Status: Slow Progress

The Queens of Death Metal VS The Queens of Scene

Crazy Bitch

Holli knew Oli couldn't go back to his part of the bus that night, at least not alone. They only had two choices, Oli stay with Holli or Holli push Audrey off the bunk. Oli decided to stay with Holli.

"Are you sure?" he asked, once again as the couple boarded the bus after the musician's strict curfew, but before the bus left.

"Yes Oli. They have to find out sometime." She whispered, holding Posh and sitting on the unoccupied couch, beginning to rummage through her messenger bag. She looked up briefly at Oli. "Honey, you may want to put on your ring. We're gonna need it."

"Oli pulled his chain from beneath his shirt, slowly unlatching it to pull the gold band from the chain. He turned his ring over and over looking inside at the engraving "Forever to be loved by Holli." he read out loud, out of habit. He looked up to see Holli paused in mid-motion, smiling.

"We'll get through this. I promise Oli." She began to get up, putting her messenger bag down beside her to move towards him. She walked slowly to him, but right before she got to him, the bus lurched forward and made her nearly fall, but Oli caught her.

"Hello my little klutz." He smiled and she playfully pushed him away.

"You're such a jackass." She mumbled, going back to the couch. Oli ambled over beside her, but didn't sit down.

"We should get some sleep." Oli whispered, offering his wife his hand. She gladly took it. "One more thing." He handed her his wedding band and she smiled, slipping it back on his left ring finger. When Holli looked up, she saw his grinning face and knew that he was happy.


Audrey Kitching woke up the next morning to an empty bunk. She shrugged it off, assuming he had gotten drunk after her little announcement the previous night and passed out on the couch. Audrey looked over at her cell phone and saw it was 6:00 AM, way before anyone woke up on the bus and plenty of time to get some food to "throw up" right as everyone woke up.

She smiled at the sheer genius of her plan as she slipped on her fuzzy slippers and pink fluffy robe before heading to the kitchen. Faking this pregnancy is sheer genius...and of course the unused pregnancy test would scare Oli enough for him to think it’s the truth.

"No one will know the truth." Audrey said in a singsong voice as she flipped on the lights to reveal Holli standing in the middle of the "living room", right arm crossed over left. Audrey screamed, but threw her hand over her mouth to catch it.

"Oh, did I scare you Audrey?" Holli's voice dripped with sarcasm, she knew the truth had to be brought out today. Her early morning runs were impossible on the bus, but her internal alarm clock still woke her up at 4 in the morning. This morning she had showered and dressed without waking anyone, even Oli, who was still asleep on the bunk.

"So, Audrey, you look like you've seen a ghost...oh was I not who you were looking for?" Holli paused waiting to see if Audrey would answer, but she just glared. " were looking for Oli?"

"Bitch." Audrey spat, disgusted with Holli. "Where is he at?"

"He's asleep." Holli shrugged her shoulders, and began to walk towards Audrey. She dropped her crossed arms. "Now Audrey dear, didn't your mother ever teach you manners? You don't fake a pregnancy, that's just awful."

Audrey gritted her teeth How did she know?

"I'm not faking it. I'm going to-"

"No, no. You see, Audrey, I know you're lying."

"Oh really, how do you know that?" Audrey braced herself if she comes any closers, I'll knock her flat.

Holli stopped advancing, but shook her head.

"You see, I know you're lying Audrey because—well, let's back up, shall we?" Holli started to walk again, but not closer to Audrey. "Remember when I told you I was more than just a bitter old girlfriend? Of course you do." Holli answered her own question as she began to play with her left ring finger, but Audrey was unconcerned with that as to she was death glaring at Holli's face.

"Yea, well?" Audrey sneered, wanting to get this over with.

"Yea, well..." Holli moved her head left and right before putting her left hand up where Audrey could see the a glittering diamond, though smaller than any ring she would hope for, it was unmistakably an engagement ring. But what struck Audrey the most was the thin gold band behind it that meant Holli was sealed in holy matrimony with a male.

"I'm his wife."

At first, Audrey was stunned. And then she was pissed. No f***ing way she had come this far to be beaten by an ugly ass, plain jane, orange haired rat.

