Status: Slow Progress

The Queens of Death Metal VS The Queens of Scene

Vampire Heart

The truth was evident. Holli was cared to think that they would have to tell her bandmates soon, instead of never. Sneaking around for the past few weeks with Oli had made Holli antsy, but she wasn't going to stop. And because of that she may have to explain the whole truth—not the half ass one she told Candice—to her whole band.

Holli paced the downstairs of the venue, thinking about how long she could keep this up. She had advanced three spaces, but she might fall back four if something went wrong. Since Oli's surprise of letting her know that he still wore the ring that bound them together in the most ceremonial and holy of ways. But they still hadn't come up with a plan of how to tell the guys without A) Matt Nicholls killing them both B) Audrey or the other queens finding out. Holli worried more about her brother as she paced the cold hallway, her off the shoulder top tight this concert and very red, her jeans skinnis with her comfortable worn out converse. She sighed as she stopped moving.

Warm lips pressed on her cold shoulder, sending shivers up her spine and she clutched Posh closer to her. Turning she knew exactly what to expect, warm chocolate eyes starting adoringly into her own eyes, the same way his eyes looked at sixteen year old Holli Nicholls when she said 'I Do' and became Holli Sykes.

She unwillingly shuttered as she thought of her non-approving parents, the only ones who had known about the marriage, though they hadn't approved of it. Oli leaned down, kissing his young wife, hugging her close to comfort her. He pressed his lips to her forehead after he pulled away from her lips. She proved how short she was, but he still loved her.

"Holli, I love you baby." He whispered to her as he put his arms around her.

"I love you too, Oli." She went to the tips of her toes, leaning up to kiss him, lightly pressing her hands on his chest, one still clutching the small snow leopard.

"As much as I like this, you have to go get to stage to prepare to perform." Oli said, and Holli sighed.

"Ok. Come on Posh," she giggled to her stuffed animal. "I love you." She kissed him before running up the stairs towards the stage and her band.

Oli smiled to himself, putting his hands in his pocket and slowly following Holli. He let her get ahead, so as not to arouse suspicion between the bands. It was unnecessary for the band members to know quite yet. He had to wait for the opportune moment; Oli just wished it would hurry up so he could quit pretending to fall asleep as fast as they got to the tour bus, to avoid Audrey.

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Audrey knew something was up. Something big between Oli and that bitch from Savage Artemis. Audrey refused to let some oranged haired, ugly ass, curveless vocalist take away her main source of income. I'll just have to be smart... and Audrey smiled remembering a time not that long ago when Oli was drunk...

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Holli and Oli were looking to sneak away after the show that night for some time alone. But things always got in their way. Pink haired obstacles, mostly. From the very second that Oli was in her sights, Audrey would not leave him alone. Oli finally ran to the bathroom to wait out the terror as Holli went on stage.

"Hey guys, this is my leopard Posh, she goes right here on the microphone." Holli began attaching the little animal to the microphone. "Now that Posh is in place, let's rock!" Cheers erupted from the crowd and Holli smiled.

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"I'll be back guys." Holli told her bandmates as she got up right after Oli cussed at the crowd for the umpteenth time. Holli scrambled away, soon replaced by BMTH.

"Where are the girls?" Oli asked, even though he really didn't care about Audrey, Kiki, Dakota, or Jac. The woman he cared about was waiting for him outside to come to her, exactly where he wanted to be.

"The baby has been whining in the bathroom for almost the whole time you left to go on stage." Hanna Beth huffed, near laughter.

"Now, Hanna Beth. That's mean." Lee pretended to reprimand his girlfriend, even though he loved her honesty. He put down his guitar and began to sit on her, but the girls of Savage Artemis cried out:

"He smells gross!"

But Hanna laughed and hugged him.

"He's my smelly rockstar." Oli laughed and the others couldn't hold it anymore.

"WE have to go find our girlfriends." Curtis said, near throwing down his guitar in eagerness to find Kiki. He looked at the other guys and all but Oli agreed.

"I need a smoke." Oli muttered.

"Oli!" Audrey screamed from the bathroom.

"You better come quick Oli." Jac's voice came next. Oli rolled his eyes and followed the voices, with the band following him. He walked back and was greeted with a scene that was very confusing. Audrey was on the sink, Kiki and Dakota putting wet rags on her forehead and whispering to her. Jac was fanning her while Audrey held an unidentified object that looked like a thermometer in her hand.

"Uh, what is all this about?" Oli was half worried, half exasperated, he need to get to Holli.

"Well can be good news or bad..." Jac started as she continued to fan the now crying woman.

"Well Oli...Audrey is...Audrey is..."

"I'm pregnant." Audrey burst out, tears streaming down her face.

Oli was pretty sure his jaw hit the ground.

"What...what?" he finally managed to sputter out. This is so not possible..

"She's going to have your baby." Jac said, point blank without blinking. "Be happy." Oli was still struck as he thought about it.

"But that's impossible!" he exclaimed, and the faces around him grew shocked, and then some grew angry.

"How can you say that Oli? You were drunk most of the time! How the hell would you know?" Audrey screamed through tears.

"I need a smoke." Oli turned and let the snide remarks fall from him, like water off his back.

"Oli! Oli! Oli get back here!" But he ignored as he walked past the other group of shocked musicians who had heard the whole episode, but they didn't dare mess with him as he walked out the door.

"There you are!" Holli exclaimed, coming to the still stunned Oli. When she saw his expression she kenw something was up. "Oli what is it?"

He looked at her straight in the eye.

"Audrey is pregnant."

"Is it yours?" Holli slowly asked, trying to give her problem solving side time to kick in.

"I don't know!" Oli threw his hands up in the air, disgusted with himself and Holli knew that he wasn't yelling at her.

"Oli, it will be ok. I will fix this. I will find out whether it is yours or even if this fake ass bitch is even pregnant." Holli reassured Oli, hugging him close to her. I just get my husband back to possibly lose him all over again.
♠ ♠ ♠
i apologize for the short chapter.
it was originally longer,
but it really was overly detailed
so i cut some off

I haven't been typing very much lately
i have the next few chapters written,
just not typed.

i promise i will take a weekend
and just type.

comments would be nice.

<3 Vicy