Another Tale From Another Broken Home

Part Seven: Monday mornings are crap, but Monday a

So I went to school, with a headache but I was wearing the usual band t-shirt, today MCR, plus Skinnies and chucks and heaps of eyeliner today. I grabbed an apple and my gigabeat and started walking to the bus stop were I caught my bus got the usual stares and went to school as usual. When I got to school Joey was waiting for me at my locker. I had packed an overnight bag for his house tonight. I was nervous about it and I wasn’t sure why.
Today was an average boring filled day with me and Joey talking and talking about music. Today we had another double of music, science and English lesson, plus a double of art. We got shouted at by Mrs McLaren for talking and being rude and Joey and I got a detention for swearing at her to shut the fuck up because we were trying to have a conversation on which she wasn’t included. Double music we started to learn more about punk rock and everything. Joey is awesome he knows so much about music it’s so cool. Art was more of the portrait things, it made me have even more butterflies and also I was getting nervous about his family. He had told me that his Grandma will be picking us up this after noon.

The afternoon came so we went outside to the pick up area and waited for his Grandma to come pick us up. She came and Joey introduced us ‘Hey Grandma, this is my new friend Sally. She goes to school with me and is in all my classes.’ ‘Sally this is my Grandma Ollie.’ ‘Hi sally nice to meet you too, please just call me Ollie.’ ‘It’s nice to meet you too, and okay.’ Shit the name Ollie sounded so familiar but again I couldn’t place it. We then went to the junior school to pick up his little brother Jakob. That sounded familiar too. When he got in the car he looked familiar too. What was it with this family it was all too familiar to me but I still couldn’t pick it. All the way to Joey’s house I heard Jacobs mindless banter about how his friend had got his head stunk in the sand pit somehow. I also noticed that the houses around the streets we were driving in were getting bigger and more up market, till Ollie stopped at 53 Taylor Drive. It had 2 almost identical houses either side of it and they were very very up market. I felt so out of place.

We hopped out of the car, and I started to get a funny feeling. I noticed a car, a ford fairlane to be exa….wait that’s the exact same care that Billie-Joe Armstrong has. I suddenly froze to my stop. HOLY FUCK, Joey... Joey ARMSTRONG holy shit. No wonder the teacher didn’t want to say his last name. There would be so many teenies after him omfg. I have a crush on his son omfg. It all adds up now were I’ve seen his attitude and his looks and why Ollie sounds so familiar omg!! Okay sally calm down, its okay, try not to freak I know your about to meet Billie-Joe fucking Armstrong but don’t go psycho. You don’t want Joey to think you are a tennie do you now? Not when you’ve met your very first friend. Joey must have seen I spaced out so he asked ‘Sally are you okay?’ ‘Huh? Yeh, yeh I’m okay. Sorry I must’ve tuned out. I was thinking about what brad would say if he new I came to an up market part of town he would almost kill me.’ I had lied. ‘O okay, everything will be alright wont it?’ ‘Yeh it should be.’ ‘Well come inside and meet my parents, I think there home from work.’ Wow okay be calm Sally. We walked inside, wow this place is huge! Shit I’m nervous.

‘So sally this is my house.’ ‘Yeh it’s cool.’ ‘Haha thanks.’ ‘Mum, Dad, Jakob come and meet my new friend.’ I then saw a little kid, he looked exactly like Joey, and I saw Adie walk in from what I think looks like there kitchen, then Billie walked down the stairs I was like omg here we go. ‘Hi Mum, this is my friend, Sally. Sally this is my Mum’ ‘Hi Mrs Armstrong, you’ve got a lovely place here’. What else was I supposed to say, hi Mrs Armstrong I’ve been admiring your husband ever since I can remember and I would love to see him in his boxers? Yeh and then Joey would hate me; I really like Joey for him being him. ‘Please Sally just call me Adie.’ Wow ‘Okay then sure.’ ‘And this is my annoying little brother Jakob, Jakob meet Sally.’ ‘Haha joeys got a girlfriend, Joey and his girlfriend sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g ha-ha.’ damn me and my girl ness, I blushed. ‘Get lost Jakob. Yeh anyway that’s my kid brother.’ ‘And this is my Dad; I guess you can call him Billie or asshole which ever you prefer.’ ‘Joey please don’t swear, nice to meet you Sally, I hope we see more of you.’ ‘Yeh whatever dad, anyway that’s my family, so ill show you were your going to sleep.’ ‘Cool, o yeh and um Billie thanks for letting me stay.’ ‘Anytime Sally’