"Prove it, bitch." Audrey spat.

"As soon as you prove you're carrying Oliver Scott Sykes' baby." Holli countered, crossing her arms again and turning her head.

"You bitch!" Audrey screamed, lunging forward and knocking Holli on the ground, attempting to claw her eyes out. Holli, not really wanting to hurt Audrey in case she really was pregnant, just tried to defend her face from the claws Audrey had.

Within moments of the lunge, everyone was in the same area, Bring Me the Horizon quite horrified by the commotion, the girls on the other hand were rooting for their girl to win.

"Claw her eyes out Audrey!" Kiki screamed, jumping up and down. Cassy looked over at her.

"Bitch! Push her off Holli!" She screamed to match the scene queen's piercing scream.

Holli was starting to get irritated with the situation, so she pushed Audrey off finally, sending her rolling across the floor. Both girls jumped up, straight into fighting positions. Nicholls eyes grew wide with shock, his sister could probably do more than kill Audrey and Oli's unborn child.

"Admit it Audrey! Admit that you're not pregnant!" Holli screamed, her left side exposed to the crowd, her diamond ring exposed and glittering to them. Oli could do nothing but smile at this, but the message of his smile was cryptic to the others.

"Oli, stop smiling about girls fighting over you!" Kean muttered, but Oli turned to face him.

"I'm smiling because I can stop pretending now." With that he faced the girls again only to shout:

"Kick her wanna be scene ass Holli!" That was more than Audrey could take and she ran at Holli with inhuman speed, clawing her face and leaving behind four ruby lines. This was almost more than the tiny crowd could handle and Cassy almost ran out to help her friend, but Kiki Kannibal got in her way.

"I don't think so." She sneered.

"Bring it bitch!" Cassy threw the first punch of their fight and Curtis ran over, attempting to stop his girlfriend from getting hurt. But this only sprawled other fights between the scene queens and the girls of Savage Artemis. Dakota saw this as a reason to attack the girl closest to her, which just happened to be Candice. Jac even got into it with Mysha, who wasn't trying to start anything.

But the main event was just heating up, with Audrey coming in for another swipe, Holli reared back and punched her, hearing a satisfying crunch that stopped everyone's fighting as they watched Audrey fall to the floor, blood pouring from her most definitely broken nose.

"You stay away from my husband bitch or I'll f*** you up worse." Holli backed away as Jac, Dakota and Kiki ran over to aid their fallen comrade.

After a moment, Jac stood up and glared at Holli. She reared back her arm, but in a second, Carmen darted across the room, spinning Jac around by her reared back fist to punch her square in the face.

Savage Artemis' mouths dropped. Carmen: sweet, innocent, Carmen had just punched Jac Vanek.

"Don't you ever touch my best friend, bitch." Carmen yelled as two scene queens lay on the ground. Those frozen by Carmen's performance were reawakened by Hanna Beth's loud scream:

"Hell yes!"

"Get them off the bus—now." Holli barked at the four "queens" on the floor, who immediately began to scramble, afraid of the metal queen.

"Hey!" Curtis protested and everyone stopped moving. "You can't make my girlfriend leave if I want her to stay."

"Um, about that Curtis. I want to leave. Holli scares me, and you don't even have enough money to begin to truly handle me." Kiki replied, helping Audrey, and breaking the last of Holli's reserved patience.

"STOP THE FUCKING BUS." The driver hit the breaks and Holli flung the door open.

"You get off this tour bus now and you never come back. You never come to one of our shows, or one of BMTH's, because if you do, I will personally kick your skinny white trash, golddigging ass."

Without even protesting, the queens jumped off the bus, carrying the two fallen ones while Cassy and Candice began to throw their overly stuffed suitcases off.

"You sell your clothes for money. Or better yet, get a job." Holli spat before slamming the door and barking to the driver to begin to drive once again. She wiped the blood from her eyes as Oli came over to her, throwing his arms around her. When they turned to face their friends and family, only one question remained.

"You two are married?"
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry for the suckish chapter...

oh i just wanted to thank m3gAn and HELLACIOUSHALEY,
my two multiple commenters!
I love you!!!!!!

<3 Vicy