Another Tale From Another Broken Home

Part Nine: Leaving

[it's short i know, but hope you enjoy it and please comment XD]

So dad wanted me to move in with him because I didn’t want to go back to Brad and he didn’t either, and if I moved in with dad I’d be closer to Joey and me and Joey were really really close. So one day I went back home and told mum that I was moving to dads, heres how it went ‘Hi mum I’m home.’ ‘O hi darling you okay?’ ‘No mum I’m not. Brad beat me up so I went to my boyfriends house for a week because I was fed up with it all and there I met my real Dad who’s Mike Dirnt and since you wouldn’t tell me all my life im pissed at you and I don’t want to stay here any longer so im moving into Dad’s house, you shouldn’t care nor miss me because you haven’t done that in the passed 15 years so why should you start now.’
‘honey-’ ‘Don’t call me that. You have no right to call me that im sick of your bullshit, no matter what you say or what you do can’t change the fact im leaving!!’ ‘O okay well ring me or send me a letter sometime, just please talk to me somehow.’ ‘I might bye Mum have a nice life.’ ‘Bye Hon-, I mean bye Sally.’ She was shocked, I guess she still loved me no matter what, wether she hated me or not, but I didn’t care, I was with my Dad and I was happy now I didn’t want anything to do with her because she would only bring me down again. So would Brad so fuck them I have my Dad and I have Joey and I have Green Day. I ran upstairs to my room got my suit cases and some old boxes and started to pack the contents of my room. I took all my posters down, rolled them up and but them in one box. Then I started on my CD collection and my clothes, then my other possessions. I packed my computer back up. The last thing I packed up was my guitar. I took it all down stairs and waited for Dad to come and pick me up.