Status: Slow Progress

The Queens of Death Metal VS The Queens of Scene


Sweat dripped from Holli's forehead as she heaved the last of the heavy amps into the trailer.

"Nice job James! Great work John!" she called to the burly guys behind her, hauling the last bit of equipment—the drum kit of her brother, Matt Nicholls. All three were sweaty from the work and in desperate need of a shower, but they still came together for a ceremonial end of job hug.

"Alright guys, I'm going to go ahead and get on our bus with the rest of my mates. Have fun in the van!" She smiled, hugging them both once again before turning to leave.

Holli let her ponytail down so her hair hung down again and wiped her brow to help her seat disappear. Her tight fitting red tank top and shorts kept her cool as she worked with the men, but now that it was time to tour she would have to change. When Holli flung the tour bus door open she saw members of both bands sprawled out all over the couch.

"Don't ask." Was all she said as she walked to her bunk to gather more suitable tour clothes. Randomly grabbing a shirt and pair of skinny jeans, Holli began to the bathroom only to run into a person wearing a white flowering petticoat/skirt with a black and white Hello Kitty shirt and bubble gum pink hair.

"You!" They hissed in unison and everyone turned to look in their direction, members of Bring Me The Horizon exchanging worried looks as Holli glared at the other woman.

"The roadie bus is behind this one, get lost." Audrey bitched, trying to shove pass Holli through the narrow passage.

"I'm the vocalist for Savage Artemis bitch, what the bloody hell are you doing fake scenie?" Holli sneered, tired of running into the wannabe Barbie. "Now excuse me." Holli pushed past the only girl she had ever seen fighting Barbie for the most plastic in the world [next to Paris Hilton] and smiled as she did so, triumphant.

Audrey's anger began boiling as that happened. Twice that bitch has crossed me...she won't do it a third time

"Oli!" She whimpered, remembering the fake tears.

"What's wrong baby?" He said, mildly uninterested in what Audrey had to say.

"That bitch ran into me in the hallway!" she sobbed.

"Who?" Oli asked, forgetting it was Audrey who ran into Holli.

"The one from Savage Artemis."

All the SA girls looked at one another and immediately burst out laughing, realizing it was Holli, because from their vantage points, they could not have seen into the narrow hallway, and they had missed the entire confrontation.

"Sorry, Holli is a little bitchy sometimes." Candice offered up, trying to be polite, but it was taken too far.

"My sister is not a bitch!" Nicholls said, jumping up to defend his younger sister. "She's just a knowing person: she treats you with the vibe that comes off of you."

" ok." Candice said in shock that someone had not only corrected her, but gave a perfect telling of what was going on with Holli.

"Ok, mental note guys. The shower only stage hot for five minutes and then it gets cold." Holli said, coming out of the bathroom in a pair of jean skinnis and her new Avenged Sevenfold tank, her hair still wet. And then she saw Audrey and Oli. Together. His hand behind her back.

And Holli snapped.

"OLIVER SCOTT SYKES! I cannot believe you! For three years I haven't dated anyone. Eleven years without being with anyone but you. But I leave and the first thing you do is grab the fakest, dumbest, ugliest bitch alive," she took and breath and saw Kiki, Jac, and Dakota all get up to aid the shocked Audrey, who had never before been called ugly, or fake. "and you date her? And bring her dumbass, fake friends with her to date my brother and the guys? Have you really gotten THAT bloody stupid Oli?"

The room was silent as all eyes were on Holli and Audrey. Audrey's eyes narrowed to a slit and she mustered the energy spit out:

"You bitch." Dakota, Kiki and Jac stood beside her and everyone else sat frozen in their positions, waiting to see who would come out victorious of this little contest of three to one. "I am not fake, and Oli loves me."

"You keep thinking that." Holli spit back. The purse dangling in Kiki's hand shimmered as they circled Holli, it's tininess showing how unable it was to really carry anything. Audrey remained in front .

He does.'re just an ugly, angry old girlfriend."

"Trust me; I'm more than an old girlfriend."

"Get her!" Audrey screamed as the whole room flew into a commotion. Kiki struck Holli with the tiny purse and everyone else jumped to their feet in just enough time to see Holli deliver a well placed kick to Kiki's stomach, sending the tiny girl against the wall.

"Holli! Stop it!" Oli yelled, trying to protect someone from getting seriously injured.

"Oh save it. You obviously love her Oli...why don't you sweet talk and marry her.?" Holli snarled, retreating to her bunk, leaving everyone confused.

