Status: Slow Progress

The Queens of Death Metal VS The Queens of Scene

Here (In Your Arms)

"Well, bloody hell! Can a girl get her scratched up face fixed?" Holli asked, wiping the blood from dripping in her eyes. Carmen jumped into action, looking for the first aid kit, her original registered nurse training finally coming in handy. "And Carmen, whoa! Where did that come from?"

Carmen shrugged, pushing Holli on the couch so she could begin to work on her face.

"Come on!" Holli exclaimed, moving so that Carmen couldn't clean her face, even though it hurt. It was worth getting to know where the violence had come from meek little Carmen. Oli stood off to the side, laughing to himself as the guys still stood in shock, though one had a very angry look on his face.

"Close your eyes and stop moving." Carmen commanded, attempting to put antiseptic on the still bleeding scratches, even though Holli was still moving. Finally Carmen grabbed and held Holli down to apply the medicine.

"Anyways, thank you Carmen." Holli finally said, sitting still. After a few moments, Carmen responded.

"I won't let anyone hurt my best friend." Carmen finally got the lines to stop bleeding as she patted them a final time.

"She clawed the shit out of you hun." Cassy said, walking over to get a closer look at Holli's face.

"They aren't going to scar are they?" Candice asked, in a faux worried voice.

"Candice!" Mysha exclaimed, still fuming from Jac attacking her. "Care about someone besides yourself for once!" She didn't mean to sound quite so mean, but it was necessary for Candice to realize it didn't matter whether Holli's face scarred or not.

"Stop fighting, please?" Holli pleaded, not liking the raised voices and the fighting she was hearing as that she was unable to open her eyes until Carmen deemed it so. Fighting in a band sometimes led to unhappiness, and eventually, splitting up.

"We're done. There's been enough fighting today." Candice said as Carmen finished doctoring Holli's face and telling her that it was ok for her to open her eyes. The band never really fought, they usually just got in little spats, but they always came back. They were close as sisters, but each was different from another and that made them click. The girls smiled around their vocalist, even Candice, who now knew her truth she had been given was a lie, but she was ok with it. She liked learning it with everyone else.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys...but," Holli looked up and trailed off as she realized for the first time that Bring Me the Horizon had exited the room. But the mystery was solved moments later when Hanna Beth ran into the living area.

"Matt is trying to kill Oli!"

Holli jumped up, ready to run, but was halted by the combined efforts of Carmen and Hanna grabbing her.

"You can't go in there!" they shouted together, both worried about her safety with an estranged brother.

"I can and I will! He's not going to kill my husband!" Holli ripped her arm away from Hanna and ran into the kitchen, surprising all the occupants, including Matt Nicholls who was welding a knife to pin Oli against the wall. But in his surprise, he turned to see his sister, only to have the next few moments seared into his brain for eternity and in slow motion.

Like déjà vu for Holli, she slid on the floor, straight into the knife only held in Matt's hand, it sinking into her stomach, even though he tried to pull it away. The sensation was the same and it took her back to the darker time, when Oli didn't rush over to her, cradling his dying wife in his arms, begging her not to go and when her brother wasn't even there to save her from it.

His eyes were vacant as he realized what he did and saw his best friend cradling his baby sister, who he probably killed in an angry second. His sister he had just found again. And through his own tears he saw Oli's eyes produce rivers that had never even been seen before.

Through all the commotion only one thought crowded Holli's mind as she cried out: "This can't be happening again."
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry for how short it is...

Ouch, that has to hurt,
a freaking knife...

and oh yes,
a cliffhanger!

Thanks for my multiple commenters:

I love you guys!

<3 Vicy