Do You Pinky Swear?

"I'd rather cut my arm off and eat it."

Jamie's POV

Stupid teachers. *hmph* What right do they have to give us detention if we "don't go inside" at this moment. I mean we still had 10 minutes to relax and chill, hehe.. chillax. NEW WORD! w00t, I'm so creative. Damn the person that had the fucking frogs. Whatever, I'm just happy I have Audrey, Kyle and my other friends in my homeroom. I walked over to my group of friends, and just talked. You know, catch up from the 2 days I haven't seen them.

"So, guys. What's up?" I pulled out my ipod and put my headphones in.

"Mmm, nothing much whatbout' you Jamie?" Kristen was an okay friend. I mean sure I talked to her, but she could sometimes get seriously annoying. I looked over at Kyle while I was just about to answer. He too, was listening to his ipod. I looked around the room. I'm not totally sure where Audrey went, maybe the bathroom or whatever.

"Yeah same." I walked over to Kyle, because I still had to talk to him.

"Oooh Kyle darling, may I have a word with you?" By the sound of my voice, I think he caught onto what I was talking about.

"Uhm, sure?" He walked over. Hm, guess he didn't.

"Well, I told you our talk wouldn't be over. So spit it out, I'm asking now." I was humming really softly, as I was talking to to him. My favorite song came on, 'It's on me' by Show me the Skyline. Ah, I loved this song.

"Why is it so important to you? It's nothing huge." What's with him lately? He tells me everything.

"You tell me everything.. Why do you pick now to be so secretive? Is something wrong?" I was getting worried now. I mean he's not all happy anymore, and he's not like.. well yeah like I said, happy.

"No, nothing's wrong. I just, don't want to tell you." He answered back.

"But, but, I tell you everything! And I do everything for you.. You could do this teeny weeny thing for me and tell me. And if you didn't that wouldn't be very fair." I was good at making people feel guilty for me. I really felt sad though. I mean he trusts me with his LIFE! Yet, he can't trust me with who he likes?

He waited a few seconds to answer, "Well, what's the point, I know she doesn't like me"

I was getting pissed now. " WELL MAYBE I COULD HELP YOU IF YOU JUST TOLD ME."

I looked up into he soft blue eyes, and he looked sincerely sad. "Alright, alright I'll tell you but if you do ANYTHING or tell ANYONE I'd freaking go physco on your ass. ARIGHT?"

Oh snap, yeah You DO NOT want to get Kyle mad. He's mad scary when he his. I saw him mad one time, but it was like in the summer. Something happend, but that's another story.

"When would I ever tell your secret. I thought you trusted me with your life? I'm appauled Mr.Davidson" I smirked at him. He smiled a bit too.

"Alright well... It's... uhmm it's.." he was hesitating to tell me.

"GODAMMIT KYLE. spit it out!"

"Audrey." He finished his sentence. My eyes went wide. They were so wide that even if I wanted them to go wider, they couldn't.

I let out the biggest "AWWW!!!!!!!!!" ever.

I was so excited he told me. "Oh my god, Kyle! really??? "

He was blushing a bright red right now. Aw, my little Kyle is growing up! "Yeah, BUT YOU CAN'T TELL HER!! YOU PROMISED."

"Yeah Kyle I know." Agh it sucked to much. I really wanna tell her. Speaking of Audrey, where is she?


The bell rang signaling for everyone to go to first period. I said my goodbyes to all my friends and Kyle. I looked onto my new scheduale, since today was a new semester. AP Chemistry Blah, Mr.Feinman. Little plump man that is FULLOF EVIL. He is the worst teacher possible. He gives a whole fuckload of homework, I mean seriously does he have no other life? It's not like he spends all of his time grading these dumb homeworks/tests. Well.. then again.. this is Mr.Feinman we're talking about.

Steven's POV

The bell rang, and I'm off to class. This morning was a pretty amazing morning. Frogs, frog in Stephanie's hair, can it get any better? Hm maybe, I mean it's only the beginning of the day. I looked onto my scheduale AP Chemistry - J. Feinman Oh god. Him AGAIN?

"Why does God hate me?" I said that to no one in particular. I went into my classroom, and a few people were already there. I knew most of them, but none of them were my friends. Frankie, Gaven, Rachel, Nicole, Omar, Jackie...... and Jamie? God loves me.

"Thankyou, thankyou so much." I said it up to the ceiling cause, well I'm talking to GOD. GOD ALMIGHTY.

I sat down in a seat. The seat right next to Jamie. She didn't seem to notice I was there. She was listening to her ipod, and her eyes were closed. She looked so peaceful.. and just beautiful. The light it shining on her made me want to kiss her more than I already want to.


The late bell rang and Mr.Feinman was already inside the room setting up for the lesson today, and all everyone was in their seat ready. Jamie took out one earpiece from her headphones and looked at me like I had three heads.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" she whispered harshly to my way.

"Excuse Ms.Parker, do you have something to say to the class?" Feinman caught her.

She mumbled something incoherently then answered, "Sorry, nope"

"Yes, I didn't think so." After that, Mr.Feinman started to talk again.

"Okay everyone. Lucky for you today, there is NO HOMEWORK!" everyone in the classroom, including me, cheered. Wow, that's a first, no homework? Awesome.

"BUT," and the whole class groaned. "we DO have a project and a lab for today. Today we will do a lab on blood samples. I will explain further more of the project at the end of class"

Rachel Strozak raised her hand. "Mr. Feinman, do we get to choose out partners?"

Mr. Feinman answered, "Yeah sure,"

I looked around the classroom, and everyone was talking to the person they wanted to partner with. Apparently Jamie didn't have any friends in this class. She just sat quietly.

"I'll give you guys 3 minutes to find partners"

Jamie looked around frantically searching for a partner. I just sat there, not really giving a crap.

I heard her say to Nicole, "Hey you wanna be partners?"

She said, "Sorry Jamie, Scott already asked me"

She started asking everyone. So I just figured I would ask her myself. I looked at her and said, "Do you wanna be partners? Everyone else is taken."

She looked really desparate. "I'd rather cut my arm off, and eat it."

Mr.Feinman chimed in. "This project is worth a test grade, so find a partner fast! 1 minute left"

I cocked up an eyebrow at her. She finally gave in and said, "Ugh, fine. "
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Ah hehe very long, Well I think so. :] Hope you like it COMMENTS AND BANNERS ARE ENCOURAGED AND LOVED. pleaseandthankies <3 Tiffany