Status: Slow Progress

The Queens of Death Metal VS The Queens of Scene

As He Climbed the Dark Mountain

Holli pushed Oli off of her and began pacing outside. It was time for her to figure a few things out, things she hoped Oli would know the answer to. As she twirled a piece of her hair, hundreds of questions swirled through her problem solving brain along with a concern of her own. She pushed her own concern out the window for the current moment and went back to thinking.

Finally after two minutes of pacing she turned to Oli, a few questions in her mind.

"Oli, how do you not know if it is possible for this baby to be yours?" Holli wanted this cleared up in the first place, so she wouldn't have to think of her husband being with Audrey.

"Holli, I turned into a drunk when you left. It was the only way between shows that I could feel even close to human." Oli calmly stated, trying to remember exactly what happened, but the years of alcohol flushed his brain clean.

"Ok. Well, when did you meet Audrey?"

"How the hell am I supposed to know? I finally figured out we were supposed to be dating when she started being in the kitchen in the mornings." Oli was getting exasperated, and throwing his hands in the air. Holli took a deep breath, attempting to keep calm.

"Ok." Holli paced a few more seconds before another thought hit her. "Did she have a pregnancy test?"

Immediately, Oli's face scrunched up, his nose crinkling with a mix of disgust and wonder.

"They have a test for this kind of thing?" Holli couldn't help it, she had to roll her eyes on that one.

"Yes! You pee on a bloody stick!"

"For real?" Oli said, thinking of a tree limb. "So—"

"No! It looks like a thermometer sort of..." Holli was trying to think of something Oli would think it was. Oli's face slowly showed recognition.

"Yea! Wait, is that good or bad?"


"I'm guessing bad." Oli hung his head, trying to think.

"Yes, Oli. Bad." Then Holli spun around. "Did you actually see the test results?"

"No..." Holli jumped in the air for joy.

"Ok! Um, did she leave at nights?"

"I don't know. I was usually passed out by then, or my memory doesn't go that far."

"She ever go missing during the days?"


"You ever meet any of her guy friends?"

"No. All I've ever know was the other scene bitches." Oli grabbed his head in frustration, trying to remember.

"Clam down Oli, we'll figure this out. Um, wait! When was her last period?" Holli was giddy with joy, knowing it couldn't have been that long ago.

"What?" Oli asked, completely confused. Oh, shit. Come on can I...

"Her icky, bleedy time Oli." Holli tried to think of a way to explain it where he would know. Sometimes talking to him was like talking to a fourth graderor younger .

"Ewwww, no. I don't keep track of that!" Oli squealed, almost like a little girl.

"Well, shit." Holli cursed, continuing to pace now, running out of ideas. Finally she threw her hands up in frustration. "I'm out of ideas."

"How?" Oli asked, astonished.

"I don't know, I just am!" It was Holli's turn to be angry with herself. How could she run out of ideas?

"Come here." Oli's expression softened as he embraced his wife again. "We'll figure this out, honey. I promise."
At least, I hope so....
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i was too tired to type this last update

more later since I have nothing to do this weekend...

<3 Vicy