Status: Slow Progress

The Queens of Death Metal VS The Queens of Scene

The Auspice

"Hey guys!" Holli yelled into the microphone as she walked between Carmen and Candice, the crowd couldn't see them support their friend as she struggled to make it to the little chair in the middle of the stage. Cheers erupted from the crowd as they watched the young woman who's story had aired on the television the night before, only four days after she had been stabbed by her brother.

The girls eased Holli onto the barstool type chair with back support. She smiled before beginning to speak.

"Well, my battle scars have near cleared up." She referred to the four lines across her face that got thinner everyday with Carmen's care. "Now, tonight is about entertaining you, not me talking about my husband's psycho-bitch ex-girlfriend." Holli heard something whizz by her ear and smash into one of Mysha's cymbals. Oli ran onto the stage as the crowd began to freak out, trying to save his wife from the bullets and gunman hidden in the crowd.

"oh shit, Audrey is trying to shoot me now, lovely. We'll reschedule, promise!" Holli yelled into the microphone before Oli threw it on the floor so he could carry her faster off the stage.

"What the hell is wrong with her?" Cassy yelled, pissed their first show back was ruined by the psycho bitch.

"Well, her boyfriend's wife shows up and kills her gold-digging dreams...wouldn't you be pissed?" Candice asked, stripping off her bass.

"True, true." Cassy replied putting down her guitar.

"Honey, you can put me down now." Holli whispered to Oli, who was still clutching onto Holli.

"Oh, yea." He slowly released her on the couch, trying to make her comfortable as he did so.

"She put a hole in my cymbal!" Mysha complained, which was rare, but it was her drum kit.

"I can give you another one..." Matt Nicholls ended his silence from beside his sister on the couch. Mysha smiled as she thought of the other drummer offering her a cymbal.


Cassy began to look around for Curtis, her new friend. He was an ideal drinking partner for her. She took Curtis out the night Holli was admitted into the hospital and they talked about their past relations and why they failed. This was just another problem for them to solve tonight.

"Hey Carmen, I ordered your flowers today! Your dress will be in the 21st, a week before the wedding." Holli smiled, trying to keep the mood light even though she had almost got shot.

"So, how awesome is this?" Candice sarcastically remarked to Matt Kean who was seated in a chair that she leaned against.

"At least there are only six more shows and the tour's over." Kean shrugged, trying to look for a bright side.

"We have to make this one up!" everyone in the room cried in unison.

"Oh bloody hell, we do." Curtis appeared from the bathroom, catching the ass end of the conversation. Cassy smiled and ran over to him.

"Hello mate, lets go get a drink." She grabbed him, pulling him out the door before anyone could object.

"Definitely, there is no show, and we're not getting shot at. Let's drink!" Curtis yelled as he left with Cassy.

"Wait!" Candice yelled, standing up and chasing after them. Soon, Kean followed after Candice and Mysha sighed.

"I better keep them out of trouble, want to help Matt?" She asked Holli's brother. He looked over at her and Holli nudged him so he slowly followed the mature drummer out of the room and away from his sister.

Holli didn't want anyone to suffer tonight because of her so she turned to the two other couples. Carmen and Max sat on one couch while Lee and Hanna shared another.

"Go on. You four go have a good time." Hanna and Lee looked at each other as Carmen and Max got up.

"Um, Holli I know this is a bad time, but I'm too excited." Hanna began and it was then that Holli noticed the diamond engagement ring on her finger. Holli noted it nearly matched the diamond on Carmen's ring size perfectly, while it slightly overshadowed Holli's tiny diamond. Oli noticed her eyes and leaned over to her.

"I can get you a new one." Holli turned surprised to her husband.

"No, you got a job to pay for this. I love it." She kissed Oli as Hanna burst from excitement in her announcement.

"Lee and I are getting married!"

"Then you should go celebrate!" Holli exclaimed to the happy couple, who happily left after Hanna's outbursting announcement. Holli turned to Oli, sighing with relief as they all left.

"Finally." She muttered to Oli, who smiled at his wife before laying down beside her, beckoning her to join him. She obliged and his hands immediately went to her stomach.

"We're alone now. But don't tell your mum." Holli smiled before looking up into Oli's chocolate brown eyes.

"Oli, you have to stop talking to the bug like that."

"Holli, you have to stop calling our baby 'the bug'." He kissed her forehead before rubbing her stomach some more.

"Oli, I'm thirsty."

"Only because you're hurt..." he trailed off, holding her up so that he could out from under her. She smiled at him as he walked out the door towards the tour bus where her vitamins and water were located. Not even a minute after he was gone, Audrey Kitching appeared from the shadows, welding a hand gun.

Holli saw her, mascara tears streaking down her face and lips, accented with red lipstick. Her steps clicked in the red high heels that matched the graphic on the black skelanimal shirt and the petticoat under the black miniskirt. Holli's last thought before Audrey stepped forward was: She's dressed to kill...
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry about the shortness

and the longgggg wait.

lots of stuff happened with me,
but i shall update more often now that summer is upon us...
hopefully (:

<3 Vicy