn’t like you that way, you lucky you have a friend. I noticed how I hadn’t been bullied since Joey came along, I was enjoying it, it was good, but all good things don’t last long, well that’s what I think anyway I could be wrong.

We had science and CPA next… science was boring I almost fell asleep and Joey had gone quiet and was staring out the window. CPA was really funny but it ended quickly and it was time to leave. O yay I’d have to go home and face brad. Dammit, I’d had a good day at school, but id have to have a beating when I got home, fucking hell, I told you good things don’t always last, at least I’d have a weekend to recover. Before I left school I felt a tap on my shoulder. I thought it would be Eric but I was wrong. ‘Hey Sally.’ ’Hey Joey what’s up?’ ‘Nothing really, I was just wondering if I could get your mobile number so I can call you. Maybe you could come home with me after school and sleep the night or something like that.’ ‘Hey yeh that sounds cool its 04689738.’ ‘Cool thanks, so I’ll seeya Monday then’ ‘Yeh seeya Monday Joey.’ I was almost sad to see him leave. He ran outside and into this black SUV. Man I reckon he’s rich, either that or it’s another rich family member picking him up. Yeh that’s it, cause he’s not a jerk like a rich kid. Why is he coming to this shit hole if he is rich...? What is Joey’s last name anyway?