Status: Slow Progress

The Queens of Death Metal VS The Queens of Scene

Hearts Burst Into Fire

The waiting room in the hospital was full of musicians at nine in the AM, where they were clearly exposed to the dangers of screaming fans. But none of them cared for they were all in their own little world, wondering and waiting for the truth. Oliver Sykes sat in a chair with his hands covering his tear streaked face beside Matt Nicholls, whose pale faced expression showed no emotion whatsoever.

The silence that had been held by the group was finally broken by the quivering voice of Carmen as she stood to move so that Max wouldn't be completely pinned down.

"What did she mean by 'this can't be happening again'?"

"I...I don't know, I've been thinking about that too." Oli rose his head to look at Carmen, eyes still red from the tears he had been crying.

"Why don't you ask about it?" Cassy suggested, hoping to find out whether her friend was alive or not.

"We have to wait until they come and tell us what's going on." Oli put his head in his hands, hiding his face once again.

"Oliver Sykes?" asked the voice of a man dressed in white, obviously a doctor, who was holding a clipboard. Oli looked up at him.

"Yes?" At seeing how it was, Oli scrambled to stand, hitting Matt along the way, to also stand.

"You wife will recover. But there are a few things we need your help clearing up."

"Sure, sure." Oli nodded, brushing his hair with his hand, trying to make himself not look quite as terrible as he did.

Looking around the doctor looked back at Oli and whispered:

"Would you like to go to my office?" Glancing around, trying to see why the doctor would want Oli to chat in his office, the others leaned in to hear better.

"Oh, no mate. They're good. Anything said to me can be said to them. We're all a family." Oli slung his arm over Matt, emphasizing the point.

"Ok, well, first we were confused about the four scratches on her face...they looked treated, but they couldn't be more than a day old."

"Oh," Carmen stepped forward. "I'm a registered nurse."

"Ok." The doctor flipped the page on the clipboard and then looked up at Oli again. "How did Mrs. Sykes obtain this injury?"

"It's my fault." Matt N. hung his head, but Oli raised it back up. "I pulled the knife on Oli in anger and my sister came in to save her husband." His nightmare replayed in his head and tears welled in his eyes.

"It's ok, mate. We know you didn't mean it." Oli reassured his brother-in-law.

"Alright, well. My next question is for Mr. Sykes...I looked back in Mrs. Sykes file and saw her first pregnancy was not full term, and looking farther I saw it was from the same type situation. Her abdomen was stabbed, causing the death of the baby, and almost, Mrs. Sykes." When the doctor looked up and saw eleven shocked faces he knew something was up.

"Did you not know about your wife's first pregnancy?"

Oli shook his head 'no'. He couldn't comprehend Holli not telling him that she had been pregnant before. What if it wasn't his? The doctor looked at his chart again.

"It was three years ago, if that helps you at all with your wondering."

"Yeh, it actually does." Oli began to turn and all the girls in the group's eyes were wide, they caught something Oli didn't.

"Oh, Mr. Sykes, I thought you would like to know that your wife, she's pregnant again." Oli spun around to see him as everyone let out celebratory gasps. "oh and you can go see her now."

Oli shot off down the hall towards Holli's room, bursting in the door where Holli lay, quite and looking very weak.

"hey honey." Oli exclaimed, rushing towards her and scooping her hand in his.

"Hey Oli." Her voice was weak to match how she looked.

"Well, baby, the doctor had some questions for me that I couldn't answer..." Oli started and Holli's smiled began to fade.

"Oh, know, don't you?" The fear in Holli's eyes was evident, but Oli didn't understand why it was there.

"Yeh, but baby, I don't understand."

"You mind as well call everyone in for this. It's time to tell the whole truth." Holli lay in the bed as Oli stuck his head out the door and motioned for everyone to come. It only took a few minutes for everyone to file in, ready to finally hear the complete truth.

"Ok." Oli came over and held his wife's hand. "Oli and I dated until I was sixteen, and then he proposed. I accepted, of course, and the only problem I had was getting my parents to sign the appropriate documents. Luckily, I was not the best with my attitude, and they always had to sign papers from school, I just stuck it under one of those and they signed, without ever noticing what it was for." Holli smiled at Oli as they reminisced.

"But, Mum and Pop hated Oli." Matt N. pointed out.

"Yes, so naturally, when they found out that I was married, and to Oli, they were angry, but they were also glad to have a reason to kick me out, so they sent me to live with Matt and his roommates—one of whom was my husband.

"We were married two years before I found out I was pregnant. But the boys were gone on tour, so it was impossible for me to tell Oli. I was about three months then, and I went to see my parents, but only because I needed to. I told them, hoping they would happy, but they weren't. The thing inside of me was part of Oli, the dreaded Oli. They immediately became impossible to talk to, yelling at me and throwing things around

"I thought they would be happy, but of course, they weren't. Mom was so mad; she pulled a knife that she had been cooking with and yelled at me. I tried to get away from her, but she thrust the knife, trying to kill me, instead only killing my baby. She almost killed me, but the neighbors came in, they had heard the yelling, and called the ambulance.

"I knew I couldn't face Oli after losing our baby, so I decided to run to America, where he could never look. I hid my rings were I would always have Posh, the stuffed animal Oli had given me. I made up a new identity, traveled to Pennsylvania to learn American customs and made a new me. I was determined to make it in America alone.

"I met Carmen, instantly we became friends and it was easy to leave my past behind. It hurt, but it was necessary. When Audrey said she was pregnant, it stirred my old anger at myself, but it came out against her. My anger at losing my baby...I just couldn't handle it." Holli began to cry, the emotions hitting her again. She truly thought she could never have another baby again.

"Honey..." Oli tried to quiet her tears. She looked up at him. "The doctor said that you're pregnant."
♠ ♠ ♠
i love the comments about
"oh, she died?! WTF?"

no, she didnt die!
I'm not even ready to let go of this story quite yet

don't worry though,
there is more interesting things to come.

I hope you liked it,
sorry for the cliffhanger earlier.

tell me how much liked/hated it
<3 Vicy