"You ok Kiki?" Curtis asked as Hanna muttered to Lee:

"I like her."

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Once the excitement died down and SA was done apologizing to BMTH, everyone decided now was a good time to get to know each other better. Except that Carmen made on announcement.

"I won't play if they do." She pointed out the four whom had attacked Holli. "And I'm not sorry Holli kicked you."

Audrey pushed away.

"Not like I wanted to play anyway." Audrey said walking away with her posse.

Carmen smiled to herself, please.

"So...since you talked first...tell everyone your name and what you play." Lee said, happy that Hanna got to stay.

"And don't forget something interesting about yourself." Cassy added, smiling at Curtis. He smiled back, unable not to.

"Uh...I'm Carmen McDaniel, I'm the rhythm guitarist and Max is man." She smiled, hugging Max for emphasis.

"I'm Matt Kean and I play bass for BMTH, 23, and I'm super hyper when I get alcohol or sugar." Kean laughed. "Oh and my girlfriend got kicked out."

"Well mine got kicked...dammit, Holli needs to be nicer." Curtis commented and everyone's eyes were on him. "I mean, I'm Curtis Ward, 24, rhythm guitar and my girl got kicked by my old best friend."

"I'm Cassy, 22 and single. My last name is 'Daring' because I am." She said, obviously attempting to flirt with Curtis.

"What do you play?" Curtis asked, ignoring her flirts at first.

"Lead guitar."

"I'm Lee Malia, this is Hanna Beth, my wonderful girlfriend that I love so much. I'm 24, she's 22 and I also play lead guitar. I met Holli when I was 16 and she was 13 because of Matt, her brother." He indicated for Nicholls to go, but he shook his head and pointed to Mysha.

"Mysha. 23. Drummer. Never killed anyone." She shrugged, fulfilling her requirements.

"Matt Nicholls, drummer and 26 year old brother of Holli. I introduced her to these idiots." He indicated his band.

"Candice Glover, I'm 22, the bassist and I'm an ex-model." She said nonchalantly.

"You modeled?" Kean asked, surprised.

"Why so surprised?" she asked, adjusting her posture so it made her look more "appealing".

"You look like you still should be." He commented, as she smiled.

"We done feeding her ego? We need a sign that says 'do not feed compliments. Ego already too large.' " Cassy rolled her eyes as she joked about her friend.

"My name is Oliver Syikes, better known as Oli. I'm the vocalist for Bring Me the Horizon, 25 years old which means I was 14 when I fell in love for the first and last time with my angel, Kyle Holland Nicholls—who I have thought about everyday for eleven years. And for three years I looked for her only to have her tell me how much she hates me without letting me tell her how much I still love her." He said, walking out of the now silent room.

"Um, that was weird." Cassy said, calmly, trying to keep the situation calm.

"Not really. When it comes to Holli, Oli freaks out. They have been together for eleven years—no lie. She was ten years old when Oli was fourteen and they had known each other for years, pretty much since her birth. They were so close and one day...he just told her how he felt and she shocked him by telling him she felt the same. They were together from then on. They were always together and love.

"When we became a band, she was our merch girl, and a damn good one too. We were so sure they were going to get married." Nicholls said, hanging his head as he told of a simple history of his sister. "Though, if they did, I would have killed Oli." All he said was what he truly knew and it was all Bring Me the Horizon knew too. But it wasn't the whole truth. There were some important things he left out, but not on purpose.

"There were only two people in the world who knew everything about Holli and Oli. And they refused to talk about it. Holli and Oli knew the truth and it would take both of them to even to get the whole truth and nothing but it. But that would take them both, telling the truth, with no regrets.

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As they approached the venue, the energy of the bus turned to an excited energy. There was a silence, but it wasn't an awkward silence, it was a more comfortable silence with everyone running around, pulling on clothes and hair to look ready for the show in an hour.

Cassy and Candice sat on the couch finished first of their band for the first time in forever. Cassy's hair was properly teased so that it stood up perfectly for her stage presence. Her black corset was laced in red and her skinny jeans were of dark denim, and her converses were holding on for dear life.

Candice's entourage was vastly different in the type of clothing she wore. She had a halter style shirt of ebony black that clung to her curves like magic. Her own dark denim skinny jeans complemented this along with the tiny ballet flats on her feet. Her hair was straightened and a white headband adorned her head. Her eyeliner was not quite as thick as usual, but it was thick enough.

One by one the guys from BMTH filled in wearing exactly what they had been wearing before.

