Status: Slow Progress

The Queens of Death Metal VS The Queens of Scene

Rescue Me


Matt Nicholls nearly jumped out of his seat with excitement when he heard the phone ring. But he stayed stationary as he fumbled for his phone.

"'Ello?" He asked, hoping it was who he thought it was.

"Hey this is Max Lee, Savage Artemis' manager..." Matt's heartbeat faster.

"Yes? And the girls decided...?" Matt closed his eyes, waiting for the answer that would truly mean his three year search was over.

"The girls have decided to come on tour, even Kyle agreed and she hates England..." Max trailed off as Matt suppressed his excitement.

"Well Max, that's great! Let me go tell my guys and your tickets and information should be on their way." Matt had already hung up his phone before Max could answer.

"GUYS!" Max screamed happily. "I FOUND HER!" Matt screamed to the near empty house, it's only occupants being Curtis Ward, Lee Malia, Matt Kean, and Matt Nicholls. Almost immediately after Matt yelled for them, the guys appeared in the doorway.

"What do you want Nicholls? Who did you find? Your girlfriend?" Lee asked, obviously tired from trying to fix his rift earlier. He was the one who fixed the confusion when both Matt's were in the room by calling them by their last names.

"No." Nicholls said and looked at Curtis for a guess.

"Your gay lover?" Curtis hated guessing games, and Nicholls knew why, it was because the rhythm guitarist was terrible at guessing anything when he was separated from his girlfriend. Nicholls just rolled his eyes at Curtis' answer.

"No." He looked at Kean for the last answer when Lee finally got it.

"Your sister! You found Holli!" He yelled, his energy magically zapped back into him, making him instantly hyper. Nicholls shook his head fiercely in agreement. "This is awesome!!"

"STOP." Curtis said, and it was plain to see that he had a thought so all the guys kept quiet to see if the fleeting thought would stay in Curtis' head. He commonly got the thought but couldn't hold onto it. "Look, if Oli knows, this could probably put him in his grave. He can't know."

"Well, duh." Nicholls said laughing. "I wasn't going to tell him until they get here."

"They?" Matt Kean asked, eyebrows raised.

"Yea, they?" Lee asked, all eyes now on Nicholls.

"My sister's band geniuses. Ya know, the one we're going on tour with?" He said like he had told them before [which he had, they had just been too drunk to remember] and they looked at him like they couldn't remember [which they couldn't they had too much to drink that night].

"Uh, your sister is willingly coming back to Sheffield?" Lee [and everyone else for that matter] knew about Holli's vow to never return to Sheffield.

"Well, actually she's coming on tour and the tour ends in Sheffield, which she won't know. And didn't, because she agreed to come on tour." Nicholls was excited, believing his prodigal sister actually wanted to see him again.

"What about Audrey?" Curtis asked, asking the question no one else dared to answer. "Once Holli gets here, we all know how Oli will act, depending on how she responds. I don't know if this is a good idea guys."

"No, it's ok. Audrey makes him happy—enough. He can deal with Holli being here." Lee said one thing, but believed exactly the opposite. He hoped Holli's arrival would shock Oli's brain into recognition that Audrey only wanted him for his money and that his real love was Holli.

"But..." Curtis started, but was cut off by Matt Kean.

"Remember who makes the best tea? And brings us the best snacks? Who cracks the funniest jokes, who makes everyone she knows happy? Yea, that’s Holli, so be happy that she's coming back. You know you miss her and want her back almost as much as Nicholls or Oli." Everyone looked at him and they realized that he was right. Holli was who their band was missing. She had been there for them from the beginning even helped them come up with their name, thanks to her addiction to Pirates of the Caribbean. They needed her desperately to be whole once again.

"You're right..." Curtis trailed off in disbelief, sitting back down on the couch where he had been before.

"Comes with the job, now let me guess what position the lil Nicholls is, uh, she plays bass because I do." Kean smiled brightly.

"Nope." Nicholls said, returning the smile and turning his attention to Lee.

"Lead guitar!" Lee exclaimed, still hyper from before. Nicholls shook his head no.

"Rhythm guitar!" Curtis yelled and Nicholls shook his head no. Then came the response.

