Status: Slow Progress

The Queens of Death Metal VS The Queens of Scene


"Ladies, Savage Artemis is going going to England." Max, Carmen's boyfriend/fiance and Savage Artemis' band manager/official merch director/official song tester. Cheers were heard from Cassy Daring, the lead guitarist. Her brown hair was not spike today, a sign her on again, off again boyfriend Synyster Gates was "off again".

Carmen's ice blue eyes looked up at Max and she smiled, letting him know her excitement. Carmen McDaniel rarely showeded her emotions even to Max, but when she did her already beautiful features became more obvious. Her pale, flawless skin would shine and her blonde hair would make her face even more luminous.

Mysha Randolph gave her thumbs up from behind the drum kit in the corner of the basement area the girls were in. This basement had been where the band first jammed together, where they shared many a sleepless night writing, performing and correcting the lyrics, riffs, and beats of their songs. It was their original studio and there was no way they were going to let it go to waste. Candice Glover, the bassist, was asleep in the other corner of the large basement.

That left the vocalist Kyle Holli, who's home they were in, that wasn't present. Usually her hazel eyes were flashing with the exciting news of a new idea, or the perfect idea for a prank. Candice was actually the reason Kyle was currently on a snack run, and not in the basement discussing the upcoming tour for the popular Savage Artemis.

"Look at her." Mysha said to Cassy, the other sneaky prankster of the group. Cassy grinned her devious smile and began over to Candice's sleeping form. Cassy quickly grabbed a piece of Candice's long ebony black hair and pulled, hard. With a squeal of pain, Candice awoke.

"Cassy!" She screamed as everyone, even humble Carmen, burst out laughing.

"Hey Candice, want to go on tour in England?" Max asked, wanting to quickly get the last ok he needed for the band to go on their UK tour. He only needed four of the five members to truly give their ok and the tour was a thumbs up.

"Of course! Brand new guys...with accents!" Candice's voice quivered with excitement.

"Oh lord, who got Candice excited about the new neighbors who are moving in next week?" In came the oranged headed vocalist for Savage Artemis, Kyle. Her arms were full of bags containing junk food.

"Oh, food!" Candice and Cassy jumped up to get the food Kyle laid out for them on the table in the middle of the near empty basement. Kyle looked around at the simple basement with only the drum kit, a chair and a couch surrounding the white table that was used for food. She laughed as her bandmates grabbed large amounts of candies, chips, and doughnuts.

With a full mouth of doughnut, Cassy asked: "Where's the drinks?"

Right as she finished her sentence, Mysha, Carmen, and Max grabbed food off the table and drinks from under the table, where they had been for the past three hours. Cassy's mouth opened and the half eaten doughnut fell out.

"That is not fair!" she exclaimed as she claimed her doughnut from the floor only to realize that she had to throw her doughnut away. Carmen's jingling laugh rang through the basement before she quit when she realized she was the only one laughing.

"It was funny to me..." she tried to explain before going red in the cheeks. No one in the band could understand how she could jam full out on a stage in front of thousands of screaming fans, but she was scared to be the single one laughing with her friends.

"Hey Kyle, wanna go on tour in Europe?" Max asked, already knowing the answer from Kyle.

"Hell yes! The awesome European fans deserve us!" Her excitement was as evident as her accent, that was unidentified. The band knew she had an accent, but how she had one like that and she was supposed to be from Pittsburgh, they had no idea.

"Good! I'll be right back. I have to call and confirm." Max let go of Carmen to go call, leaving the basement.

"Wait, he already asked you guys?" Kyle asked, amazed.

"Yea." Candice giggled. Kyle rolled her eyes as she listened to her closest mates. Unwillingly, her mind drifted back to a similar time and place, with a different band that wasn't hers, but his...and to the thoughts of him. Immediately, she snapped herself off of memory lane and bakc to the current time.

"I'll be right back." Kyle said, stiffling her tears as she retired to the bathroom.

"Great news...where's Kyle?" Max asked, as he came in shutting his cell phone.

"Bathroom." Cassy indicated the hall that led to Kyle's small bathroom.

"Hey, ya think you cvould tell us what's the thing you were so excited about?" Candice asked, stroking her bass lovingly.

"Oh, the band we'll be touring with is Bring Me the Horizon, very popular in the UK. Oh and the manager says that you should look them up on youtube, especially their lead man, Oli Sykes." Max said, laughingly.

"Oh! I call youtubing him!" Cassy squealed, jumping up and running towards the "office". Candice quickly followed, with a smile on her face. Mysha rolled her eyes and got up.

"Damage control." she explained as she followed the boy crazy girls into the small room. Carmen and Max just smiled at each other on the couch.


The office was cluttered as the three girls walked in. Cassy turned on the computer and Candice began opening drawers. Usually, Kyle had the drawers locked, but for some reason they were open today. Mysha just watched the girls as she sat on the desk, opposite the computer.

"What are you looking for?" Cassy asked Candice, who was fervently searching the drawers for some evidence of...well she didn't know what she was looking for.

"Oh, whatever I can find." she mumbled as she looked through cluttered files. "Hey look, here's Kyle's birth certificate! But it looks funny." she scrunched her nose up as she saw it.

Mysha came over and immediately saw what was "funny".

"It's a British birth certificate...but I thought Kyle was from Pennsylvania?" Mysha looked confused at Cassy and Candice.

"Oh, wow. Her name is Kyle Holland Nicholls, not Kyle Avenue." Cassy said, a little angry, but more confused as to why her vocalist would lie.

"And she has a brother named Matt." Candice said, who had abandoned that file to find another that was filled with letters. The computer sounded off that it was on and Cassy began to start her internet search on their new touring buddies, Bring Me The Horizon.

"Look, here's a letter addressed to a Oli." Candice said, something striking her as familiar about the name. She opened and began reading, showing Mysha.

"And it's signed: Love, Holli (Oli w/ a H)" Mysha near whispered as the Oli Sykes video started. As a few moments passed, the girls heard something that perked their interest:

"I have a question for Oli, what's his favorite girl's name?"
"Best girl's name's got to be Holli, because its pretty much Oli with an H"

The girl's mouths were wide open because as soon as he said that, he sounded exactly likeHolli Kyle's accent.

"He sounds like Kyle." Candice said.

"Who sounds like me?" the girls turned as the video continued and they watched their vocalists face turn pale white when she saw the screen. Suddenly she looked as if she would faint. Candice and Cassy ran over to check on her, but Mysha turned off the monitor before starting over to help her friend, wondering what all of this could mean.
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oh, i love this story! Just because it's so...well, not really dramatic, but it's a web of lies falling apart, and this is only the beginning! Comments to tell me if you like it! You can help me write it...

Oh and if there are any mistakes, I'm sorry....I tried to type fast cuz i have a stupid curfew!