So we walked up this HUGE staircase, passed this room that had danger written all over it. I was presuming that was Jakob’s room. There was a huge room at the end of the hallway which I would say would be Billie’s and Adie’s...Omg I’m in Billie’s house. Okay focus sally. We got to this room that had a small sign saying ‘Joey’ and a ‘fuck of and keep out’ sign on it ha-ha. ‘So this is my room it has like my bed, the bathrooms just over there, um you will sleep over there and yeh, I’ll give you a tour of the house soon if you want.’ ‘Yeh that would be cool, you’ve got an awesome house.’ ‘Haha yeh I guess, its home to me you know, I haven’t known any different, but you will love your basement its were dad and his band practice, o yeh and the music room, they are the best.’ ‘Awesome.’ It really was, I didn’t expect this but it all made sense. At the moment I felt my life was changing. I was happy, I was smiling, I hadn’t done hat for ages, and I don’t even remember the last time I smiled. Ever since Joey came along I can’t stop smiling. Gosh I love him, wait did I just think that… anyway his room was awesome! There was a pull out bed were I’d be sleeping and he had posters covering his walls, he had black carpet and a big black bed it was awesome. I set up my shit then he gave me a tour of the house, it was awesome, but nothing could be better then what happened when we got to the music room. ‘So this is were my Dad and his band members practice there songs and stuff. It’s got his 12 guitars on that wall, you can pick one to play if you like, accept for blue the on right in the middle, don’t touch that.’ Yeh and I knew exactly why and how special Blue was to Billie. When Joey was in the middle of explaining this to me I felt this big thud and this big heavy weight landed on the back of me. ‘What the fuck is on the back of me whatever the fuck it is get the fuck of me right now.’ ‘Haha Sally is just one of my dad’s friends Tre, he’s a little bit loony.’ OMG TRE FUCKING COOL WAS TOUCHING ME, in that case he can get right back up there. But damn he’s heavy ‘Tre meet my friend Sally, Sally meet Tre.’ ‘Well Tre you are really heavy has anyone told you that?’ ‘No but do you like my ass? It hurts since I fell off you, its so round and sexy.’ I cracked out laughing at that it was hilarious and then I looked up and saw MIKE DIRNT frozen in the door way, why would he be frozen at the sight of me, im not that ugly am I. ‘Hi Uncle Mike, this is my friend Sally.’ ‘Hi sally, you look really familiar, that’s why I froze I thought you were some one I used to know.’ ‘Ha-ha really ahh thanks I guess....’ talk about awkward ‘Well um okay I’ll show you the rest of the house now.’ ‘Yeh that would be good, you could get lost in this maze.’ ‘Hmm that reminds me we could go swimming or watch a movie later.’ ‘Hmm sounds fun we could do both.’ ‘Yeh cool. So he showed me various other rooms in the house but I was too distracted by staring at him. He looked so cute and adorable in his house, you could just pounce on him. I was taken out of this trance when Adie called us down for dinner, and after dinner we went to have a swim so it was all so much fun but I didn’t like the bit were Mike kept staring at me and when Tre dunked me in the pool.

That night we watched ‘The nightmare before Christmas’ ha-ha I love that movie it’s the best. After it was done we went up to Joey’s room and had a pillow fight and talked and laughed and listened to music till 4am when we went to sleep. We didn’t wake till 12.30 and we woke up the smell of PANCAKES. I haven’t had them since dad left… I don’t even remember who my Dad is, but I remember his pancakes for some odd reason. Anyway we missed out on school that day. Brad and Mum are going to kill me but whatever I have Joey now. I went home after school and got home at the normal time so it looked like I had been to school, and Brad and Mum never new I hadn’t been. Joey and I were really mucking around all day.