"Vocalist!" and Nicholls nodded his head yes, then realized that it wasn't Curtis', Kean's or Lee's voice that called out the correct answer, but someone very well known to the band members, that shouldn't know about Holli quite yet.

A very drunk Oliver Sykes stumbled into the sitting room.

"Why are we shouting our positions guys?" He asked, before falling and almost hitting the couch, but Curtis jumped up and caught him. "Thanks, mate."

"To figure out which member of Savage Artemis we can talk to the most." Lee said, shrugging the conversation off with a weak excuse that could only fly with a wasted Oli.

"What the hell is a Savage Artemis?" Oli slurred as Curtis laid him on the couch. The guys rolled their eyes, but Oli couldn't tell.

"The chick metal band from America that we're going to be going on tour with soon, Oli." Kean tried to explain to the very drunk Oli. Lee came over to the couch to keep Oli from getting up and hurting himself in the strewed out sitting room. Curtis knew an incident may happen so he began to look for the laptop kept in this room, hidden and deeply password protected from the girlfriends. It was Oli's medicine when he was otherwise uncontrollable.

"Lee, get off me." Oli started, and the guys knew that an episode was going to happen unless they got him asleep quickly.

"Oli, just calm down, get some sleep, you look tired." Lee reassured Oli that this was the best thing to do. Just in case, Curtis started to navigate through the complicated pathways to get to the hidden folder in case the first two defenses were broken.

"Lee, I don't want to sleep, I want to drink more. Drink until...I don't exist!" Oli exclaimed, trying to get out of Lee's grip and getting angrier by the second. The guys knew that they were going to have to intervene soon. Curtis looked up at Lee and gave the thumbs up that he was ready when Lee was.

"Oli, this is your last chance now. I want you to sleep." Lee tried to hold Oli down, but Oli decided to get violent and tried to physically remove Lee from him by kicking him. Lee went flying from the couch and Curtis pressed play on the slideshow and ran over to the couch side.

"Hey Oli, you remember Holli! Here she is!" Curtis handed Oli that laptop that had started the slideshow of over a thousand pictures spanning a least a decade of pictures of Oli and Holli. When they were friends, when they were a couple and all the fun times they had together. It was the only thing that could reduce Oliver Sykes to tears. That orange haired, hazel eyed, quick witted, klutzy vocalist for Savage Artemis, otherwise known as Kyle Holli Holland Nicholls was the love of Oliver Scott Sykes' once-full-now-near-pathetic life.

"Holli..." he said as the slideshow continued, and like the best medication the rhythmatic changing of the pictures lured Oli to a Holli-filled dream-sleep. Curtis quickly snatched the laptop from Oli's hands and exited everything, and turned off the computer.

"We can not keep doing this." He told the guys as he hide the laptop once again.

"You can't keep doing what baby?" cooed Kiki Kannibal, Curtis' girlfriend and scene queen extraordinaire, followed by four others. "We carpooled." She giggled; tossing her teased and dyed bangs a little, but they fell back in the same place.

"Yea, that was so fun." Hanna Beth huffed as she sat down beside Lee. She just tossed her dark hair back.

"Oh, come on Hanna get a grip. It wasn't that bad." Dakota Rose said, waltzing in, her short blonde hair seeming near white. "Hey baby." She giggled pouncing on Matt Kean.

Jac Vanek came in with Audrey Kitching, Oli's girlfriend.

"Hello baby." Jac said, leaving her conversation with Audrey to go over to Matt Nicholls. Audrey looked around for Oli.

"Uh, where's Oli?" she asked, seemingly innocent.

"He's on the couch, asleep." Lee said, hoping this wouldn't get ugly.

"And why would he be sleeping at six in the afternoon?" Audrey asked, still trying to hold on to the innocence, but it was fading fast and everyone could see the sneer she wanted to place on the 'afternoon'. One look around the room and Audrey had her answer. "He's drunk again, isn't he? Dammit, Oli Sykes!"

Audrey began to stomp over to Oli, all her rage boiling down into one bring as much pain as possible to Oli Sykes. But someone stood up and blocked her way. A very tiny Hanna Beth blocked the very angry Audrey's path.

