Status: Slow Progress

The Queens of Death Metal VS The Queens of Scene

My First Kiss

Holli watched Audrey advance, the barrel of the gun facing down at her--square in her face, Holli knew she would be dead without any chance of revival if Audrey kept advancing to point blank range. Girl may be a stupid slut, but she halfway knows how to shoot not miss a target from close up. The tears streaming from Audrey's face let Holli see just how angry she was about losing Oli, even though she didn't love him. Holli could see that taking Oli took Audrey's comfortable way of life for a while and even if she could recover it would take her brushing off skills she hadn't really had to use in a very long time.

Holli understood.

Though she couldn't understand why someone would be a golddigger and a slut instead of getting a real job that had more satisfactory benefits than possible STDs and pregnancy that would leave you all alone without anyone to help you...she knew how hard it was to have to remember things you hadn't had to do for a while. She had been there when she moved to America, trying to hide the loss of her first child from Oli.

Maybe, just maybe, she could help Audrey. It was crazy, but that was Holli.

"Audrey, I'm not going to say I know where you are coming from because I really don't. But I do something you do not know, that I understand you might want to know." Holli chose her words carefully, trying to piece together exactly what she would say to Audrey that would catch her attention and distract her from shooting Holli.

"What's that bitch? I know you're not bulletproof, so don't even start that." Audrey sneered, trying to keep control. She was the one with the loaded gun after all.

"Of course I'm not. If I'm quick, can I tell you a story? It has to do with that bank account you want so badly to get your hands on." Holli had been so proud of her husband saving, especially after he explained the reasoning behind him continually putting money into an account that Holli had wiped clean.

"I'm listening...." Audrey replied, the interest sparking.

A smile crept on Holli's face as she figured out what to say.

*three years ago*

Brown curls loosely framed Holli's eighteen year old face as she smiled, happy with her handy work. Her normally straightened hair that had been razored and chopped in a billion places closest to the top was now, well....curly, a feat that had taken Holli two hours. Why again am I trying to be all cute? I'm never seeing these people again...and the only one that really matters is Oli. But instead of taking it all down like she felt the need to, she went for the total shock value and forgot about the abnormally thick eyeliner she usually wore and went for a thinner, more natural look. Topping it all off she dabbed a bit of pink lip gloss on.

Stepping back to look at her appearance Holli saw a different type of pretty than normal. Her hair curly, and almost natural with near no makeup on made her feel different, less like she had to dress up to be pretty which was almost ironic considering the sleek diamond studded one shoulder purple dress she had on that hugged her body and then flared out at the end. She smiled, knowing the guys would have a heart attack when they saw her. Especially since she had paid for this dress all by herself, out of her own bank account from her coffee shop savings.

"Now or never." Holli whispered to herself and opened the door of the bathroom to walk towards the living room where her brother and his four band mates stood waiting for her to show them what she was wearing to her senior prom. When she stepped around the corner everyone held their breathe.

Nicholls almost cried for his sister, she was way too pretty for her own good sometimes. Kean couldn't stop thinking how hot she was. Curtis just kept staring. Lee clapped and hooted and hollered for his bandmate's little sis. But Oli, he kept his eyes on her completely, lovingly, and walked up to offer her his arm, which she gladly took. She smiled at him, all dressed up in his tux he bought especially to be her escort and date to prom.

"You look handsome."

"You look gorgeous, as always."

"Thank you Oli."

"Alright! It's picture time! Pictures, pictures!" the brother of course called, he wanted all the memories of his sister growing up as possible. Oli and Holli held each other close as they took pictures for a few minutes. One of these pictures was chosen by all the band mates and each and every one kept the picture in their wallet--the remind them of Holli.

Holli and Oli went off to prom, danced the night away without drinking and came home long after everyone else had fallen asleep.

"Holli was this everything you ever wanted?" Oli asked her, carrying her into the flat they all shared.

"Of course it was love. You were with me." Holli replied, giggling still from all the excitement.

"Good." Oli kissed his wife, happy to be with her without anyone else around.

"Oli! What is Matt is up?" Holli asked, half worried her older brother would come out of the shadows to beat her husband.