"Why do girls change so much?" Kean asked, shaking his head in disbelief as Carmen walked in wearing light jeans, high heels and a killer white and black blouse with a low neck.

"And how do you expect to play in those." Nicholls sat, laughing at Carmen's heels.

"No one ever said I jump around like Cassy." She simply said, smiling as Max walked in, having only changed his shirt to that of one that adorned the name 'Savage Artemis'.

Mysha followed, wearing the same pants and converse with a Metallica shirt on now and her drum sticks in hand. Oli's eyes focused towards the door where he expected Holli to come bursting through in a BMTH shirt and come jumping into his lap. But h knew that wouldn't happen.

Instead, Audrey and her posse filled in, wearing tight shirts with low necks, leaving almost nothing to the imagination and various pants or skirts. Audrey wore a billowy shirt that showed her glitter gold bikini top under the shirt and some very, very short block shorts. Jac Vanek's black tank top was pull3d way down and her short denim skirt was just that. Kiki and Dakota had on super short mini-dresses with ridiculous high heels.

"Oh, hey baby!" they rushed to BMTH as SA just rolled their eyes.

"Where's Holli?" Cassy asked.

"Where's Hanna?" Lee asked, worried.

"We're coming." Came the unison voices of Hanna Beth and Holli.

"Soon after they came in and everyone became silent, even the scene queens. Hanna was wearing a BMTH tee shirt and a skirt that was short enough to not be a nuisance and long enough to cover her ass with taste.

Holli's shirt had a large neck and fell off her shoulder while the long black sleeves wear near poofy without volume. Her denim shorts showed her legs and she wore strappy black heels. Her messenger bag was at her side and as she walked in, it swung beside her.

"—Yea, I agree completely." She emphasized to Hanna and both burst out laughing. "Oh, hey Lee, sorry I kept your girlfriend, we were just bonding, she's pretty cool. Way better than those bitches." Holli indicated the other scene queens.

" Excuse me?" Audrey said, standing up.

"Don't mess with me right now. I don't want to miss my show because you are bleeding all over the place." Holli ignored Audrey and walked out the tour bus.

"Did she really? I know she didn't..." Audrey trailed off in her disbelief at being trashed in front of people she would be around for a long time. She had been insulted. Audrey Kitching does not get insulted. No one ever gets away with it, ever.

"Alright girls." Carmen said, motioning for SA to follow her. They all jumped up and out of the bus, quick to follow Holli and congratulate her.

"Holli!" Carmen yelled towards her friend, to make sure she was ok. The orange head turned and she smiled.

"Hey...guys." Holli saw everyone behind Carmen and appropriately greeted them, resisting the temptation of saying 'mate'.

"Whoa, she said 'guys' not 'mates'!" Cassy joked until she saw how weak and fragile Holli looked.

"Oh, no. We're getting you to the stage...NOW!" Cassy and Candice agreed, each grabbing one of Holli's arms.

"Watch out for her heels." Carmen reminded and Mysha grabbed her shoulder.

"Carmen, she's just shocked; not insane." The drummer went ahead, following the two. Carmen quickly follow3ed wondering why Max had stayed behind. Oh crap, he has to work merch this show...ugh.

The sound check went well, and quick, for both bands. As they both were back stage, each began their own traditions of before show rituals. Savage Artemis waited as they looked at Holli, who finally moved, grabbing her messenger bag. They each sat on the floor, Indian style, and Holli asked each to close their eyes. She reached into her messenger bag, grabbing Posh, holding it close to her.

"I wish that our show entertains and everyone gets their money's worth." Holli whispered only loud enough for the members of the circle to hear. IF BMT listened carefully, they could hear, and that's exactly what they did.

"Ok. Now, we're going to have a great show ladies, so is Bring Me the Horizon. Brother," she paused as she singled Nicholls out and hugged him. "Thanks for raising me. Guys," she hugged them all one by one, except Oli. When she came to him, she stopped in front of him, clutching Posh.

"You still have Posh?" he whispered, a smile dancing on his lips.

"Yea. Oli I...promise me she makes you happy?" Holli asked, looking into his eyes, but not. She tried to look through his eyes.

"I can't. She's great, but she's not, she's not you." Oli whispered back, fingering a thin chain around his neck, the pendant hidden beneath his shirt. Holli turned to leave to get on stage and he grabbed her: "Go get 'em lil Nicholls."
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sorry if there are any errors;
comments are greatly appreciated;
hope you like it;
we're getting a little deeper into the history;
sorry it took me a long, long time to type because I've been busy;
I gave more history this week! I feel so special :]

<3 Vicy