"Audrey, calm down." Hanna Beth knew Audrey was pissed and this little remark would probably not help, but she had to do something. She was tired of Audrey immediately thinking the world revolved around her and that every guy she was with loved her and only her. But Hanna knew different for Oli and she sympathized with him.

"Get out of my way." Audrey pushed Hanna onto Lee and marched over to Oli, delivering a slap that echoed through the room. Groggy, drunken and still dreaming, Oli Sykes woke up to an angry flaring orange headed, hazel eyed Holli. He blinked again, but Holli's angry image remained, camouflaging Audrey.

"Oli Sykes, this is it. I cannot deal with your drinking anymore!" She yelled as she turned to leave, for Oli it seemed he was losing Holli all over again, something he couldn't deal with. He jumped up and grabbed her.

"No, I'll...I'll...I'll stop drinking!" He exclaimed. Audrey tried to continue to leave.

"Not good enough."

"I'll do anything to keep you here.” Oli said, unwilling to lose Holli once again. Audrey stopped. She was used to having control over the guys she dated, but never Oli, she had never completely gotten control over him; something kept him inside, and devoted to...something / someone else. Slowly, she turned to face Oli.

"Anything?" she repeated, a smile creeping onto her face and an idea into her mind.

"Anything." He confirmed. Oli's mates knew something was up, Oli had that look in his eyes, the one he had when he begged Holli to stay...and she left.

"Then come with me, girls, care to tag along?" Audrey laughed and immediately Kiki, Dakota and Jac got up.

"Bye boys." They called to their boyfriends as they followed Audrey and Oli out the door.

"Finally, those stupid girls are gone." Hanna said, resting her head on Lee's shoulder. She hated to spend time with the other scene queens; she liked spending time with people who didn't talk about clothes and shoes all the time. Suddenly, she shot up.

"Did Audrey and her posse just leave with a drunken Oli and his wallet?" Hanna asked, worry creeping into her voice.

"Yea...oh shit." Lee said, finally getting what she meant. Audrey and three other big spenders were going to go shopping with Oli, who was drunk and couldn't fight her off.

"She's going to wipe out his bank account!” Hanna exclaimed, jumping up and pulling Lee with her. "Don't you know that girl needs 24 hour watching?" Hanna pulled Lee out of the room and the other guys looked at one another. Audrey couldn't be that mean, could she?

The guys jumped out of their seats, realization hitting all of them at once. Audrey was always after Oli's money, but last month when she saw Oli pull out one card and put it back, she had kept asking him what it was for, and Oli being the terrible liar he was, couldn't come up with an answer, and couldn’t tell her the truth.

And their worst fear was that a drunken Oli wouldn't be so careful. They didn't care if the girls tapped into the bands account, but the account that Oli had accidently pulled out wasn't the bands account, and it was so much more sacred than the bands account to the band. They were afraid of two things: one, when Oli opened his wallet [which he never did around Audrey] there lay a picture of Holli right in the front flap. Second, they were afraid he would be unable to guard the card for the account Audrey had been dying to get her hands on without knowing whose it was.

The account was Holli's account that contained nothing when she left England because she had taken it all with her. But Oli had continued to put more money in it as soon as he could so that when Holli returned she would have money and she would see that Oli had finally gained some responsibility and maybe, just maybe be able to take care of her. It was the only hope Oli had and if he let himself let Audrey use the large sum of money that was in it, he would not be very happy.

"What the hell is wrong with Oli guys?" Curtis asked, because he had been pondering the very same thoughts the guys had.

"I think his stupid, alcohol driven mind thought Audrey was Holli because he was smiling in his sleep like he was dreaming of her." Nicholls said, referring to his sister and a twinge of pain darkened his heart.

The guys looked at their drummer in amazement.

"Um, ok Nicholls, it'll be ok, we'll get their first." Curtis said, and silently he hoped he was right.

"It better be because if I Know Holli, she wont like Audrey very much, and I don't think she's lost any of her physical abilities either—which means Audrey wouldn't stand a chance." Nicholls finished darkly.
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sorry it sucks i know;
sorry about the pictures too