"So what if he's up? Holli, you're 18, you can make your own decisions now. I love you, and I'll shout it to the world if I have to." Oli proclaimed, still clutching a smiling Holli close to him.

"I love you too. Now take me to my bedroom, please kind sir." Holli asked as Oli began to walk towards his room.

"I dressed up in a suit for you. You're staying with me tonight, Curtis is sleeping with Kean." Oli smiled, kissing Holli again.

"I don't mind that at all."

"I didn't think you would."

A month later, Holli graduated from her school, all the guys were in the audience, but not her parents. That night, Holli cried herself to sleep wondering what she ever did to them to make them hate her so much. And then came the worst news possible. The guys were going on tour for eight months, so they would be leaving a newly graduated Holli to get situated and ready for college by herself. She didn't exactly mind that, but being without Oli or Matt when she needed him was almost more than she could bear.

"Am I supposed to go to Mum and Pop if something goes bad?" She asked her brother the day they left.

"No. Holli they kicked you out. As much as I would love to say, 'They're your parents, go them for anything' we can't say that about our parents. They're completely self-centered. Call me immediately and the tour will end. We'll be here in two days max." Matt Nicholls kissed his sister bye for what he thought would only be eight months....but turned out to be three years. She smiled, trusting her brother.

Oli came and said his good-byes next. Holli smiled and hugged him close.
"Don't spend all our money love. We need it. You do have the card right?" he showed her the little plastic card behind the picture of them last year, Holli sitting on top of Oli after a concert. "Ok, good. I love you. Be careful. Come home quick!"

Oli smiled at his wife and kissed her. "I'll be home soon, you'll see!" As he walked away, he slowly let go of her hand. This was the hardest part for both of them, leaving each other for months, with barely any phone calls...soon they would be a big enough deal she could go with them. Just, not right now. "I love you."

And then Oli was gone.

*Present Day*

"After they left, I was at home. It was fine at first, I'd wake up and do my work for school, go to the coffee shop for work and come home waiting for Oli to call. He called as much as possible. I wore my ring everywhere, and kept my stuff leopard Posh with me. Oli had given me Posh so long ago, it was hard to remember before I had her to comfort me while they were gone.

"Anyhow, I found out a month after they were gone that I was pregnant. I was ecstatic,but I couldn't call Oli and tell him yet, he had already called me that day, which meant I had to wait almost two more weeks before I could talk to him again. I waited at first, but then I realized that I needed to get this for real checked out. So I went to the doctor and I was for sure pregnant. I was so happy, I just had to tell someone. The only people I could think to tell were my parents.

"I rushed over to their house to tell them the news. My mom was in the kitchen, she was cutting something up. I told her about getting sick in the mornings, about taking the test, and then about going to the doctor. The more I talked, the angrier she got. She stabbed me, killing my baby and almost me. The neighbors heard the screams, pulled my mom off of me and took me to the hospital.

"I was ashamed and didn't know what I would tell Oli. I hadn't listened to my brother and because of that, Oli and my child would never be born. Not to mention the doctor said I would probably not be able to have anymore kids. Ever. I had nothing to offer Oli, nothing at all.

"As soon as I got out of the hospital I took all the money out of my account and flew to America. I left no note, and no clue of where I had gone. I started over. I hid everything from everyone and I cried every night. The beginning of this tour was the first time I have seen Oli or the guys in three years. That bank account you keep trying to wipe out, that's mine and Oli's. He put money in it for when I came back. For a real house. Like I've always wanted."

When Holli stopped talking, Audrey just looked at her. What she saw was a broken, hurt, but healing woman. Holli had been through hell and back, here she was trying to kill her. Audrey was close to being genuinely upset and sad for her when she heard Oli's voice and saw the door opening.

"--better be glad you're hurt love, that's the--" Oli stepped into the room.

"Oli, no!" Holli screamed as Audrey shot.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm backkkkk!

Finally! Sorry for the year long wait!

I just needed a kick in the butt to remind me why I lovee this story!
So I"m going to try and get better at updatting for y'all!

<3 Vicy